
Reverend Insanity's Biography of Qitian

In his previous life, he traveled to the world of "Gu Immortal" and went through many difficulties and dangers to achieve rank six Gu Immortal. For the sake of his expired life and for a higher pursuit, he planned to be reborn. He succeeded, and his consciousness rode the Spring Autumn Cicada back to the place where he rose. this... ... Official Review from Niche Boutique: It's a very good fan-written book. I haven't read it for a long time and I found it tiring to continue reading it. In the middle and late stages, there were too many world-setting characters. Then I realized that this fan-fic started from the beginning and I found that it was tiring to continue reading it. The setting is grand, and it would be great to have a fanfic write about this setting. The key point is that it is similar to the character of the protagonist in the original text. It is equivalent to another world line of the Old Devil. ... Review 2 Those who have read Reverend Insanity but not read this fanfic will definitely be disappointed. This is the most flavorful of the real life fanfics because the world of Reverend Insanity is too cruel and the supporting characters have too high IQs. It is one of the most difficult worlds to survive in a travel fan. The author writes his own thoughts. Currently, he cannot write too quickly because he is waiting for the update of Gu Zhenren.

Heartless_Qi_2 · Derivados de obras
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49 Chs

Chapter 29. The king of cranes is killed, the cranes are dispersed, there are gains and losses, and new signs appear.

Twenty-nine. The king of cranes is killed, the cranes are dispersed, there are gains and losses, and new signs appear.

  In the misty pine forest, calm has returned.

  The fierce battle between Shangguan brother and sister and Hequn has long ended.

  The Shangguan brother and sister cooperated tacitly and used the same moves to kill three Thousand Beast Kings among thousands of cranes, and finally fought against the Thousand Beast King.

  Go back a few days.

  With the same cooperation, Shangguan Baihong used four grating Gu to imprison the Iron Feathered Crane King of Beasts.

  At the same time, Shangguan Shenhou finally finished accumulating his strength during the battle, and exploded with the power of the three diamond apes. With golden light all over his body, he carried three phantoms of alien beasts and attacked the King of Beasts.

  Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened as they approached.

  "Ah! Brother! I can't hold on any longer!"

  Following Shangguan Baihong's scream, the Iron-Feathered Wanhe King broke free from his confinement and waved his huge iron-feathered wings.

  Even an ordinary iron-feathered flying crane's wings have the force of a wild boar collision every time it flaps, and its sharp claws can crack rocks. And the flapping of the wings of the King of Beasts is even comparable to the power of alien beasts.

  After all, Shangguan Baihong was young and had too little experience, so he did not urge the Gu insect to leave its original position for a while. If this shot continued, Shangguan Baihong would definitely be affected. Although he would not die, he would be seriously injured.

  Seeing that his sister was in danger, Shangguan Shenhou temporarily changed the direction of his attack and attacked the wing that was attacking his sister.

  With one hit, Iron Feather Flying Crane King's wing was damaged, but due to the temporary change of attack direction, he suffered a lot of strength and suffered serious injuries in his body.

  As a result, the attack power dropped, and what should have been a serious injury to Iron Feather Crane King turned into a minor injury.

  "Brother!" After Shangguan Baihong reacted, his heart hurt and he quickly left the battle circle.

  At the same time, put your hands together and open them slightly.

  The palm of your hand blooms with infinite green glow, as gentle as water.

  The emerald green glow shrouded Shangguan Shenhou's body. His injuries continued to improve.

  Shangguan Baihong used the fourth-level Spring Light Baili Gu, which is an extremely precious light path healing Gu. It was promoted from the third-level spring light Gu. If it goes one step further, it will be the famous fifth-level spring light Gu.

  The biggest advantage of this Gu is that it is easy to use. It can be used for both group treatment and single-target treatment. As long as it is shrouded in the green glow, it will be healed.

  This also means that the healing Gu Master can treat the Gu Master from a long distance, even while the Gu Master is fighting.

  Isn't this? Shangguan Shenhou once again engaged in a fierce battle with the Iron Feathered Crane King, and the fight was vigorous and vigorous. Because the phantom of beast power could not be erupted for a while, Shangguan Shenhou fell into a bitter battle.

  Fortunately, with Shangguan Baihong's long-range treatment, Shangguan Shenhou was able to keep up with the situation. Due to his injured wings and Shangguan Baihong's constant obstruction, the Iron Feather Flying Crane King was unable to exert its flying advantage.

  It is not unreasonable for strength to flourish in ancient times. It saves real energy, otherwise Shangguan Shenhou would not be able to withstand the consumption of Wanhe Qun.

  But the shortcomings of strength are also obvious. For example, when attacking, one must also bear the strength, that is, hurting the enemy first hurts yourself. This is very similar to the martial arts Seven Injury Fist in a martial arts novel on earth, injuring the enemy by one thousand and damaging yourself by eight hundred.

  This requires the strength Gu master to transform his body. Shangguan Shenhou used Diamond Ape Skin Gu and Diamond Ape Bone Gu to transform his skin and bones.

  He also used the Panjin Gu to transform the muscles, making them entangled and tightly compressed, turning the Shangguan Shenhou who was originally a tiger-backed man into a bee-waisted ape-backed body.

  Despite this, when he fought with all his strength, he was not immune to injuries in his body. His own healing Gu had limited effect, but fortunately he had teammates to assist him.

  On the other hand, it is difficult for the strength Gu Master to burst out all his strength and cannot activate the phantom of animal power at any time, so he often falls into hard battles.

  Shangguan Shenhou did not seriously injure King Crane when the phantoms of three strange beasts erupted, and he fell into a bitter battle. What is surprising is that his boxing and kicking skills are so outstanding that he has the upper hand.

  "You evil beast, watch for a beating!" He shouted violently.

