
Revenge of the Billionaire-in-Disguise

Clinton gets subjected to a miserable treatment from the people who are supposed to show him love, his wife and mother-in-law on the grounds that he is poor. For years, he endures them until the card of fortune plays over his life and he is identified by one of the world's richest billionaires as his lost son. From here things change, not only does it change for him for the duo because his ever long plan to seek revenge is right at the corner of his eyes, he begins his revenge one after the other but something hooks him on the way. He is left with only one option and this option is not what he ever thought of. The one seeking to punish is about to be punished himself. He must do something or else his plan of seeking revenge would ruin him. Fighting this off seems like an impossibility, but he is determined to do it. Will Clinton actually succeed in what he plans to do, would he be able to finish off what he has started?

Mary_Akpan_8305 · Ciudad
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10 Chs

Chapter 6

Clinton returned home so glad for what he had become but he was going to keep it a secret from his wife, to let her do her worst, he wanted to see where it would all end. As usual Mara began with her rude treatment of him, he tried hard to endure and hid his secret so no one would know.

As he walked up to the entrance, she was at the door with her evil glare. He looked down, behaving like the ever submissive husband.

"Why are you coming back now?" She questioned rudely.

"I'm so sorry, I think I'm a bit early today and not late."

A slap landed on his face. "How foolish you are, I'm asking why you're returning earlier than usual and you're saying something else."

"Oh! I'm so sorry. I didn't get you."

"Will you answer my question?" She barked.

"I'm not feeling quite okay, that's why I returned home."

"What a weakling, yesterday as I heard from my son, you were trying to kill yourself, just because of that little punishment of asking you to watch me and my boyfriend enjoy our sleep till morning, you see nothing yet." She spat on his face, he wiped away her saliva gently. "I wanted to divorce you, but I changed my mind. At least you're not all that useless but useful in aiding in domestic affairs."


Another slap landed across his face, he refused to shed tears like before where he was hopeless and afraid that if she got angry and sent him out of the house, he had nowhere to go. Now he had more than enough, he was a wealthy heir, the son of one of the world's richest. He wanted to get the humiliations from his wife, patiently enduring it. She would be surprised when she found out who she had been treating badly all those while.

"Will you go inside and do the carpentry you left in the morning? The skills you learnt, do you want it to be a waste or you want me to also pay you in doing work at home?" She hissed. Clinton learnt carpentry during his teenage years, he had no choice as he yearned for something to survive from. "Also prepare Mia's food and feed her. Don't expect me to be doing everything as the mom."

She spoke rudely. Getting the car key from him, he pulled him inside the house with all her strength. Clinton stumbled and if not that he used his male stamina, he would have fallen face downward.

First thing he did was to go up and refreshen in the bathroom, then he thought of food but he wasn't even sure if his wife or her mother left food for him. Most of the time, they did not care about this. He had to sleep hungry if he didn't pick up snacks before returning.

After finishing up with the carpentry left to do in the kitchen, he rushed over to prepare Mia's food. What was the difference if Mara did this herself, he thought. She had to keep Mia without food till now just to punish him. He hated this.

He made fruit salad and pasta for her, food like this was the healthiest he could give to her, food mixed that consisted of fruit and vegetable salad. Upon finishing, he headed to her room downstairs. He had always been afraid of his mother-in-law but now he had nothing to fear, rather he had something to be proud of.

As he opened the door, Mia was playing with her toys and baby dolls. Immediately she saw him, she jumped up in ecstasy on the bed and ran to him, she grabbed his legs, holding him tight. She was so glad to see daddy after her encounter the previous night. Clinton is happy as she was his only joy giver, his sunshine and the reason for him to endure so that he can better take care of her when the time comes, as her mother would surely know the truth.

"Dad, I really missed you!" She said in a childish sing-song manner.

"I missed you more, Mia baby." He bent and kissed her on the forehead. "Come on, let me feed you." He carried her to sit on his leg, holding the food before her, he started to feed her gently.

"You know mom has really been saying bad things about you, dad, to grandma. I don't like what they're doing to you." She cried out.

"Don't worry, it will be well soon. Just don't worry."

He had barely finished his statement when his mother-in-law banged in. Clinton shrieked in fear, he wasn't expecting her.

"What are you saying to my granddaughter, are you trying to incite her to see us as wicked people?"

"No no no, I didn't mean that!" The conflict persisted for a few minutes, while this went on, Clinton was still feeding Mia with her food until she got satisfied and refused to eat further. A little remained on the plate. The argument worsened till Kate got so angry that she snatched the plate from his hands and poured the leftover on his face, splashing some on the floor.

Her daughter appeared from nowhere, Clinton got confused as to whether both of them were planning this, eavesdropping on his conversation with his daughter. Mara came and took away his little girl who was already crying, seeing the humiliation he was passing through.

"Don't cry, don't cry!" Mara patted her back, trying to pet her to make her keep quiet. "You would have sent my daughter to me before confronting him." She said to her mom. As she said this, Clinton thought she was speaking in his favor, to prevent Mia from seeing him being shamed.

"My daughter doesn't need to even be a meter close to him, I don't wish any of his irresponsible traits to fall on her. He is a shame to manhood and humanity. I wish I never crossed paths with such a fool." She pointed her fist at him.

After she left with Mia, he was now alone with Kate who had molested him. She walked slowly, forward towards him, then lifted up his head to see what she was up to.

"Look me in the eyes!" She commanded. Her voice was cold and cruel, her eyes not less similar. "You are the worst man I've ever seen on earth, someone like you ought not to live because you're totally useless, worthless and…." She was lost for words. "I don't even know what to say about you again, words are inadequate to classify your level of foolishness. Now will you clean up this mess and quit as soon as possible!" Upon assessing him for a moment, she smirked. Turning around, she walked out of the room.

Clinton bent and began to wipe the splash of food on the floor with many thoughts in his mind.