

"Again, Wendigo. You did it AGAIN." The man was looking at her almost with disgust. She swallowed, trying not to avert her gaze, since if he saw her attempts, she would get slapped through her face without remorse or any second-guessing.

"I didn't." she decided to defend herself. If she was about to die, she would do it in style. "Wasn't my fault."

"And whose was?" He raised his eyebrow. The gal called Wendigo shrugged, pointing another person with her chin, but saying absolutely nothing. "And you think that the police would just pass by, paying no mind?"

"So far nobody batted an eye." She snorted. "I don't get why now it would be any different."

"Maybe because you set the whole building on fire?"

"Ah, and that's so unusual in our ways, yes?" She raised her eyebrow, and then she shrugged, feeling more confident.

She stood up and went to the door.

"Hit me up when you have actually a reason to do so, boss."