
Pajamas, who changed them?

Gu Jingchen knows his wife well.

This little girl has perfected her skills by refusing to pay her debts.

Gu Jingchen pinched Mu Nansheng's cheek and said, "If you don't pay, you'll be punished twice as much."

Mu Nansheng:?????

Now it was eaten to death by Gu Jingchen.

"Got it, got it. Hurry up and get out."

Mu Nansheng shrank himself in the water and waved his hand to urge him.

Gu Jingchen didn't want to tease her anymore and instructed her to be careful before leaving.

Mu Nansheng lay comfortably in the bathtub, relaxed completely, closed his eyes, and fell asleep while lying down.

Gu Jingchen was processing emails on his computer when he saw that Mu Nansheng hadn't come out for so long. He knocked on the bathroom door.

"Nansheng, have you finished washing it?"

There was no response in the bathroom.



Gu Jingchen thought something was wrong with Mu Nansheng and quickly opened the bathroom door.

The bathroom was filled with steam, and Mu Nansheng lay quietly in the bathtub with her eyes closed.

Gu Jingchen reached out and touched the water in the bathtub, feeling a chill in his palm.

This cold water can still sleep.

Gu Jingchen sighed slightly, changed the hot water, and helped Mu Nansheng flush the foam off his body.

After flushing, Gu Jingchen wrapped Mu Nansheng in a fluffy large towel and carried her out of the bathroom.

As soon as Mu Nansheng got into bed, he kicked the towel away and slept soundly.

Gu Jingchen's eyes turned slightly red, and he immediately covered Mu Nansheng with a towel again.

After finishing all of this, Gu Jingchen's ears turned red and he was panting heavily.

God knows how much perseverance I had just been able to resist this seductive temptation.

Mu Nansheng, who was in a dangerous situation, was still unaware in his sleep and flipped over to break free from the towel again.

Gu Jingchen gritted his teeth and then draped the towel over Mu Nansheng again.

After finishing these, Gu Jingchen went directly to the bathroom and took a cold shower.

Seeing his disheveled appearance in the mirror, Gu Jingchen laughed angrily.

After wiping his hair, Gu Jingchen returned to the bedroom.

Mu Nansheng was still soundly asleep, with a curved corner of his mouth, unsure of what kind of beautiful dream he had.

Seeing Mu Nansheng sleeping soundly and then looking at his disheveled self, Gu Jingchen smiled.

Gu Jingchen casually threw the towel aside and leaned over Mu Nansheng.

With a beautiful woman in her arms, Gu Jingchen smelled the pleasant scent of Mu Nansheng's hair and gently rubbed his chin against his neck.

Her neat short hair was stained with some cold water droplets, some of which dripped into Mu Nansheng's neck.

Sensing a hint of coolness, Mu Nansheng frowned.

Gu Jingchen froze and dared not move, afraid that one mistake might wake up this ancestor.

As a result, Gu Jingchen was overly concerned.

Mu Nansheng slept soundly.

Looking down at the towel on Mu Nansheng's body, Gu Jingchen obediently stood up to get her nightgown and personal clothing

After finishing these, Gu Jingchen gently put Mu Nansheng back into the blanket.

As soon as Gu Jingchen lay down, perhaps feeling a sense of tranquility, Mu Nansheng immediately grabbed Gu Jingchen's neck with a domineering embrace.

Rubbing against Gu Jingchen's face, Mu Nansheng once again fell asleep.

Gu Jingchen was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

All the busy work just now was worth it when Mu Nansheng rubbed against him.

Gu Jingchen turned off the wall lamp with his back hand, hugged Mu Nansheng's waist, and also closed his eyes.

In the morning, Gu Jingchen opened his eyes first.

Mu Nansheng was still asleep, with his head resting on Gu Jingchen's shoulder, sleeping soundly.

Gu Jingchen's lips curved into a smile, kissed Nan Sheng's lips, and whispered softly, "Good morning, wife."

Mu Nansheng snorted and didn't wake up yet.

Pinching Mu Nansheng's nose, Gu Jingchen sighed lightly and said, "You're really a pig."

I didn't go to the company yesterday, and there were a lot of documents piled up. Gu Jingchen wanted to go to the company a little earlier.

Carefully pulling out his hand, Gu Jingchen rubbed his stiff shoulders, got up, got out of bed, and went to the bathroom.

This time, Mu Nansheng woke up on his own.

The sunlight was glaring, and Mu Nansheng opened his eyes.

After staring in bed with his eyes open for a while, Mu Nansheng thought about going to Gu Jingchen's company and got up to sit up.

However, Mu Nansheng vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Last night, my last memory only stayed in the bathroom.

How did I get back to bed.

Thinking of this, Mu Nansheng became clear headed.

Looking down.

Who changed into these pajamas?