

Judgement academy, a school known for its strict punishment of delinquent behaviour. Even so, there are still those who don't fall in line, from graffiti artists to violent thugs, there are those who just don't listen to authority. I was once like this, but thankfully, I was given a second chance and now that I've changed, I plan to use it to the fullest.

My name is Seth Catar, and I'm two months into my third year of high school, and currently, I'm standing in a crowd of students in front of the towering gates of my new school: Judgement, after being kicked out of my old one for causing my fair share of trouble. Regardless of all that, however, I've forced myself to change.

My first few years of high school were unrecognisable looking back. After all, back then I was practically a gangster: I carried around a metal bat and styled my black hair in a Pompadour that I dyed like every other juvenile delinquent out there. Fortunately, now that I've been reformed, my hair isn't as colourful as it used to be. Also, I wear glasses that don't affect my eyesight; a vanity choice to help me transition into my new self.

Soon, the noisy crowd of students cushioning me swiftly decreased in size until there was complete silence and I stood alone in the empty street. Or so I thought, until a girl's voice suddenly broke the silence, calling me out for my loitering.

"Don't just stand there," she said, "you'll be late." The voice came from beyond the gate and her face was hidden by a wall adjacent to the massive metal fence, so I just assumed that she was a probably high-pitched, short teacher, and so, without hesitation, I rushed into the gate, but I was quickly stopped in my tracks, "are you a new student?" she asked, changing her tone to a less demanding one.

I turned around, only to be surprised by her short stature and young face. She was a student, no doubt about it, with long brown hair and black square glasses, although her uniform was visibly different from mine, as she was wearing a white, almost military outfit. "Perhaps she's on some kind of special duty," I speculated.

Either way, I was running out of time, taken aback by her sudden question, I answered nervously, "y-yes, I am."

She took one glance at me, then stared at the outside of the school, "I guess I should show you where to go then," she sighed, closing the gate with haste. Her strength was certainly impressive and before I knew it, we started walking together, as she took the lead slightly ahead of me, moving towards the school building.

I was a little confused as to why a student was guarding the gate so I asked her about it, and she responded confidently, "the teachers are busy organising a special assembly to revote the student council president today, so I was asked to take care of this," she paused, and then continued, "I'll take you to the assembly hall, and when the assembly finishes I'll take you to your homeroom." I nodded in response.

Student councils? I was never interested in that sort of thing, but when we made it to the packed hall, and after the girl left my side, I decided that I might as well just sit through it and listen to what the had to say.