
President Gu was slapped

Of course, only Gu Jingchen slept soundly that night.

Early in the morning, Gu Jingchen's mood was filled with depression.

With the light of the wall lamp, Gu Jingchen opened his eyes.

Nanzai was swaying in her sleep, with one hand cruelly pressing against Gu Jingchen's neck. Her chubby calves transformed into a "human" shape and fell into a deep sleep.

Gu Jingchen had a headache and didn't know who Nan was following.

He carefully covered Nanzhai with a blanket. Gu Jingchen stood up and walked to the other side of the bed.

Mu Nansheng slept soundly, with a slightly open mouth and a charming sleeping face.

Gu Jingchen looked at Mu Nansheng's peaceful sleeping face, bent down, and respectfully kissed Mu Nansheng's forehead.

"Good night, girl."

Gu Jingchen murmured softly and expressed his love to the girl he liked that night.

Mu Nansheng frowned slightly, as if about to wake up, and looked at Gu Jingchen.

Gu Jingchen's heart sank and he gently hugged Mu Nansheng, afraid that he might accidentally fall under the bed.

"A short and chubby person -"

Mu Nansheng slapped Gu Jingchen directly in the face.

"Hmph, dear. I'm going to make you cry."

Gu Jingchen looked weakly at Mu Nansheng, who was half bent and asleep by the bed.

What's going on?

Mu Nansheng waved his hand again and said, "I want you to take your husband away from me!"

Mu Nansheng opened his mouth and fell asleep again.

Gu Jingchen reluctantly raised the corner of his lips, thinking it was Mu Nan Snake talking in her sleep.

After being beaten for no reason, Mr. Gu was a bit angry, but it was his wife who slapped him in the face.

Fortunately, this sentence was spoken by Mu Nansheng himself, and he was not angry or careless.

The wall lamp was dim, and Gu Jingchen watched as the Mu Nan snake stretched out its tongue and casually fell asleep.

Okay, the next one to suffer will be him.

Sooner or later, he will lie in bed crying, seeking revenge for this slap.

Gu Jingchen has already made up his mind. Mu Nansheng, who was still sleeping, did not know that he had been recorded in Mr. Gu's small notebook in his mind.

Gu Jingchen turned off the wall lamp, held Mu Nanshe in his arms, lay on the side of the bed, and closed his eyes.

The night is long, the wind is light, lovers are tied together, and love is as deep as the sea.

Early in the morning, Gu Jingchen was the first to wake up according to his biological clock.

Gu Jingchen opened his eyes and lowered his head to kiss Mu Nansheng's forehead.

Mu Nansheng slept soundly, his hands clasped together, and his whole body was wrapped in the warm embrace of Gu Jingchen.

The corner of Mu Nan's snake's mouth was raised, as if she had had had a beautiful dream.

There were no clothes or daily necessities for Gu Jingchen in the master bedroom, so Gu Jingchen had to get up and return to the lounge.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, Gu Jingchen realized something was wrong.

Half of the face turned red.

Yes, it's red.

This Friday, Gu Jingchen is going to the company.

Gu Jingchen was used to arranging Nanzi's daily life and also used to embracing Nanzi as usual.

Nanzi had disheveled hair and a chubby face lying on the bed.

Nanzi blinked and saw Gu Jingchen. He raised his hand and said, "Dad, hold me."

Gu Jingchen bent down and hugged Nan Zai, stroking his hair and lowering his voice.

-Shut up, your mother is still sleeping.

Upon hearing this, Nanzi turned his head to look at Mu Nansheng on the bed.



Gu Jingchen took Nan Zi to the nursery to take a shower.

After replacing Nanji with denim overalls, Gu Jingchen realized it was too late and patted her head.

"Nanzhai, wake up your mother."

Nanzi nodded and walked unsteadily into the master bedroom, lying on top of Mu Nanshe.

"Mom, get up, get up."

Mu Nansheng absentmindedly heard Nanzi's voice and stood up with difficulty.

Mu Nansheng yawned, rubbed his hair, and greeted Nan Zi with a smile.

"Good morning, baby."

Nanzai Mu kissed Nansheng. "Good morning, Mom."

At this moment, Mu Nansheng struggled to stand up and looked around, but there was no figure of Gu Jingchen.

-Mom, are you looking for dad?

Nanzi is his hometown, so he asked Mu Nansheng.

Mu Nansheng nodded shyly.

"My dad is waiting downstairs for us to have breakfast."

Upon hearing this, Mu Nansheng didn't want Gu Jingchen to wait too long, so he took off his slippers and went into the bathroom to wash up.

Mu Nansheng was wearing a denim skirt and a sunny ponytail. She stood with Nan Zi like siblings.

Mu Nansheng smiled and took Nanzi's hand as they descended the stairs together.

Downstairs, Gu Jingchen sat alone at the dining table, while He Hao next to him was reporting on business arrangements.

Upon hearing Mu Nansheng's voice, He Hao immediately stopped reporting and stood respectfully in place.

"Good morning."

Gu Jingchen gently looked at Mu Nansheng.

Mu Nansheng smiled and also greeted He Hao.

"Good morning, He Tezhu."

"Good morning, madam."

He Hao lowered his head and greeted Mu Nansheng.

Mu Nansheng held Nanzai's hand and turned around, looking at Gu Jingchen with a smile on his face.

"Look, does it look like parent-child attire?"

Mu Nansheng woke up early and saw Nanzai wearing denim shorts. His heart moved and he also wanted to wear denim.

Gu Jingchen looked at Mu Nansheng, who was youthful and lively in front of him. In a blink of an eye, he seemed to have seen the youthful and youthful appearance of Mu Nansheng in high school.

"Like, you dress very well."

"Same as before."

The last sentence, Gu Jingchen looked at Mu Nansheng and silently thought to himself.