
not losing

According to their plan, Elisha and Lisa ensured that they were caught kissing outside and they knew word would reach their parents.

That way, they would introduce themselves to their families in a better way and of course the response of their parents would be no.

It would be a tug of war and tussle for at least a year before they are both forced to get married to their betrothed ones.

And that was why Elisha was as quiet as a lamb when he was forced to get married to Isabel instead of Lisa.

They both knew what to do when it got to that and calculated how many days it would be for them to take this next step.

The plan was thoroughly worked upon and in such a way that even if they could not talk to each other for days they would still be able to know what to do next.

This was something that no one else knew but them and they were able to execute it very perfectly since both parents were tied down to traditions.

Since they were definitely going to do something as their thinking was limited to the wolf culture, then it would make this work easy and as planned.

They were even able to predict the wedding day and they got it right. It was all going on well till they had one problem.

Lisa was to get pregnant but they were not sure that she would immediately.

This was the only thing so far that would stop them from being able to get married and it was not in their hands to do.

On the night she had to be deflowered and of course it would be the last time they would be meeting till the wedding.

It was that way because Lisa was going to write an elopement letter and then pretend like she had run away since she could not be with her beloved.

And her body would be found, the medicine she was to take would make her be as though she was dead for five days.

All Elisha had to do was agree to get married to Isabel on the fifth day and Lisa would come back from the dead instead and they would get married.

They did all they could to ensure that no one noticed that she was pregnant with the kind of clothes that she wore.

Since her parents and older people should not see her dead body, it was Elisha that had to bury her and everything went according to their plan.

On the wedding day, all he had to do was call her back to life and she did come back leaving everyone astounded.

All would admit that they were crazy lovers and they exhibited it with the drastic step they took for their love.

When Lisa's parents heard that she was not dead and it was all planned out, they decided to let her get married to him.

All they now wanted was for their daughter to be happy and be with whoever she wanted to be with.

The Alpha she was supposed to get married to later saw someone else that fits his personal interests and they got married.

Ella was happy that it was her parents who changed the narratives and ever since then, everyone got married to whoever they wished to.

Although it was mostly Alphas that were restricted to getting married to who they wanted to, other notable personalities were restricted as well.

Getting married to those they were in love with made everyone happier than they used to be.

It was better than getting married to those who they would later love, not all even had the opportunity to live long enough to enjoy the love.

Elisha's father was disappointed in him and heartbroken that he died the next day, but no one blamed Elisha for that.

It was not his fault after all, he only did what most weak lovers would never do and kept fighting for his love.

The pregnancy Lisa carried was what gave birth to Ella and that was why she was the talk of the whole town.

No one could forget their story and someone said that Elisha's father was disappointed because his son did what he could not do.

When he was stopped from getting married to the one he loved, he did not even bulge and he was accused of not truly loving her.

He felt he did but what he would lose was way much more than what he would gain from loving her so he decided to let her go.

Not only was he threatened to be killed by his father or even lose his place as the next Alpha of their pack, he was already beaten and pushed way beyond his capacity.

His own love had not gone deeply into the waters like that of his son, but he knew his dearest loved him a lot.

Although he did not tell anyone, he couldn't get over the fact that the lady he loved killed herself when she was stopped from marrying him.

His uncle had said then that this was one of the reasons she could not marry him, she was concerned as someone very weak and too delicate for an Alpha to get married to.

Somehow on his dying bed, he longed for her love and how awesome it would have been to see her before he did.

Elisha's father decided to let him go ahead to do as he pleased since he did not even have a say over him anymore.

Anyone that heard what is about to happen to Ella's parents and their love would feel so much pity and even cry if they could.

Ella's parents and their union was all she had and it was taken away from her in the twinkle of an eye.

It all started from one of the many misunderstandings they used to have, one that ought to end with a passionate kiss.