
forced to love

Lisa had actually been forced to also marry someone else she did not want to marry so they both came up with a plan.

It took them so many months to plan it and they ensured that they were ready even before the set day for all the troubles.

Ella was always very interested in hearing the stories of how her parents came to be because it was what gave her the chance to come alive.

The story of their love and the struggle they went through, the pain they experienced together and how fortunate enough they were to have the moon goddess on their side was something one could keep hearing everyday for the rest of one's living.

It would also hurt so much that their story did not end as happily ever after and their love tale was short-lived.

They had met when they were much younger, and it was eight years before they got married to each other.

It was an awesome meeting and love at first sight but they couldn't tell anyone about their relationship.

The secret was kept for about four years before they each told their mothers about it.

Young Lisa was not actually Lisa at birth, she was Callisa but Elisha always called her Lisa since it was his mother's name.

He has sworn that he would give the person he was to get married to more than enough show of love, care and attention.

And since she was bearing his mother's name, he ensured that she got all that she ever asked of in this world.

Their love meeting was always late at night and they had grown to be so inseparable, even more than they knew.

It dawned on them at a point that they could not get married to each other even though they fit each other perfectly.

Not only did their hearts fit but their personality and the family they were born into fit perfectly as well.

She was royalty and he was too, and their families were not even at war against each other so they knew they were compatible.

Reality dawned on them and they got their hearts broken when they both spoke to their mothers who told them the unavoidable truth.

It was very okay that they loved each other but that was what made it impossible for them to marry each other.

Not only that, but their partners had to be appointed by their parents or the elders who saw the future and chose stronger women for them.

Was the young Lisa not strong and beautiful enough? Of course, she was but fate already had it that they would not be together.

Their mothers told them who they were to be married to and it left them shocked and in hit tears when they separately heard the news.

These were people that they were not even friends with and they never imagined that they would talk to them.

They wondered if they would even accept them to be their spouses with the way things were going and it made them afraid.

None of them wanted to go through all what their mothers went through and they would do all they could at all cost to protect their love.

Ella had said she heard this, that her name is supposed to be love or something else describing the love between her parents.

But she loved her name, it was the best, and when she got the description her mother gave to it, it made her laugh and cry at the same time.

She had told her that the E in her name stood for Elisha and the first L was for Love while the last L and A was for Lisa.

Young Lisa continued by saying that it could also be said as the first EL for Elisha and the LA for Lisa.

When little Ella then rushed to her father to confirm the news she just heard and he said yes, she was wowed for days.

After they were told that they could not get married, they fell sick for days and could not even drink blood.

When the set day and time had come for them to meet at their usual meeting point, they were shocked when they saw each other.

The pain they felt increased because their mothers told them both the exact same thing, they would not get married to each other.

This way, all they were expected to have come to do is break the relationship up as it would have terrible adverse effects on them.

And that's what they did, they obeyed their parents by calling their love off after four years of having blissful days.

At that time they were just growing older and were still very docile and obedient so they did what they could to avoid trouble.

Even though at that time, they were heartbroken, they decided that they would try again next time and still had that hope not to give up.

It was when they returned back home and waited for days for the fire burning in their hearts to go away and it was not that they knew they had to do what they had to to be together.

Without even informing each other, they met at their spot almost a year later and continued their love life again.

At first, their mothers were scared that they were behind themselves and not as lively as they used to be before.

But after a while, they thought they had gotten over it and moved on with their lives when they became cheerful again.

Unknown to them, the two lovers continued with their love lives and used four more years to prepare for this day.

They knew that the time would come when they would have to get married, they would be of age and their fathers would be desperate.

Actually, Elisha's father especially since he was going to die soon and he would be needing an heir to his throne.