

Riya.....Ring...come back! Its gone, what am i supposed to do yet i dont even where iam.

Ring disappeared on from her finger, she heard a knock on the door.

Riya....Shit! What do i do? Ummm...come in please.

Maid....Good morning Riya, breakfast is ready and everyone is waiting for you downstairs.

Riya.....Okay, i will be there in a minute.

Maid....Lets pick your clothes since its almost time for you to go to school.

Riya.....Umm..yeah, sure.

She helped her and she dressed up.

Maid.....Lead the way please.

Riya.....Wait...which year and month is this?

Maid.....Huh? Youve forgotten? Its 2028, march.

Riya.....What?? Ok...okay.Wait again, who and who are waiting for me downstairs?

Maid.....Your mum and sister ofcourse.

Riya.....I know...hahaha...sorry, my bad.(Hope i fit in, but i was in 2024, and now am fours years in the future? This is kinda scary.)

They went downstairs and she sat down.

Riya.....Good morning mum.

Mum....Good morning darling.

Oprah....Riya, lets eat quickly because we have an exam today.

Riya.....An exam?

Oprah.....Have you forgotten?

Riya.....Nooo...ofcourse i remember.(Gosh, these people are so rich.But how come that am a member of this family? Ring has to tell me more about this time travelling thing, am so confused.)

After eating breakfast, they were taken to school by their driver.Riya was amazed because she has never lived a wealth life like she in now.They arrived at school.

Oprah....Lets do this and make mum proud.

Riya....Yeah...sure.(Am surely going to fail because i know nothing about this era.Help me God so that it all goes well for me.)

They went to class, later, the teacher arrived and gave out papers.Riya knew nothing about the questions, Oprah was sitting besides and threw her a paper full of answers while the teacher was looking away.

Riya.....(So these are the answers? Aww! She is a kind sister and am glad to have a sister and a friend.This era might be good for me, am.looking forward to the good times and good memories am going to make here.)

After, the exam was over and they met.

Riya.....Girl, you saved me, i was stuck and didnt know what to write.

Oprah....Dont worry, i will always have your back.Lets go watch a movie.


They went to buy movie tickets but Riya was looking around since everything she saw was new to her.As she was still looking around, she set her eyes on hot charming guy and they were stuck.



Riya.....Oh, hi..i mean yeah.

Oprah....Hahaha...what are you looking at?


Oprah.....Lets go inside, i've got the tickets and popcorn.Here, hold the soda, lets go.


They went inside and sat down.

Riya.....(Wow! This is beautiful, luckily i got to see everything in this era before i die because its all new and amazing to see.)

She saw the guy from earlier seated besides Oprah.

Riya.....(Gosh! His the guy i saw at the entrance.I wish i can switch seats with Oprah, but he will obviously know that am after him.)

The movie started but she kept sneakingly looking at the hot guy sitting next to Oprah.The guy was staring at Oprah instead, Riya noticed.

Riya....(Wait....why does he keep staring at Oprah? Damn! He likes her....whatever! Move on Riya, just have fun as you wait for ring to show up again.)

The movie ended but Riya failed to take her eyes off the hot guy, yet the hot guy was focused on Oprah.They went outside and their driver fetched them and took them home.

Oprah.....The movie was great, am sure you liked it more because you have a crush on that guy.

Riya.....You...knew? You noticed?

Oprah....Ofcourse i already know because you even follow him on instagram.You said it yourself that his your favourite actor.

Riya.....Ohhh...you mean the actor, ofcourse i do like him.

Oprah....Go and rest as i cook for you something delicious.

Riya.....Really? Thanks Oprah, your the best.

She went to her room happily thinking about the guy she saw.

Riya.....He was perfect, will i even ever see him again? I dont think so, it was a coincedence so i should forget about him already.

She slept and woke up later, Oprah served her dinner in bed and she left.

Riya.....It smells nice, but why is she doinng this for me yet their is a maid here? Maybe she likes me so much, thats why.

The next morning, they had breakfast and went to school, only to find the guy Riya saw in class, she was suprised.