
Silent regards

Watching how Fay's father's eyes widened in powerless fury and how Fay herself happily twitched in my arms, knowing full well I antagonized her father just to do her a solid… 

It felt pretty fucking great!

"Don't you feel too good about yourself now," Madam sighed, finally sparing some of her focus to the situation at hand over the threat looming in the distance of the field beyond the forest. "I still think it will be best for you two to go back."

I took a deep breath before glancing over at the nearby freezer Leinei and Fay brought to the bottom of the hill. 

"It will still take roughly two days before we can," I replied with the solid and unforgiving number. "So it is in our best interest to keep those invaders at bay until then."

In roughly two days, I would be able to take Fay and step through the portal back to Earth. But at the same time, it would conclude the process of establishing a stable gate.