
Reverend insanity: Arrival of a new demon

After reading RI several times, a loner with slight mental problems wishes to be able to transmigrate to the gu world. His wish was granted but was it just an act of granting wish or heaven's ploy? This is a story of arrival of a new demon who wants to ascend to the venerable's throne.

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37 Chs

Chapter 35: Loneliness

A month had passed and Xun Shung and his group have travelled without taking any unnecessary break. These days Xun Shung was cultivating and thinking about human dao. But no matter how hard he tried there is nothing for him at this moment.

Xun Shung: "Iam just too weak in talent department that's for sure, so I have to plan well for how to comprehend my dao and why Shang clan is that far!." After travelling for these many days and without having any real people around, Xun Shung's state was quite frustrating. It seems to him like he is travelling alone for quite some time now, this issue was rather serious in his regards.

Xun Shung is afterall an otherworldly, even after he reincarnate to this world he never made any real relationship with people and because he is someone who lived in earth where everyone likes to socialize. It's a very serious problem for him and his cultivation at this moment, he hadn't seen all wonders that life could give nor he is bored of everything in this entire world like Fang Yuan.

Xun Shung: "this state of mind is terrible it feels like Iam carrying burden of all the world inside, yet something is missing.

This burden feels so terrible yet natural, it feels like it will vanish once I get to a human settlement."

Suddenly Xun Shung caught some instinct and opened Ren Zu's legends which was beside him and started to read it.


When Ren Zu caught Attitude gu, he wasn't able to use it for his own use, because to apply a mask one needs a face. But after giving his heart to Hope gu he didn't have any real emotions that dwells inside the heart, so there was no way for him to hide something beneath the mask that Attitude gu was. After pondering for a while and observing Ren Zu's futile struggle, Attitude gu approached him and suggest him a way to have a heart.

But Attitude gu warned Ren Zu about the pain he have to endure to have the heart of 'loneliness'. Ren Zu was in high spirits and after resting for a night, gazing the sky all alone and thinking about his previous endeavours that he faced all alone, Ren Zu acquired the heart of loneliness and also the burden of not having anyone to talk to, not having anyone to look upto when a problem arise, facing the world all alone. Ren Zu felt weak not because of the burden but because of the inability of sharing it with anyone, finally at this moment he felt how lonely he is. He started to think about all the living beings he met, all of them have someone of their own kind with them to share the burden of loneliness.

Ren Zu then pluck out both of his eyesballs so that he would not have to face and see the sky all alone, but to his surprise a pair of children born out of his own eyes.


Xun Shung: "man is the spirit of all living beings, we were gifted with the highest spirituality and comprehension power but it also comes with a price. The price of having an entire different spectrum of emotions leads us to making relationship so we do not feel alone, so we could face any burden. So we could clear any 'supression'."

Thinking so Xun Shung's mind was filled with enlightenment but it wasn't clear as the earlier ones, he felt there is something with his instincts but he couldn't point out the exact answer. But this made him happy enough that there's a new direction at least.

After travelling for another three days they saw a village, Xun Shung wants to continue his journey but he felt that the answer that he is seeking at this moment could be found near humans because afterall his path is Human dao itself. When they just entered the village, Xun Shung saw many villagers and the indescribable burden in his heart vanished in thin air. A guard came out after noticing them. After talking to him for sometime and paying the entry fee they started to walk inside the village.

Xun Shung 'from what that guard said, this is Fei village. It is a mid size clan and after seeing it there's no doubt it is atleast double in size of Gu Yue clan. So there must be 2-3 rank 4 gu master here.'

Xun Shung could guess the village's condition was on a brighter side as it is situated where they don't have to share boundaries with any major clan or any demonic nest. Xun Shung was planning on staying here for 4-5 days, so he decided to be low-key here. Afterall no one never knew from where a problem could occur in a cultivation world. With some simple methods he easily covered the cultivation base of his group. They immediately started to search for an inn to settle, Xun Shung's enlightenment comes a little too sudden he wants to savour this moment to the highest and that's why privacy was needed.After having dinner he went to his room to cultivate.

The next day, he went to walk around the village to understand the feeling of loneliness, burden and suppression in his heart. After reading the Human investor's biography Xun Shung was somewhat clear about his feelings, he knew now that the answers he is searching for is in human's core nature and that is 'socializing'.

Xun Shung: "socializing, it's one of the most underestimated process in a living being's life. In earth after several research and observations we now knew that socializing is really important for the fulfillment and survival of every living thing. Even the most strongest ones would need someone or something at their most weakest time. But how could it be an important thing regarding my cultivation, I understand that I cultivate Human dao but it doesn't mean that just socializing could help me in any way. There's something missing here"

Thinking so he stopped walking, in front of him was a restaurant and after seeing this Xun Shung remembered that he didn't have breakfast till now today. He immediately went inside and ordered food. After giving order, he started to scan the surrounding around.

Xun Shung "after reading these many cultivation novels, there is one thing that's for sure, the 'young master' problem in restaurants. I have to be careful with this, afterall there's a high possibility that it could occur to me as well." After scanning the entire area he saw a dark corner without any noise and population, he walked abruptly and sat in the corner. After some time the dishes were served and he finally ge to enjoy proper food. But his mind was still on the puzzle he encountered earlier.

When his mind was somewhere else, suddenly an incident occurred. A young master really came with some jade beauty and friends. Xun Shung saw them and cursed his luck, he knew that tragedy is going to happen, he then noticed the shopkeeper's face and after watching his reaction for a while. Xun Shung was sure that this young master is a problematic one.

But Xun Shung kept his calm, he tried to listen the crowd to get more information about the scenario. After listening for some time, Xun Shung was clear about many things.

Firstly Xun Shung didn't chose the most alluring restaurants to avoid any young master and after gathering information, he is now sure that this young master is not the clan leader's son, he was just an elder's younger son. After that Xun Shung, continued to listen and get some more details about all of the young masters and jade beauties. They were also the younger children of elders, to be more precise they are second echelon in terms of authority and respect, their older siblings and clan leader's children should be in the first echelon.

Xun Shung started to eat his food in pace now, he didn't want to take any part in the problems regarding the famous young master and the restaurant phase of novels. But after finishing his food as soon as he was standing, the young master behind him called Xun Shung out.