  Vajra ape power phantom.

  Strength Gu.

  Fist Jin Gu.

  Empty fist Gu.

  The ultimate move - Diamond Monkey Fist.

  A fist the size of a millstone struck down, energy surged, and mist rippled.

  Under this blow, the Iron Feathered Armor of the Iron Feathered Crane Beast King was torn apart and its flesh and blood tumbled. The remaining cranes fled in all directions after the death of King Wanhe.

  The power of a punch is so terrifying.


  A few months later.

  Under Qi Tian's governance, Blessed Land gradually got on the right track.

  In the eastern part of the blessed land, there are many reservoirs. The thick and tall stone walls are several feet above the ground. Some of them are tens of feet high, like tall granaries.

  In these reservoirs, fish roe was sprinkled with fat mud from the sky a few months ago.

  Now, there are many small fry swimming around.

  These fish seeds were collected by Ye Xian during her lifetime. She originally planned to raise fish groups in the east to provide food for the beasts after controlling the floods in the east. Unfortunately, she died during the last earthquake.

  Fatty mud fish are the easiest to raise, and even mud can feed them when they are hungry.

  During the last earthquake, although reservoirs were created, these reservoirs were extremely turbid.

  Remaining grass and broken flowers float on the water's surface, while fire ash and mud float on the bottom of the water.

  With this batch of fat mud fish, when the fish school grows, not only will the mud residue be processed, but also the foundation will be laid for the later introduction of aquatic animals.

  As for the dark ghosts, Qi Tian has used Immortal Gu to deal with them, so they will naturally not come to massacre the fish, allowing the blessed land to gradually improve. The fat mud fish can only be used as a starting point to pave the way for the subsequent introduction of the herd.

  The situation in the southern part of Fudi is similar to that in the northern part. Except for the western part being affected, it is not much different from before the earthquake.

  A typical grassland, colorful, like a tapestry, quiet and elegant.

  There is the ghost sickle which is curved like a sickle and the outside is as sharp as a blade; there is the luminous grass with slender leaves as delicate and shiny as jade, which fluoresces in the dark; .

  There are ghost lantern flowers that look like paper lanterns and emit a faint blue light; there are foggy flowers with white petals that close together, leaving a small mouth to exhale smoke; there are milk tea flowers that are shaped like a cup and hold milk tea-like floral juice.

  Mainly these six species, but in addition, there are many other weeds and wild flowers.

  These flowers and plants are all resources for cultivation.

  These six main types of flowers and plants can all be used as materials for refining Gu.

  In particular, noctiluca has the largest number, followed by ghost flower, ghost grass, snake grass, fog flower, and milk tea flower.

  These flowers and plants are all transplanted by night fairies.

  At first, Ye Xian could only plant a large number of ordinary flowers and plants in the blessed land. At that time, the soil was shallow, there was no water or wind, and nocturnal grass, ghost sickle grass, snake grass, ghost flower, mist flower, and milk tea flower could not survive.

  After suffering several earthquakes, the flowers and plants withered and became extinct several times, and the Night Fairy suffered heavy losses. But new wooden path marks and water path marks were added.

  With these Dao Marks in the Night Soul Blessed Land, the environment improved, and the Night Immortal was able to transplant luminous grass, ghost sickle grass, snake letter grass, ghost lantern flower, mist flower, and milk tea flower successively.

  Although this earthquake occurred in the west of Fudi, it also had a certain impact on the southern and northern parts. Because of the marks of the Flame Dao, the ghost lantern flowers are growing better. The air near the west is dry, which is not conducive to the growth of fog-bearing flowers.

  All experienced farmers know that what kind of land and what kind of crops to plant will produce the best harvest. When Gu Immortals manage a blessed land, they must of course adapt to local conditions and maximize their strengths and avoid weaknesses.

  Although with these opportunities, the blessed land has been greatly improved, there will be losses every time there is a disaster, and it also depends on the Gu Immortal's personal management ability.

  After the earthquake in the western part of Blessed Land, the soil turned into charcoal and the air was dry without a trace of moisture. Looking around, everything is filled with dark red charcoal color.

  This kind of charcoal burns for a long time, has low heat and no smoke, and has been widely used for lighting in the mortal world. For example, the fifth inner city of Merchant City uses a large amount of charcoal for lighting.

  The value of charcoal stone is not high, and it will only have some value unless the quantity increases.

  Compared with the charcoal stone, Qi Tian values ​​​​more the various metals, gems, ores and other resources buried in the charcoal stone formation. The volcano and earthquake brought rich mineral resources.

  However, it is not easy to mine these resources because there is no stone tribe in the Night Soul Blessed Land.

  If there are enough stone people in the blessed land, Gu Immortal can develop the underground and mine a large amount of underground resources.

  besides. If there were more stone men, an underground city could be built, which would expand the space for the Blessed Land in disguise.

  There is no strength in the blessed land, and most of the resources mined by Gu Immortal only come from the surface. It's just a plane. But if there are more stone men, and even the underground can be used, the benefits will definitely double.

  Therefore, the supply of stone man slaves in the market exceeds the demand, and Ye Xian did not keep stone men in captivity during his lifetime.

  The round lake in the center of the blessed land is also missing a corner. The western corner has been filled in due to the solidification of magma, and the full moon has become a waning moon with a missing corner. The black lotus in the lake withers and languishes.

  In the gap between the lotus flowers, there is a small green snake, as thick as a thumb, with four bamboo-like lines on its tail. It was the green bamboo snake that Qi Tian brought from southern Xinjiang. After Xiaoqing swallowed the blue sky poison, it underwent a transformation and reached the level of the king of beasts.

  As for the two thick clouds above the blessed land in the east and west, they had little impact on the blessed land, so Qitian ignored them for the time being.