
REWRITTING NARUTO: Reborn as author

Hey guys ! This is fanfiction I am writing in order to fix plot holes in og canon series . I am also adding few ideas from other animes and manga . This is an imagination of how would have wanted the show to be . I don't own any of the franchise or the rights on the show.

Blaze_56 · Cómic
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12 Chs


I rechecked the manga and gave it to my publisher so he can make copies and sell it to book shop owner. Within next three days , the manga got published and I received notification from system about the response of people on my manga . And it's increasing at a exponential rate which inturn gave me point that I used to awaken my devil fruit power. Awakening the devil fruit powers gave me ability to make paper and construct them as I pleased. After a two weeks, a line of publisher from the company have came for next issue of Naruto. The sales of Naruto was quite high especially if compared to any other first volume of manga. I had tell them all to leaves as if they stayed here ,I won't be able to next arc. They seems not to buy the reason but still left . I dailed up a company operative number, and told him to make the publishers out of my place. I later talked to one of investors on selling merchandise of the manga and got them to increase its popularity. A week before the deadline of second arc I decided to write the land of wave arc in two parts.

Manga summary


While Genin were normally assigned D-rank missions, Naruto insisted on doing something more exciting, and the Third Hokage agreed to send them on a C-rank mission to escort Tazuna, a master bridge-builder, back to the Land of Waves. During their mission, the team was attacked by two chūnin ( D rank on chunin scale) , enemies at a level that wasn't supposed to be encountered on a C-rank mission. Naruto, surprised by the chūnins' appearances, panicked and was struck by one of the chūnin's poisonous metal gauntlets. Sasuke, along with Hinata in Naruto's absence, dealt with the attackers quite efficiently, and Sasuke rubbed it in by one-upping of Naruto by calling him a "scaredy-cat". Once the attackers had been restrained, Naruto bled out the poison he had received by stabbing his wound with a kunai, swearing upon the pain in his hand never to freeze up and leave his friends to fend for themselves ever again. Hinata walks up to Naruto and does the first aid.

Kakashi, suspicions raised by the attack, asked Tazuna for the truth about the circumstances of the mission. Tazuna explained that all the towns in the Land of Waves had been taken over by a shipping magnate called Gatō, who had effectively bankrupted all the people of the country, and that the only way to revitalise the economy was by building a bridge to the mainland that could render moot Gatō's shipping monopoly. However, Gatō did not want that to happen, and used shinobi gangs to assert his control. Team 7's actual mission was to support and protect the bridge-building efforts that had been thwarted thus far.

Upon arrival at the Land of Waves and on the way to Tazuna's home, Naruto, bent on outdoing Sasuke, threw a kunai at a bush, surprising the other ninja and putting them on guard. Once it was clear that it was nothing, Sakura yelled at him for his apparent mistake, but Naruto threw another kunai at a bush in the other direction. Sakura hit him on the head this time, though Naruto swore he had sensed something. Hinata with suspicition activates her byuakugan ( no veins poping only in case of hinata ) and her pupils turn from honey orange to white pearl to look around.As it turned out, he had sensed a snow rabbit, which was now scared out of its mind due to the kunai only an inch from its head. Naruto apologised to and sympathised profusely with the rabbit, picking it up and hugging it to an extreme. While the others dismissed his antics as Naruto's usual idiocy, Kakashi noticed something strange about the rabbit: its fur was white. Snow rabbits are only white during winter, meaning that this rabbit had been raised indoors and therefore belonged to someone nearby. Hinata and Kakashi suddenly told everyone to duck as a giant sword spun past them, nearly killing them all. The sword embedded itself in a tree, and Zabuza Momochi, a missing-nin from Kirigakure, jumped onto its handle, intent on killing Tazuna. Kakashi( S rank), recognising Zabuza( A rank ) along with 5 other B rank shinobi's as a formidable opponents, revealed his Sharingan, saying that he will need to use it. Zabuza, honoured by Kakashi's willingness to play around, stated that he would consider it a testament to his own skill if he were to kill Kakashi. Voice rang out of two of the B rank ( on jonin scale ) shinobi , who turn up as an iwa shinobi, hates Kakashi due to exploit in iwa back in days.

First ,Zabuza ended the conversation with his Hiding in Mist Technique, summoning a thick veil of mist from the nearby lake in order to hide himself from the Sharingan. Kakashi ordered Team 7 to protect Tazuna, though Zabuza asserted that such protection was useless, instantly appearing in the centre of their formation. As Zabuza was about to make an attack with his sword, Kakashi raced toward them and stabs Zabuza in the stomach with his kunai just before his stroke could fall. Water poured out of Zabuza's body and it collapsed into a puddle as the real Zabuza appeared behind Kakashi, revealing that Zabuza had used the Water Clone Technique to fool Kakashi. Zabuza proceeded to slice Kakashi in half, but Kakashi's body too dissolved into water, surprising Zabuza as he realised that Kakashi's Sharingan must have copied the Water Clone Technique as Zabuza charged toward him. Kakashi appeared behind Zabuza, mocking him by saying that it was over.

