
Mr. Mu's hesitation

It has been proven that Mu Qingmo's idea is wrong.

My brother-in-law's family status has never been higher.

When Mu Nansheng made a mistake and felt guilty, Gu Jingchen's position could be so high and lost.

Mu Qingmo will not miss the moment of teasing his own sister.

"Yo! My dear sister, I won't eat your tricks with my brother-in-law!"

Mu Nansheng gave Mu Qingmo a fierce glare.

It's really unlucky.

Even if you're injured, you still have to be ridiculed.

There's no way, the sky is big, the earth is big, and my husband is the eldest.

Mu Nansheng remained unyielding, shameless, pretending not to hear Mu Qingmo's teasing, and reached out to tug at Gu Jingchen's sleeve.

"I know I was wrong, just this time, forgive me."

Gu Jingchen raised his eyelids and snorted coldly, "Apply it yourself, keep it steady."

Seeing that Gu Jingchen finally spoke to her, Mu Nansheng was very polite and with a sigh, he pressed down on the ice bag.

Watching Mu Nansheng's wilted little appearance, Gu Jingchen couldn't bear it and decided to personally apply the wound to Mu Nansheng.

Mu Qingmo hugged Nan Zai and comforted him. As soon as he saw that the wound had been treated, it was time to ask what was going on.

"Tell me, what did you do? Did you fall on the ground?"

Mu Qingmo sat casually on the sofa, with a cheap smile on his lips.

Mu Nansheng was so angry that he almost lost his breath, so he turned his head as if Mu Qingmo had not asked.

Mr. Mu was also anxious, as it was not easy for the Nan Sheng family to come so fully. Getting injured upon returning is not a good thing.

Mu Nansheng scanned the surroundings, but Mu Wanwan was not there.

Hehe, if you cause trouble, run away.

I really have the courage to do it without daring to suffer.

"Grandpa, let's wait for Wanwan to come back first."

Mu Nansheng's expression was calm, comforting Mr. Mu.

"Oh, by the way. Where's Wanwan? Butler, go and call her."

Grandpa Mu waved his cane and urged people to find Mu Wanwan.

Gu Jingchen, standing beside Mu Nansheng, spoke coldly, "She's here with me."

Mr. Mu looked at Gu Jingchen's displeased expression and asked in confusion, "How could Wanwan be with you?"

Gu Jingchen bent down and applied medicine to Mu Nansheng, his voice low and magnetic, with a faint hint of anger.

"It was Mu Wanwan pulling Nan Sheng on the swing, but the rope broke. Fortunately, I came in time."

"Otherwise, Nan Sheng would not only have twisted his ankle now."

After listening, Mr. Mu looked solemn. one

Delicious food has no basis, and I cannot directly blame Mu Wanwan.

And I cannot wrongly accuse Mu Wanwan just because of these one or two words.

After all, Wanwan has been quite obedient in the Mu family for the past few years.

In the past few years of Nan Sheng's marriage, Mu Wanwan has been by her side.

"Jingchen, please let Wanwan come to the living room first. I have something to ask her."

"Moreover, the rope may be unstable due to prolonged exposure to wind and sun."

There is a hint of sincerity in the words of Mr. Mu.

Upon hearing these words, Mu Nansheng felt bitter in his heart.

After being reborn, I only wanted to retaliate against that dog man and woman.

But I forgot how sad my grandfather would be if I exposed Mu Wanwan's true face.

Kemu Wanwan did indeed make a mistake.

Those who make mistakes still need to be punished.

Mu Nansheng shook Gu Jingchen's arm and said, "Take her to the living room. I also want to talk to her."

Gu Jingchen restrained his expression of ambiguity and called Gu San.

"Gu San, bring Mu Wanwan to the living room, and also bring the rope and surveillance footage."

Yes, surveillance.

Mu Nansheng slapped his forehead, why did he forget about it! two

Although it is suspected that Mu Wanwan inexplicably pulled herself to the garden and refused to take her phone before her accident, I am not entirely sure whether it was external factors or human factors that caused her ankle sprain.

It can be monitored, but it won't deceive people.

It has to be said that the group of people under Gu Jingchen acted quite quickly.

In just a few minutes, a few people escorted Mu Wanwan into the living room.

The person leading the way, dressed in a sprint suit and with a cut, who appears unrestrained and unrestrained is Gu San.

Mu Nansheng saw Gu San for the first time after being reborn.

In his previous life, Gu San hated Nan Sheng so much that he almost killed her with his own hands.

Because Mu Nansheng stole confidential documents from Gu Jingchen's study, MC suffered a heavy blow from the mysterious group, and Gu Jingchen was also attacked and seriously injured.

Gu San seems to have become a vegetative in order to save Gu Jingchen during the surprise attack.

Gu Jingchen still felt depressed and burdened with a heavy sense of guilt for a while.

Fortunately, I will never let this situation happen again in this lifetime.