

He played "The wants what it wants by Selena Gomez".

Dano....Sorry Keren, i want to dance with someone else.

He went to Riya who was looking at Henry and Claire dancing.

Dano....May i have this dance?

Riya....Ye...ye....yes, you may.

He gently held her waist and she wrapped her hands around his neck, he looked in her eyes but she looked away feeling shy.

Dano....You look prettier.

Riya...Thanks.Do you like the song?

Dano....I do, am a huge Selena Gomez fan and the song is right for the mood.

Riya....I see.

Dano....Why cant you look me in the eyes?

Riya....Huh? Me?? Its just that....

Dano....Now i know the answer to my questions.

As he was still talking, Riya suddenly kissed him hard on the lips.Henry and Keren were shocked, after, she ran away and Dano followed her.

Dano....Riya wait up.

Riya....Stop following me.

Dano....First hear me out, please! Riya, i fell for you, cant you see that am so into you?

Riya stopped, Dano went to her and faced her.

Dano....You know what i mean, after that night at the ranch, i never stopped thinking about you until i figured it out that i love you.

Riya....But....we cant.

Dano....Yes we can, just give me time to prove myself to you, please Riya give me a chance.

He held her face and kissed her on the forehead,on her nose, on both her cheecks and then her lips.

Riya....I will...think about it.

Dano....I know, but lets enjoy the moment while we still can.Lets have fun for now and forget about the world.

He kissed her again sweetly and they went back inside, they started dancing again while kissing from time to time.Keren angrily left the party, so did Henry.

Later, the party ended and everyone left.Timo sent her a present since he didnt show up.Dano stayed with her after the party.

Dano....The party was good.

Riya....Thanks...and thanks for making it special.

Dano....Come on, i want us to talk while looking in eachothers eyes, its a special connection.

Riya walked away feeling shy, Dano held her hand.

Dano....Have you ever been in love?

Riya....Huh? Ummm...yeah.

Dano....I see, well for me, its the second time falling for girl and it feels real.


Dano....Riya, can i be your suitor?


Dano....I want to be your lover, can you please give me a chance to make you mine?

Riya....Well....you have to work hard cause am not an easy catch.

Dano.....Got it, i will win your heart in no time.Anyway, i should let you rest for now.

Riya....Just like that? No! I mean....i have enough time to rest tomorrow.

Dano.....So, you want me to stay a bit longer?

Riya.....Its not what i meant.(Please stay, dont go yet cause i still want you by my side.)

Dano....Hahahaha....i get it.

He kissed her and stopped, she grabbed his neck and kissed him harder, he kissed her back.His phone rung, it was Ora calling him.

Dano....I almost forgot, we have plans for tonight with my aunt, so, i have to go.

Riya....Okay, good night.

He kissed her again and then left.Riya went to her bed and started jumping on it up and down.

Riya....I've never been this happy in a while now, this guy really knows how to kiss, how to hold my waist and how to give me butterflies.Its been years since i experienced this love feeling, i can now finally move on from Henry.

Dano took Ora to the hospital for a check up on her cancer and after they went back home.

Ora....Someone is happy, tell me Dano, what really happened at the party? Did you get a girl there? The one you told me about.

Dano....Where should i start from aunt? This girl is Riya, our neighbour.

Ora....Riya? Seriously? Oh boy, that girl is pretty and hardworking.I knew that you liked her the first time you saw her.

Dano.....I didnt know at first, but aunt, i love this feeling because am so happy.

Ora....Look at you dear, your now a man who even has a girlfriend.

Dano.....She is not my girlfriend yet, but she wil be soon because am sure that she likes me too.

Ora.....Love is a very beautiful thing dear and it makes the world go round.Am so happy that your finally experiencing it.

Dano.....Thanks aunt, i need to wash up, good night, love you.

Ora....Love you too dear.

In the morning, Riya went to the company and Dano also went to his company too.

Keren....Boss, are you in a relationship with Dano?

Riya....Sort of, lets focus on work.

Zoe....You have an interview on monday morning.

John.....You also have papers to sign.

Riya....I get it, am busy so lets start working.

She started working as usual, at lunch time, Dano sent her food at work and he called her.


Dano....Hi, i wanted us to go out for lunch but am kinda busy, so, am sorry.

Riya....Dont be, i like this food though, thanks.

Dano....Lets go on a date sometime.

Riya....Okay, i will look forward to it.

Dano....Good day, bye.

He ended the call, Riya put her hand on her chest.

Riya....His making me fall for him harder, now my heart cant stop beating.I want to see him soon, gosh! This is what love is all about.Back to work, focus Riya.

After eating lunch, she resumed to her work but kept thinking about Dano, and Dano kept thinking about her.At night, after finishing her work, Dano waited for her outside with flowers.

Dano.....Hi, suprise!

Riya....This was unexpected...i thought you were busy.

Dano....Iam, but i can always fix time to see you.


Dano....Lets go on a date, for dinner.


He gave her the flowers and opened for her the car door, they left.They ate dinner together and after he took her home.

Dano....It was a lovely evening.

Riya....It sure was.

Dano....Good night.

As he was walking away, Riya pulled him closer to herself and kissed him.