
Revolt against the Heavens

In the Hongchen Kingdom, a human land surrounded by dangerous enemies, the Cao family is victim of a terrible massacre. The young son, Cao Yun, survives and must pave his way to the summit of the cultivation world while hiding who he is in the hope of avenging his family. Will he find out the whole truth? What cultivation level will he attain? And what mysteries will he uncover on this path of revenge?

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580 Chs

Chapter 243: Evil Buddha's mercy

All around Can Mouye, the dust from the black rocks destroyed by Huang Liyue's attack was swirling more and more violently. That dust was almost entirely made of Death Energy and Evil Qi. Before entering in this world he would have never been able to control so much of it, even with his 'Tianfomo's Compassion' that was specialized in it. But thanks to his new master, not only all his seals had been erased, he had also learned how to control both of those energies to unprecedented heights.

Can Mouye was even convinced that he had greatly exceeded his own master in Evil Qi mastery. Maybe, Mo Tian himself was inferior to him on that aspect. Of course, both of them were powerful Spirit Warriors. Through sheer force they could still control that much Evil Qi, but if they had Can Mouye's cultivation, they would probably be vastly inferior.

With this much ominous energy around him, Can Mouye poured everything in his 'Tianfomo's Compassion'.

From the mountains, a giant figure appeared. It was made of pure gold and as it ascended in the air, the dead world seemed to be brimming with light. However, this light was strangely terrifying. Such a golden aura should have felt pure and benevolent, but instead, it seemed like the final light one would see before dying. And as the light became brighter and brighter, the figure started to take physical form. It was a man sitting cross-legged. He was only wearing pants while his belly was fully exposed. That man was extremely plump and full of life. Both of his eyes were closed and he was smiling with intense joy. Completely bald, he had thick eyebrows and a large pimple right between them. In addition, his earlobes were extremely deformed, both elongated and enlarged.

His entire body exuded golden light. While his face seemed to be jovial and full of life, Cao Yun and Huang Liyue saw something else in him. That Qi Manifestation would kill anything without batting an eye and without losing this permanent smile. The compassion of this fake Buddha meant death to all. Only in permanent death would all living beings find salvation. That feeling was rather vague but that was what both of them felt by watching that giant golden Buddha.

That smiling Buddha was Tianfomo, the Evil Heavenly Buddha. In order to bring compassion and salvation to all, he had to exterminate all. Death of everything was the ultimate form of compassion as all reincarnations would then stop. Until every single living being was dead, no real salvation could be reached by anyone. To stop pain and sufferings, death and rebirth, all had to die. Then, true happiness would exist in the universe.

Behind Tianfomo, thousands of arms were forming a perfect circle. Each hand had manifested with a specific gesture. Although there were thousands of hands, they all had a unique mudra. And once the Evil Heavenly Buddha was fully manifested, his hands all started to move in order to bring compassion to all living beings. And there were only three living beings around him, Cao Yun, Huang Liyue and the egg. Obviously, Can Mouye was not part of the living beings targeted because he was the one who was controlling this Qi Manifestation.

The Evil Heavenly Buddha's compassion had to be accepted!

'Everlasting Salvation'!

Hundreds of arms started to move. From the sky, many palms got manifested and began to rain down on Huang Liyue. The bodyguard was unfortunately too weak to use the most powerful moves from 'Ten Thousands Fiery Wheel'. In fact, she was not even sure whether she could mobilize all five of her True Fiery Drops. Right now, she had only activated two of them and she was already feeling a terrible pain through her entire chest. Although she had regained some Qi, she had not been able to heal her wounds. In a last effort, she could probably use her spiritual senses and make quick work of this Evil Heavenly Buddha. But then, she would really die. And after her, Cao Yun would die as well.

Besides, this demonic cultivator had probably a lot of information that would be very beneficial to the Huang family. Thus, if she wanted to protect her family, she also had to make sure that he was captured alive. For once, they could maybe make a demonic cultivator talk without seeing him burst into flames. But for that, she needed to stay alive first.

