
Richard The Ant

Richard becomes and ant after he dies. Join Richard as he try to survive in the insect world. Warning include -Child labor, Slavery, Violence, Death

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Richard becomes an Ant

(Buzz BuZz bUzz BUzz BuZZ BUZZ buzz) Have you ever wonder what it feels like to small and useless, pathetic and weak. It feels like sadness has surrounded you, all there is to the world is just darkness. And have you ever wonder what death feels like, pleasant? maybe, scary? perhaps, lonely? I don't think so. It just feels empty, like empty after you finished doing a great and long task.

(BUzZ bUzZ BUZz bUZz BUzZ) Now how do I know this, well because I have experienced it. Yes as you might have guess I died and I don't want to die again. One would think that after death, a soul would vanish completely or goes to either heaven or hell, some might even say that it would go into a womb to start a new life, a human life. But oh how wrong they were, like super wrong, my soul have somehow decided to go into a egg not just any egg, it's an ant egg.

(bUzZ BUZz buzZ bUZZ BuZZ) As I was saying I became an ant, I didn't expect to become an ant, no one would, so as a normal ex-human being would normally do, I panic. If I had a very loud noise , I would have scream myself to death, but I couldn't, I don't know why I couldn't, maybe because I don't have a vocal cord but maybe not , I'm no expert.

(Buzz BUZz BUZZ buzz BuZz) After I calm down, I explore the colony, I don't think one ant not working would effect a large colony. (Basic rule of survival No.1 'Know your Surrounding' 'It is import to learn about the environment as it could save your life one day') As I said it is a very large colony, water and foods are all abundent while it also provided shelter and protection. By the way I was curious what ants eat, I know they like sweets but I need to know what I am suppose to eat after a hard day of work. (Basic rule of survival No.2 'Food' 'You must know if you have food to survive today and tomorrow')Turns out, they eat other insect and some time leaves, since I don't like bugs, I'm just gonna eat leaves and sweets.

(BuZZ Buzz buzz BUZZ BUzZ) What surprise me is that there were multiple queen ants. Everyone should know that an ant colony usually only have one queen, but this, this bad boy got seven of them. Amazing I say. Well now I know why this colony is very big. Hmm should go and grab some water, I'm thirsty. (Basic rule of survival No.3 'Always be hydrated') But here's the thing, can you even get thirsty as an ant. Well it seems like you can.

(BUZZZ buzz BUZz BuzZ bUZz BUzz) Since this is a very big colony I thought that we would have a fortress, but come on an ant hill? We need some serious renovation here. (Basic rule of survival No.4 'Shelter and Protection is very important') Another thing I found out after I explore the Ant Hill is that I don't know what kind of ant we are and another thing is that I don't belong in any of the Ants types. There are three types of ant in a colony right? The soldier ants, the male worker ants and the female worker ants. But I can't seems to figure out what kind of ant I am. I have a smaller body than a soldier ants while also have slightly larger one than a worker ant. I also have those fangs thingy.

(Buzz BUzz BuZZ BuzZ bUZZ) Any way time to start working, lets gather some water, but first I need to find where we gather water from. I'm gonna follow a column and find out where the water source is. . .Wait! I can communicate with my fellow ants and ask where the water source is right? Let's try it out, (BUzz BUZZ buzz Buzz BUZz) "W-A-T-E-R" I said(?) to another ant. (BuzZ buZZ BUZzz buzz BuZZ) "T-H-E-R-E" A nerby ant replied. Wow didn't thought that it would actually work, Noice!

(BUZZ Buzz Buzz BUZZ) Wow, a stream. it's ... it's beautiful! Wait a minute?! Now that I think about it, do ants have eyes? Like I don't think so but I seems to be seeing stuff. Well another question added to my collection. It rhymes. So do I just pick up the water? Let me see how the others are doing it. THEY ARE PICKING UP THE WATER WITH THEIR MOUTHS! Can't believe it, it's fucking disgusting! . . . you know what I'm gonna do?! (Buzz BuZz bUzz BUzz BuZZ BUZZ buzz) Well I'm gonna store my own foods and water in my own tunnel cause these guys are disgusting! And by the way I am not gathering water with my mouth. I am going to use a piece of leaf to gather it like a 'BUCKET', I'm a genius! (Basic rule of survival No.5 'Clean Water and Food' But first I am going to need to dig myself a tunnel. so let's go back to the colony.


(BUZZ buzz ... ... ... ... ... BUZz BuzZ ... ... ... ... ... bUZz BUzz) Ok time to start digging ... ... ... ... ... "I've been working on the railroad, All the live long day, I've been working on the railroad, Just to pass the time away, Can't you hear the whistle blowing, Rise up so early in the morn, Can't you hear the whistle blowing, Dinah, blow your horn, Dinah won't you blow, Dinah won't you blow-... ... ... ... ...Someone's in the kitchen with dinah, Someone's in the kitchen I know, Someone's in the kitchen with dinah, Strumming on the old banjo, Fee fie fiddle eell o, Fee fie fiddle eell o, Fee fie fiddle eell o, Strumming on the old banjo."


(BuZZ Buzz buzz BUZZ BUzZ Buzz BUzz BuZZ *Cough* BuzZ bUZZ) Alright! My room is finish, time for a room tour. When you enter the room you can see the water storage tank made from leaf and insect glue on the left, on the right is the food shelves containing leaves and some candy I stole from the main food storage of the colony but we-don't-need-to- talk-about-that. And beside the water tank are some buckets and some wood pieces, and you ask me why I need the wood pieces? well that's because I will be making fire! Don't worry about the smoke because I have dug a chimney. You ask why I need fire? Well it's to cook the leaves of course! I discover that burnt leaves taste better than raw leaves. (Basic law of survival No.6 'Always burn you Food') Well another question you might be asking is how I can make fire! well it's easy since ants are strong, small and fast, I can using the old stick rubbing technique to start a fire! I am a genius. *Cough* Well not actually but still though, any way I have place my bed at the end of the tunnel, but when I say bed it's more like a leaf on the group. Ah home sweet home. Now time to go and actually gather some water. Let's grab the water bucket and leave.