
Reverend Sanity

Genre: Action, Adventure, Cultivation, Historical Fantasy, Tragedy, Mature Fanfic of Reverend Insanity. In a world where strength determines destiny; the strong prey upon the week, Fang Zheng finds himself caught in the shadow of his elder brother, Fang Yuan, whose ruthless quest for immortality threatens to destroy the whole world. Fang Zheng, with his unwavering sense of justice and righteousness, embarks on a perilous journey to thwart his brother’s ambitions and save the world from impending chaos.

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 'Life is a fleeting dream, death is eternal slumber. One must grasp every moment to pursue their goals.'

* Glory to Lord Fang Yuan, the Great Love Immortal Venerable. *

A few years ago, when I was still a petty rank 3 painting path gu master, I stumbled upon a mysterious book; the infamous doctrine of the demonic path, titled- Reverend Insanity.

Its main character, the anti-hero Fang Yuan, was easy to hate. And as he continued to murder people coldly, even if they were innocent, I began to hate him. But I continued to read in hope of seeing his downfall.

He didn't fall. The veil of fake righteousness did.

Fang Yuan continued to soar despite adversities. It wasn't easy for him with even Heaven's Will conspiring against him. He was callous, cruel, evil and yet he stripped the worldly righteousness naked, and revealed its true colors to the readers through profound philosophy and examples.

The book was an eye-opener.

I lamented reading it because it had changed me and not for better. I had become a devotee of lord Fang Yuan, and was sailing on a solemn river of thought that not many could understand; much less appreciate.

Reverend Insanity is not an ordinary book. It is something profound. I have been in awe at the depth of its author's soul. What experiences he must have gained; what thoughts he must have cultivated to create something so damnably profound?

I continuously wish freedom, safety & security for the author Gu Zhen Ren.


When I reached the last published chapter of Reverend Insanity, I felt overwhelmed and regretful that such a masterpiece wasn't completed, and odds seemed against it too.

I then had a desire to write a fanfiction based on it, depicting what might have happened after that last published chapter in the story.

I dismissed it immediately.

How could a lowly mortal gu master write about adventures of an immortal Venerable? I found myself incapable of fully reflecting Fang Yuan's thoughts, ideology, and deciphering what his next move could be. There was simply no telling.

The desire however did not go away. It continued to throb deep underneath the pile of literary projects that I undertook over the next few years.

I ultimately chose to give it attention. People die all the time. So will I someday. So why not write as many kool stories as I can? Why hinder myself?

Yet again, the question stared at me. How can I portray Fang Yuan in my story? He is an enigma; a tough character to fully understand, to get into, and to recreate. I perhaps cannot. Thus, for my MC I chose his twin brother instead whom I used to pity.

This fanfic cannot have the essence of Reverend Insanity. It just can't, without Gu Zhen Ren's mind and skills exhibited through a legendary character like Fang Yuan. Thus, I've named it Reverend Sanity instead, not only for the aforementioned reason, but also because Fang Zheng of my story is truly righteous, sane and wishes to save the world.

At this point I cannot call myself capable of recreating the magic of Reverend Insanity, but try I will.

This story shall follow Fang Zheng's life; and most of the events from Reverend Insanity will be repeated in it for sake of semblance. Ren Zu's tales will also remain the same. But many events will be altered due to Fang Zhang's actions. Also, there shall be many-many deviations from the original tale as I cannot recall all the details of the story, nor can invest much time to reread it fully.

Additionally, I must warn the readers that since I'm currently a rank 6 gu immortal who switched from Painting path to Erotica path as my main and Daydream path as specialty. The dao marks accumulated thus far continue to affect all my killer moves. I cannot refine a top tier story without impurities of erotica dao marks.

In simple words, there will be some mature content.

Please forgive me for any discrepancies and just try to read it lightly for enjoyment. Let's hope that this story turns into something really interesting to read and look back at after a few years. :D