'Bright Dawn Wheel'.

Several dozens of her 'Myriad Inferno Feathers' left her spatial ring and formed many wheels of fire hovering over Huang Liyue. Even with her speed, the palms were too fast to dodge all of them. Around fifty of them fell on top of her. Each shock was incredibly intense but her iron fans protected her. However, each strike was also composed of Evil Qi and Death Energy. Cao Yun had gotten all of it outside of her but her body was being assaulted by them once more.

Of course, Cao Yun would not let his new bodyguard risk her life without doing anything. Although she had literally told him that she could not forgive him for the Huang blood he had shed, she was still honoring her words. Huang Liyue could have agreed with the demonic cultivator, even to merely gain some time. But instead, she had decided to risk her life to try and protect Cao Yun. Of course, he could not let her do it without helping her in return.

In his sea of consciousness, he activated his Chamber of Medicine Field and pushed his Five Agents and his Drop of Wrath to their limit. With the intent from the Drop of Wrath, all the Evil Qi around him was absorbed. There was a lot of it, but considering Huang Liyue's wounds, he could not let her get infected again. The same was true for the egg. Thankfully, the egg was still in contact with the 6-demonic core and was being saturated by this Qi.

On the ground, Can Mouye could feel that almost all of the Evil Qi and Death Energy were being absorbed by Cao Yun. Thanks to Huang Liyue's defense, the density of both of those energies had been greatly reduced as they were being burned by her flames. Still, no Mortal should have been able to survive the corrosion of that amount. Cleansed Asura had been right. This boy truly had a treasure in his body. Can Mouye had not been told what that treasure was exactly, but his new master had indeed told him that 'Chen Guo' was Cao Yun and that he wanted to get back what was his. That thing was hidden in his body and would help him survive Evil Qi.

Now there was no more doubt in Can Mouye, what Cleansed Asura had told him was true. But that didn't mean that everything else was true as well. After spending so much time with demonic cultivators, Can Mouye knew that trust was a weakness. The best way to hide a lie was within truth itself. No matter how much Cleansed Asura's words would turn out to be true, Can Mouye would still doubt every single detail until he had been able to verify them himself.

But for now, Can Mouye focused on killing the running boy. Last time, he had let Cao Yun escape all the way to the veil of darkness. He really didn't want that situation to repeat itself. Right away, he mobilized all of his strength.

'Infinite Wisdom'!

This time a gigantic palm appeared right beneath Huang Liyue. The hand itself was at least twenty times Huang Liyue's size. Even compared with the image of the Evil Heavenly Buddha, it was out of proportion. In the middle of the palm, on the golden skin, there was a character engraved. Neither Huang Liyue nor Cao Yun could read it, but it didn't bode anything good. Quickly, this was proved as Huang Liyue realized that she was barely moving. Although she was activating her movement techniques, the surroundings never changed. They were both stuck inside this giant palm.

'Inferno Choking Claws'!

Huang Liyue sent her iron fans toward the palm below. At the moment of impact, they opened and sliced through the Qi Manifestation. The first target of Huang Liyue was the strange character. After several attacks, it was completely destroyed and the palm started to disappear while Huang Liyue's iron fan on which she was standing with Cao Yun recovered all of its speed and some more.

However, this technique had only been a delaying strategy. Still in the mountains, Can Mouye had produced several thousands of mudra. Now that he was done, a change occurred in the Evil Heavenly Buddha. The two giants eyelids closed under his thick eyebrows slowly began to shake. Even more slowly, they began to open and let out a more terrifying light. While his entire body was golden, that light was pure black.

'Life Eradication'.

Once his eyes were perfectly opened, the world around the Evil Heavenly Buddha became even darker than with the gray light from this dead world. All the way to his own golden light, no more color existed in this world. Then, that deadly light got focused and two beams of dead light were hurtled toward Huang Liyue.

'Illuminated Peacock Wheel'!

Her second 'Ironclad Wheel' appeared from her spatial ring and Huang Liyue sent it against those beams of dead light. Upon impact, the iron fan turned into a magnificent peacock wheel full of all the colors of life. High in the sky, there was a fight between life and death. On one side, the world was devoid of colors while on the other side, myriads of colors crisscrossed the dead world. But the more Huang Liyue used her martial arts, the more she was suffering.

Although Can Mouye was a mere Mortal Warrior, with all this Evil Qi and Death Energy around him, he was in fact almost as strong as an early Spirit Warrior. In itself, this was a miracle Huang Liyue would have never thought possible. Clearly the master he had talked about had given him new methods to control Evil Qi. If the demonic cultivators in the Hongchen Kingdom were able to do so, they would be even greater threats. In fact, the kingdom would have maybe fallen already...

At that moment Huang Liyue realized something. She had to leave this place, yes, but she also had to make sure that neither Can Mouye nor his master could. If they were able to get outside and ally themselves with the other demonic cultivators, the consequences would be terrible. However, all the objectives she had seemed more and more impossible. She wasn't even sure whether she would survive this very encounter. And yet, she was deluding herself into thinking she could stop Can Mouye's new master...

When this thought crossed her mind, Huang Liyue circulated Cao Yun's altered mind cultivation and regained her fighting spirit. She had one last trump card to try out. If that failed as well, then she would be forced to try and expand her Soul Embryo. With it, she could directly attack Can Mouye's soul. No matter how powerful he was, as a Mortal Warrior, he would have almost no way to defend against her Soul Embryo. But then, she would probably die as well.

'Fenghuang Soars From Kunlun'!

Huang Liyue forced the activation of her five True Fiery Drops. They were burning inside her heart. Grinding her teeth, she stood the pain and a giant True Fiery Fenghuang flew from her body toward the 'Ironclad Wheel' blocking the two beams of dead light. At the precise moment of impact, the world got flooded with life and lights of all colors. That light was so bright that even the Evil Heavenly Buddha closed his eyes. So did Can Mouye still in the black mountains.

Hidden by this blinding light, Huang Liyue took out something from her spatial ring and sent Cao Yun inside. With the light, even he could not see a thing. But he felt that he had fallen unto a solid floor made of wood. Then, he heard Huang Liyue's foot touching the same wooden floor. Immediately after, he felt an incredible force exerted on his body and Huang Liyue's body behind him preventing him from falling backward. Apparently, he was accelerating like never before. In fact, there was a powerful sonic boom echoing all around the two of them.

With the intense light, not only could Can Mouye not see a thing, but even his senses were dull. But when finally he was able to see what was going on, there was a small boat flying away. This was a traditional junk ship. But its sails were horizontal and on the sides, just like wings. On top of that junk, there was a small wooden room as well. What shocked Can Mouye though was the speed of the boat. But after losing Cao Yun once when he had been following Xiong Nixie's orders, he was not going to fail again while under his new master.

This time, he had prepared accordingly. From his spatial ring, the skeleton of a big demonic beast appeared. The bones had been engraved with several markings similar to the ones Can Mouye had seen in the tunnels and in the Bone Warrior he had followed all the way to his master. Furthermore, if Cao Yun had been there, he would have recognized the skeleton right away. This was the skeleton of a Mountain Fenghuang, most likely Huang'er's.

Every bone had been thoroughly preserved and they were shining white. Although there was no ligament or no flesh of any kind, the skeleton started to fly and Can Mouye rode on it. Quickly, he rose in the air and flew toward the fleeing ship. Unfortunately for him, his skeleton beast was way slower than that ship. That was when he activated his movement technique.

'Three Steps to Cross the World'.

Evil Qi and Death Energy enveloped both Can Mouye and the dead Huang'er. As a result, their speed skyrocketed. And just like the junk ship, they exceeded the speed of sound. Yet, they were still slower than the junk ship. The big difference though was that that flying ship was maneuvered by a weakened Huang Liyue. Hopefully for Can Mouye, she would be out of stamina before he would. Then, he could take his time to make sure to eliminate Cao Yun and retrieve his body without endangering himself too much.