
Revenge of the Billionaire-in-Disguise

Clinton gets subjected to a miserable treatment from the people who are supposed to show him love, his wife and mother-in-law on the grounds that he is poor. For years, he endures them until the card of fortune plays over his life and he is identified by one of the world's richest billionaires as his lost son. From here things change, not only does it change for him for the duo because his ever long plan to seek revenge is right at the corner of his eyes, he begins his revenge one after the other but something hooks him on the way. He is left with only one option and this option is not what he ever thought of. The one seeking to punish is about to be punished himself. He must do something or else his plan of seeking revenge would ruin him. Fighting this off seems like an impossibility, but he is determined to do it. Will Clinton actually succeed in what he plans to do, would he be able to finish off what he has started?

Mary_Akpan_8305 · Ciudad
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10 Chs

Chapter 8

There was this office of Darlington, a very special office where he stored the documents of his assets all over the world, lots of money he didn't wish to keep in the bank. Clinton got awed as his dad took him into the innermost part, showing him all his secrets, assets and even those ones no one knows about.

"Dad I never believed that one day, I'll be faced with this fortune, I'm so grateful and happy."

"I know you would, it's quite okay. It's a normal thing for you to be excited."

"I wanted to ask you something, dad."

"Yes, what's it?"

"What about mom? I haven't heard you talk about her since we met. I hope she's fine. This' the only thing that's keeping me worried."

"We divorced or should I say she divorced me, she's now living with her new husband in Georgia."

"Oh my goodness, why did she do that?" Clinton was quite shocked and disappointed, he recalled how his mom used to love and take care of him, she didn't give him out to a nanny like most modern moms do. He also really loved her. "Come on dad, why would she do such a thing to you, I can recall that you were a gentle and loving husband to her?"

"My son, you have to forget about that, it's past now. It has already happened and there's nothing you can do about it."

"When did that happen?"

"Few years ago, to be precise, two." He gasped hearing this. In just a few years, he would have come back and met her. Perhaps she wouldn't have thought of divorcing his dad.

"I think then you were still the top richest in the world?"

"Of course!"

Clinton went into a thoughtful moment, he was absolutely shocked at this action of his mother whom he could attest to the fact that she truly loved his dad. He knew it was because of money she left, to get a percentage of his wealth and enjoy it with her new man.

"What's that Clibton, you're thinking about your mom?" He nodded a yes. Darlington lowered his head and thought for some seconds. "Son," he moved closer to him. "I want you to forgive her just like I have, I know it's greed that made her do that, she said she could no longer continue but I know the secret reason behind her decision, it's my money. She wanted some of it. As part of the divorce requirements, I gave her sixty-five billion dollars, a huge amount of money there. But I don't let this cloud my mind, seeing the good side of her being in my life, she was a most capable wife and I'll always keep those fun memories we shared forever. I don't remember what she did afterwards but it was good."

"That's right dad, I see through your mental perception now. Yours is better you have good to remember her for but mine, I'll have not a single good to recall of our life, except my daughter."

"What? You have a child?"

"Yes, I do. She is five and her name is Mia."

"Oh my God, this' marvelous, you mean I have a granddaughter?"

"Of course dad."

"How will I get to see her?"

"You will, although she stays with her mom and there's no way you would get to see her now, I wish I had an android to show you some images in my gallery."

"Is that an issue? I'll give you a sophisticated phone."

"You forgot dad?" He gave him a witty glance, he recalled that he was trying to hide his status from everyone for the meantime. "There's no way I'll come home with a good phone and she wouldn't suspect something is going on, even if I tell her it's a gift, she might seize it from me and I wouldn't be able to defend without giving cause for suspicions between her and her mother."

"Well I get what you say, it's okay."

"But dad, you can check my daughter's pic on her mother's Facebook gallery. Mia is there." He got the phone from his dad, logged into his Facebook with the password he gave him and typed Mara Davids. Her profile picture came up and her bio below. He scanned through the gallery for Mia's pics, there were lots of pictures of her, her dad couldn't help but admire her.

"I can't wait to see her," he paused. "I have something to tell you, it kind of connects with your wife and mother-in-law." Clinton began thinking what this meant, his suspense couldn't be comprehended. He stared at his dad steadily in surprise waiting for his next statement. "I've bought the whole of the GreenFresh Estates where L'Greenz is part of. Starting tomorrow, you will be the CEO of this multi-billion dollar real estate company. How do you feel?" Darlington let out a cool, gentleman's broken laugh.

"What? Who would have thought I would own my wife's company?" Clinton jumped up in excitement, delight shone all over his face. "You mean you bought GreenFresh dad?"

"Yes Clinton. I feel it's a lucrative business, I need to add it to my booming business empire for more billions. I don't feel much interested in handling all of these, I would give them to you. You would be the new CEO of all of my companies, all over the world. You would pay qualified staff to register and look after them all for you."

"Just tell me you're joking, this' unbelievable. You mean I'm gonna be the CEO of the industry my abusive wife and mother-in-law are working?" He smirked in disbelief, this was higher than what he expected.

"I'm getting to the attorney's office tomorrow to do a transfer of ownership. Would you be able to come?"

"When I go out to make deliveries, I'll come here and go with you. I hope it won't be some public event, I don't want them not anyone to know it yet."

"No, no. It's gonna be a private event, just between me, you, the attorney and his secretary, private secretary, not the general secretary to preserve our secret. You can choose to make it public whenever you wish to, probably during the unveiling event."

"Yeah, that's okay dad. I'm in on the idea."

"You can always come here each time you go out, at the end of the day, when you wanna return back, I'll give you the amount your wife stipulated and you will pretend as if you made it through hard work and all by yourself. Clear? Deal?"

"Yes, deal but she's not my wife. I have no use for her now." Clinton said defiantly. "I'm just preparing for my revenge, it will soon be executed."

"What's gonna happen to her?" His dad asked.

"I know what I'll do," he grinned in a sinister style, thinking up something. "You'll get to see it dad, it's gonna come up soon. I'm going back now, so I will arrive home on time."

"Okay son!" He gave him one thousand one hundred dollars. "Give this to her when you reach."

"Thanks dad." Clinton rose up to go.