To everyone's surprise, a second Zabuza appeared behind Kakashi and grabbed him, and the first Zabuza reverted to a pool of water.We have a Kakashi vs Zabuza duel while Other five surrounds them and distracts Kakashi. Suddenly Kakashi attempted to break free of theirs grasp, but was instead thrown into the nearby lake. As he emerged, Zabuza trapped him within his Water Prison Technique, leaving Naruto, Sasuke, Hinata and Sakura to defend against 5 shinobi. Kakashi told the genin to run, but Naruto remembered the oath that he had made to himself, and entered the fight so that they could save Kakashi and keep Tazuna alive. Naruto created a number of shadow clones that proceeded to completely surround the other ninja but kicked back by one of iwa ninja's . Zabuza's clone swung his sword, and the shadow clones scattered and disappeared, forcing the only remaining Naruto to reach into his backpack and pull out a fūma shuriken, which he gave to Sasuke. Sasuke, sensing Naruto's plan, hurled the fūma shuriken at Zabuza, who easily grabbed it from the air. To his surprise, a second shuriken was hiding in the shadow of the first due to Sasuke's Shadow Shuriken Technique, and Zabuza was forced to leap over it to avoid being damaged. Once past one of the shinobi , the second shuriken turned into Naruto, who had transformed himself. Naruto threw a kunai at Zabuza, who, unable to dodge it while maintaining the Water Prison Technique, was forced to release Kakashi from his prison in order to avoid the attack. Zabuza was about to swung his sword to cut Naruto only for hinata to throw smoke tag kunai accurately at them as distraction for Sakura to substitute and punches three of the five other shinobi chakra enhanced punch( she doesn't know she is unconsciously enhancing her first). 

Naruto substitute with exploding clones and return back next to tazuna saving him from a kunai thrown by one of iwa shinobi who slipped through there eyes due to mist .

With Kakashi free, Zabuza was forced to commence their battle, and the two used multiple Water Release techniques against each other. Due to his Sharingan, Kakashi was able to take the upper hand and defeat Zabuza with Zabuza's own attack.

Kakashi then kills four out of five shinobi other than zabuza with his shadow clones. Last one escapes. Just as Kakashi was about to make the final blow, a masked ninja, later revealed to be named Haku, appeared to kill Zabuza by impaling Zabuza's neck with several senbon. After revealing himself to be a hunter-nin sent to kill Zabuza, he disappeared with Zabuza's body. Kakashi, momentarily satisfied with this turn of events, decided that it was time to continue escorting Tazuna home, only to collapse due to chakra exhaustion seconds later as a result of his overuse of the Sharingan and unnoticed by all suppressing a seal at back of his neck ( curse seal by Orochimaru, there is story behind it ). Kakashi is later seen bed ridden, and with a crutch as a result of this battle.

Kakashi was taken to Tazuna's home for recovery, and as he rested he made the observation that Zabuza's apparent death was odd: when hunter-nin killed their target, they usually began to destroy it on the spot. On the other hand, the ninja whom they'd met had taken Zabuza's body elsewhere instead of operating immediately. This, coupled with the fact that Zabuza had been "killed" with senbon, weapons that were rarely fatal and also useful for knocking people out, led Kakashi to believe that Zabuza was still alive, and that he would be back to finish Tazuna's assassination. Elsewhere, Zabuza was revived by Haku, and, although he would need time to recover, he promised to crush Kakashi when next they met.

With Zabuza's return a likely outcome, Kakashi took Team 7 to the nearby woods for chakra training, and told them that the training would require them to learn to climb trees without using their hands. Naruto made the observation that this is not impossible as he have seen some and tried to do but he couldn't , but Kakashi, in crutches, managed to climb the tree with ease, and explained that the key to doing so was focusing chakra to the soles of the feet. Kakashi ask Sakura being the smart one explain about chakra . Sakura explains them . Kakashi then add that chakra is itself made up of two components; yin and yang which can be further divided int four more components that's not taught in academy and they will learn under him about it in future .The four genin all made an attempt: Naruto, not using enough chakra, took only one step before falling back to the ground; Sasuke was able to make it a good distance up the trunk, though he damaged it as a result of using too much chakra; and Sakura, having perfect control over her chakra, made it to a high branch on her first attempt, finishing her training along with Hinata who before getting disowned by clan did learn it. For the boys, however, the training continues, and Naruto, still unable to make it far up the tree, asked hinata for advice. Hinata happily complied, and Kakashi made the observation that Naruto was finally getting a good grasp on teamwork.


To be continued...

(A/N : Hey guy I am going to include some of powers from different manga so comment be which power should I add like haki, chi ,etc . Also I am trying to make it look like team 7 arc to cover 12 episode whereas Land of wave 23 episode while in canon episode 1-33 is Land of wave . 

I have made the power system much more flexible as only in certain scale all characters belong like Kakashi is an AMBU level rank S but on Kage scale - Kage level rank B or Sasuke is Academy level rank A but on Genin scale - Genin level rank D

This rank not only represent experience but also represent achievement on a post like Genin , Chunin or Jonin . Certain rank represent the tier in they belong at the post like for two chunin ,one may rank B and other may rank C . 

Also vote me below 👇)