

A cute young girl in the daytime, a renowned assassin at night, Shaira shows no mercy to those who exploit others or treat others inhumanly. A ruthless billionaire in the daytime and the most feared boss of the underworld at night, Andrea's interest shifts to the renowned assassin who no one, not even his men, is yet to uncover her identity. All that is known to him is that the renowned assassin 'Ridder' is a woman and she is his alone.

Bolwajai · Ciudad
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16 Chs

Chapter Ten


In the Secretary's office of the Wells Corporation, the landline rings but there is no one to pick it up as the two available female secretaries have been fired.

"Let me try it again." The Chief Secretary of the Serf Oil and Gas Company says as the Directors and Shareholders present listens with bated breath.


Fortunately this time, Mr. Greene, one of the male secretaries who was away, walks in to meet the landline ringing.

"Hello, Secretary to the President speaking, who am I speaking with?" Mr. Greene asks formally.

"Good Day to you, I am Mrs. Bells, the Director of Offshore and Onshore Maintenance of Serf Oil and Gas Company and I will like to speak with your President, Mr. Wells."

"Please hold on Madam." He says and calls the President to confirm if he is willing to take the call.

"Hello Sir, there is a call for you on the second line from one Mrs. Bells, the Director of Offshore and Onshore Maintenance of Serf Oil and Gas Company."

"Okay, transfer it but first page Anish to immediately come to my office." Mr. Wells says.

After paging Mr. Burton and seeing him walk into the president's office, Mr. Greene transfers the call to the President's office.

Sitting down on the plush sofa seat across from the Boss' table, Anish reads the Boss' expression and presses down on the answer button.

"Hello President Wells, thank you for granting my request to speak with you." Mrs. Bells' voice filters out of the speaker.

"This is Anish Burton speaking on behalf of the President, what can we do for you, Mrs. Bells?" Mr. Burton speaks.

"Greetings Mr. Burton, concerning Serf Oil and Gas Company, I want to ask what we can do to avert this issue?"

While they were speaking, Mr. Burton has already provided every detail about Mrs. Bells' history.

"You are a smart woman Mrs. Bells, and I know you have a clue of what the solution is but since you and the other directors and shareholders have taken it upon yourselves to call, then I will make it simple."

In the Serf Oil and Gas conference room, the faces of those present widen in shock and surprise with indistinct murmurs.

"how does he know we are here as well?"

"Or are we tapped?"

"Is there a camera planted in this room?"

"No there must be a spy but who can it be?"

Being distracted by their indistinct murmurs, Mrs. Bells glares at them with her sharp and pointed eyes which undoubtedly keep them quiet.

"We are grateful to you for sparing us from our foolishness." Not wanting to directly say Mr. President, she uses 'you' which would not be too rude and it will soothe whatever meaning the listener(s) have in mind.

"The first option is for you all to vote out Mr. Serf both as the company's president and as a shareholder and vote in Mrs. Bells as the new President because she has proved her ability, expertise, and intelligence."

Hearing this, everyone in the Serf Conference room gulps down nervously.

"The second option is for the company to go bankrupt or if Mr. President is in a good mood and considering employees such as yourself Mrs. Bells, he will just cause it to wind up and liquidate its assets."

Not able to suppress their shock and fear, they exclaim loudly "ahh."

"You have four hours to decide and put things in place." Mr. Burton finalizes the discussion and immediately cuts the call.

Looking up at the Boss who leans his head back on the chair's headrest with a sly smile on his face, Mr. Burton keeps quiet waiting for him to speak.

After what feels like hours, he finally hears the softest voice which indicates that Boss is happy, "Anish, you did well. They will surely choose the first option so go buy 50% of the company's shares in the name Ridder. We will change the name once we find out her real name."

"Also, don't forget to spread the news in the underworld, so that she can know I have her at heart."

"Okay, Boss. Leave the rest to me." Happy that Boss spoke more than his usual one sentence, even though it is because of Ridder, he is still a part of Boss' good mood, he steps out of the office with a big smile on his face.