

Author: Eroos
Ongoing · 3.1M Views
  • 374 Chs
  • 4.7
    87 ratings
  • NO.200+

"We have in the studio Christian Grey, who won his fifth Oscar award yesterday" "Madam President... that man is not someone we can play with" "Goddamn it! We're the goddamn mafia, and we still can't attract one man?" "My children, whoever can marry that man will inherit all my wealth" "Forbes magazine has proclaimed Christian Grey as the most influential man in the world" Christian Grey is the most desired man in the world, a man every woman would kill to have his hand with. One of the world's most successful and perfect man, but is he really as perfect as everyone believes? Follow the life of Christian Grey, a young man reincarnated in an upside down world where women are the dominant sex. A world where men are valued for their appearances, pursued and taken advantage of by women. Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq Patreon: https://patreon.com/Eroos Tags: #Incest #War #Gore #Tragedy

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Its mostly a tragedy filled novel with ultra slow-pacing, Mc is also mentally unstable. In conclusion, the novel hasn’t given anything the sinopsis hinted into. Now for those who like this type of novel i suggest you give it a try.


I hope you continue the story, it has a lot of potential, seriously this story is very good...................................................................................


The Novel's idea is not new but most novels are built in the Japan or something like that. So it gave very fresh feeling. And second, I did enjoy this novel but I feel like it was wasted on the unnecessary moments. Since young I was cultivated by mom who seriously loves Korean drama so I also love drama and romance very much. But this novel is just too much focused on MC's psychological problems and drama between his mom. MC is really annoying on many levels and author already said that this would go on until 30 or 35 chapters which is extremely uncomfortable to deal with it. Reminder that MC is supposed to be an adult but literally he is worse than a kid from time to time. I don't understand why author is stalling MC's development. MC is supposed to be blessed with legendary 'Perfect Human ' being thing but I really felt like it was not at all. Maybe I was too soon to judge the novel. Well, this is my opinion.


[ Reviewed after 110 Chapters ] Some might contradict with my thought but for me this novel is one of the best I've ever read. I don't remember for how long I wanted to read a simple urban novel but I didn't find it and that's why I myself started writing a simple urban slice of life novel with an MC who doesn't have too op cheat. But then I found this novel and it became the top of my reading list. I just love this novel too much. A true gem. If someone knows anymore urban novels where MC is not too op then please recommend that to me. Plotline is great, Charcter Designing is great, Updating Stability is very good, World Background is best atleast for me.I only cut one star in writing quality as I find some minute errors even in the translated chapters. For example - he turned to she or some other minute mistakes. Other than that it is a gem of a story. Love it and can't wait to read the upcoming chapters. Keep going like this and it will become a game changer in the webnovel community. For the last words, at first I felt bored but as the story went forward I got glued to it and most of all, the ongoing and upcoming chapters are very....... intriguing.


Reveal spoiler


Sob...sob...This is a great book I've read without anything lewd. Especially the story its really good, i even want to say its the best but it will be bad to the other books I've read. This book is within my top ten, even though there some sad part, I won't be surprised that there will be fanfics just to save Ashley, because of how good this is. I don't know if what i wrote is understandable since im not good at describing but i give my full review hahahha.


I quite liked this novel. Keep giving more chapters. .


It seems to have decent potential my only peeve is that its too slow... yes authors like to hqvw character development and we readers like that too... just not 40 chapters worth of it and having only his first maturing moment its too slow for me tbh Maybe less inner monologue as this also really slows the progression aswell but aside from that i dont think it has many issues


It's great so far, and I can't wait to read more when it is released. great work! this section is here so i can actually post this review.....


A very long winded story that takes 50 chapters to basically progress to nothing. Author describes things in detail adding way too much filler(in my opinion) Characters are very edgy and repeat things and do the same thing 3 times in a chapter. Honestly the idea is good but the execution leaves a bitter taste and a migraine


This is very good! Extremely well thought out and enjoyable. It brightens my day when I see this novel has an update. I fell like I am truly inside of the novel and watching on from the side. I love it! Please keep it up [img=recommend]


Love the story so far, thanks.[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


So first I should say I think this is actually really good 👍 At first I didn’t really like it I just read it to pass the time but the longer it went on and the more fleshed out the characters and the plot got, the more interested I’ve become in waiting for the new chapters The first 36ish chapters are pretty much a foundation to the characters which in truth were kinda slow and hard to read and wasn’t really my kind of novel But after that the story gets much much better and the characters are kind of in stable place to be progressing and taking the plot with it The main character himself at first is what put me off for the first 36ish chapters bc he was very hard to relate to and acted like a baby throwing a fit and constantly crying and wanting to be babied… Well thankfully that’s mostly done with and we can get to the fun stuff and showing the cool plots that happen I really like where this novel is going in the recent chapter (56) as of writing this and the mc has started showing his extreme intelligence and just how different from others he is and how everyone around him tries to deal with it Well anyway just give the novel a go if you can hold out long enough through the Main characters initial immaturity im sure you will really enjoy it like I am right now


The book is really well written with really good development and little to no grammar error but I am not really a fan of this kind of novels with reverse world


MC is cringe, I'm 35 chapters in and MC keeps giving off sissy vibes... a grown man having a kids body and he couldn't be the dominant personality...


full of tragedy i really didnt like it but you can try [img=tavsiye][img=güncelleme][img=ifade][img=tavsiye][img=güncelleme][img=ifade][img=tavsiye]


Reveal spoiler


this is not potential, it's amazing! 24 caps and i want more! good job! i can tell you that even if this novel is not popular you can already consider it a success for you as a writer


is the first review I do in webnovel. The truth is that the novel is quite promising, although it has some flaws in the language, it is understandable if we take into account that no English is spoken. The dialogues feel quite worked, even the emotions described are coherent. Please don't stop writing.


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Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating