
Reverend Insanity- Mystery Prying Immortally Venerable

David, a normal 17 year old boy is transported to another world after his death. Little does he know, that this world, is the cruelest of them all.

Moist_BedBugs · Derivados de obras
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23 Chs

Boar Troubles

Wei Huan stood over the corpse of a Wild Boar, panting due to the strain of catching it. Wei Huan spoke while panting:

"I should have picked a damn movement type Gu. Sti- Still, this Wasp Poison Gu is pretty useful."

Wei Huan slowly lowered his own body, slowly putting his arms underneath the body of the Wild Boar. He used all of his power, grunting as he used his back to support the weight of the Wild Boar.

The smoke emanating from the nearby fire signaling the location of their camp, Wei Huan slowly walked towards it. He almost stumbled, the boar's corpse being flung ahead of him.

Wei Huan attempted to change his approach, dragging the boar instead. He suddenly heard:

"You need some help here, Wei Huan?"

"No, I'm alright." Wei Huan spoke before grunting, attempting to drag the boar.

"If that's what you say man…" Wei Gang shrugged and spoke,

Time slowly passed by as Wei Huan dragged the boar back to camp. The others were already sitting along the campfire, chatting and telling jokes sitting infront of tents made from different types of cloth.

Wei Huan threw the boar forward, it smashed against the floor, almost extinguishing the fire.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, Relax man." Hei Luo spoke,

"That's a big boar…" Wei Jia spoke,

"Where were you all this time?!" Another boy asked him,

"Well, Hei Lin, I was dragging this thing over to you guys"

"This thing? From where?!" Hei Lin questioned,

"From all the way over there." Wei Huan spoke, pointing to a distant place across the horizon.

"You brought this thing from all the way over there?!" Hei Lin exclaimed while standing up.

"I offered to help him but he said he didn't want it…" Wei Gang spoke,

"What a guy!" Wei Jia exclaimed, looking amused by the situation.

"What do we even do with this thing?"

Wei Luo spoke,

"Eat it. Obviously." Wei Huan spoke in a matter-of-fact manner,

"Nice observation, big guy!" Hei Luo spoke sarcastically,

"How do we skin this thing?" Hei Gang questioned,

"I say we just cut it into cubes and eat the insides" Hei Luo said,

"How the hell does that make sense?!" Hei Luo exclaimed,

"Let's just try to cut it off y'know….. Like normal people." Wei Huan suggested,

"We don't even have a knife" Hei Luo retorted,

"We can use my Dark Sword Gu" Wei Huan suggested,

"Using gu to skin a mortal beast…. It just feels wrong…" Hei Gang said while looking downwards and shaking his head,

"It's the only option we have." Hei Luo said, agreeing with Wei Huan,

After two grueling hours, the boar was finally skinned. Wei Huan and Hei Gang fell back from exhaustion, their hands covered in blood.

"Finally, it's done…" Hei Luo spoke,

"Yeah, it would have been done sooner if someone decided to help us." Hei Gang said, narrowing his eyes at Hei Luo.

Hei Luo merely shrugged his shoulders and looked away from Hei Gang. Wei Huan spoke:

"It's alright. I could have done it myself in fact"

"Shut up dude…" Hei Gang replied,

Wei Huan stood up, Hei Gang following him. Wei Huan opened his mouth and spoke:

"I'll be heading off to that river nearby to wash my hands. Get this thing cooked by then."

"It weighs like 200 Jin dude! How can I cook this thing in the 10 minutes before you come back?!"

"That's your problem." Wei Huan spoke as he smiled, heading towards the nearby river bank.

As Wei Huan and Hei Gang came back, they saw the Wild Boar slowly being roasted over the fire. It was supported by a structure made of wood, a wooden pike stabbed through it.

They walked towards the campfire, sitting around it in a circle. Hei Luo stood the closest to the campfire, using a fire path gu worm to make the flame hotter and cook the boar sooner.

After a few minutes, Wei Huan asked, almost like a child on a road trip:

"Is it done yet?"

"No." Hei Luo replied.

After a few more minutes, Wei Huan asked once more while smiling:

"Is it done yet?"


This cycle continued a few times, Hei Luo getting angrier each time.

"Is it done yet?"

"No! If you ask me again, I'm going to throw you in the campfire you little shit!!"

Wei Huan looked downwards with a pitiful expression, almost like he was a child who had been scolded. Wei Jia, Hei Gang and Hei Lin sat in the background simply smiling at Hei Luo's anger.

"Guys! how do you think the other groups are doing?" Hei Lin asked,

"A whole lot worse than us most likely, they don't have me and Hei Gang after all" Wei Huan replied,

"Oh, don't be so arrogant." Hei Luo chided,

"It's way past midnight. Should we just sleep and eat this thing in the morning?" Hei Gang asked,

"No, it'll be done in an hour or two"

Hei Luo said,

Time passed quickly as the boys chatted away. The boar was finally finished cooking. The boys tore off one leg each, leaving the rank 2 Gu master with the rib meat. They quickly wolfed down their food, sharing the belly meat.

They quickly finished their meal, their stomachs bulging from the large meal.

"Not bad for a Wild Boar" Wei Huan spoke,

"It's a bit gamey though isn't it?" Hei Gang complained,

"Yeah, it was a bit gamey" Wei Jia agreed before opening his mouth to say:

"Now, let's get some rest. It's almost daytime. We'll wake up in the afternoon, catch lunch and practice with our gu worms"

"Sounds good" Hei Gang spoke,

All of the young boys split up into groups of two, going into a tent of their own while the rank two guide headed into a tent of his own.

They all attempted to drift off into sleep before they suddenly heard a deep growl in the distance.

Wei Huan stood up and exited his tent. He quickly located the source of the sound. It was another boar with a shiny and reflective surface. This was a rank two beast, "The Steel Boar"
