
Rich and Powerful

Martin, an ordinary man burdened by financial struggles and a monotonous job, experiences a dramatic shift in his reality when he encounters a mysterious and powerful system. This enigmatic force, activated by peculiar chimes at noon and midnight, transforms Martin's life in ways he could never have anticipated. At noon, the system presents Martin with the opportunity to earn substantial financial rewards through an unpredictable multiplier based on his expenditures. The range of potential gains is vast, from modest refunds to astronomical sums. This discovery allows Martin to escape his financial woes, revealing the system's potential to alter his economic status dramatically. By midnight, the system grants Martin a chance to make a single wish with unknown limits and consequences. This dual-trigger mechanism introduces an element of high-stakes decision-making, challenging Martin to navigate his newfound power wisely.

Excommunicated · Ciudad
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97 Chs

[Bonus] Good Guy Martin

As dusk fell over the small town, Martin returned to his mother's house, Sky walking obediently by his side. The day had been fruitful; not only had he collected several aged plants, but he had also gained the trust of many of the town's elders.

His plan to exchange help for these life-force-rich plants had worked well, and he now had several samples to study in depth.

Entering the house, Martin greeted Alyssa, who was already preparing dinner. The warm scent of home-cooked food filled the kitchen, but Martin's mind was elsewhere.

After a brief meal with his mother, he excused himself, retreating to the small study room where his accumulated samples were stored.

Martin lit a single lamp, casting a dim glow over the table as he laid out the plant roots, herbs, and bark he had collected. The air was thick with the earthy smell of old wood and soil, but beneath it all, Martin could sense the faint pulse of life-force, quiet but undeniable.