
her mother in love

"Your mother is just in love, and is too emotional today."

"Really, dad, why would you say that?"

"Because nothing is wrong with her, Ella"

"And then she is crying"

"They could be tears of joy, you know"

"Oh! Obviously these are not tears of joy, something is wrong, what is it?"

"Nothing is wrong with her, I know she's fine"

"Dad, why do you keep saying this!"

"Because, it is the truth you cannot see"

"But, I have never seen Mama cry before in my life"

"Ohhhh" Elisha understood then why Ella was looking so shocked and scared already.

He was not surprised though, he had heard so many people talking about how strong Lisa was.

Elisha could never argue that but he knew she was always so weak anytime she was around him.

It was as if she felt so comfortable with him and had to just open up to him to say the truths of all that has not been going on well.

After All they were lovers from childhood and that's how lovers should behave to each other.

Now, he needed to focus on how he would be able to convince Ella that everything was alright so they would break the news together.

Beyond the way he was feeling about everything, all he was concerned about was what Ella's reaction would be.

She was strong enough and would be the Queen of KADDI when she grew older and not the Luna of any other pack.

He had made sure of it to happen even in his absence and he had grown her up the way she should.

Ella was too wise, wiser than her age range and even sometimes more than her parents and it always made him happy with him being her father.

He would let her in on it, he resolved as she watched her eyes pierce into his to know all what he was thinking about.

"It's okay, honey, I'll let you know later on"

"Please, do it now." She left her father and turned to her mother "Mom, what is it?"

"Your father is leaving us", she finally said with her voice all croaked up that Ella did not even understand her at first.

"Leaving? Dad? Is that true?"

"Not exactly", Elisha said when and then bent his head a little as if he had to avoid all Ella was saying.

Elisha was strong enough but when it came to matters relating to his father, he became all weak and it was very obvious.

He had not expected Lisa to say it that way, or even be this hurt since it was not his first time leaving home urgently.

Now, he felt bad that she was just scared for no reason at all and putting their daughter in fear also.

No one would ever want to leave a family like his for any reason in this world and he had explained why he had to go.

Lisa knew that anytime he made his decisions nothing could change his mind but her and now even she couldn't.

Maybe that was why she resolved to be all emotional and make their daughter that way also so he could have his hands crossed.

Unfortunately, nothing could really work to change his mind since it was a do or die affair.

Elijah had laughed at him when he said that his wife would be unable to stop him from leaving the pack house when he was ready to go.

No one said he wasn't man enough or was a slave to his wife but they also knew how much of a lover boy he actually was.

They always used it to play and tease him by saying that his entire world revolved around his wife and what she told him.

Others started to emulate him because it was a great lifestyle that even yielded much more results than others.

She had said she was very scared that he would die where he went to but he knew he could die here also.

No matter the number of guards they had at the entrance of the castle, anything could still happen.

What if his most loyal guards turned on him?

What would be his fate then?

He would just die for nothing and they all would do too so he made sure, he left and ended the war at least to keep them safe.

The war was one that had started way before he was even born and that was what his father told him as well.

That was not even the biggest part of it, the biggest part was that the war was between just two families.

The family of the Kaddis and that of the Avas, their packs were large enough to fight for days and years and so they kept it this way.

Sometimes they were in peace and this was one of those times, they had been in peace for a few years since Ella was born.

Now, Elisha and his elite men were not as strong as the Avas were and were expected to submit strictly to them.

Elisha on the other hand was tired of submitting under anyone and decided to rebel against the Avas.

Doing this put him in trouble since they were now after his life and he had to either run away to stay and get killed.

He was prepared not to run away but go into hiding so he could get more strength to fight the fight he needs to.

And he had to tell his wife and Luna about it so she would stay with the pack when they were away.

All she needed to do was submit to the Avas and they would all be protected, but after a while when the Avas cannot find the elite men, they would be back and take over for good.

While that was a wonderful idea and one that could actually work, Lisa was not going to hear any of it.