
Chapter 4


“There she is!”

Martin immediately glanced at the front of the car and frowned when he saw Ana sitting on the pavement while the heavy rain was pouring down.

“Stop the car!” he said to his driver.

When the car stopped on the side of the road, he immediately got out of the backseat. He ignored the heavy rain and hurriedly walked closer to Ana. He immediately hugged her tightly and kissed her on the forehead.

“Take me home, Martin!”

“Yeah, let’s go home.”

He picked up Ana, then he walked back to his car.

“Let’s go.”

“Are you going back to the hospital, Master?”

Martin shook his head and looked at the woman in his arms. “No. We’re going to San Alfonso.”



“Why are you so drunk?” I asked my husband.

But I got no answer from him. He just stared blankly into the air. Because of that, I couldn’t help but be irritated. I let out a deep sigh. Five years have passed since Ana’s death, but since the day Mateo found out she was gone, his actions have been like this. I can’t help but feel so annoyed and angry because until now I know he is still looking for that woman. Mateo doesn’t stop thinking about Ana. He also always goes to the cemetery to visit her grave.

I am now his wife, but to this day, I still compete with Ana just to get his attention. Ana is gone, but I still feel like she’s the winner.

“Mateo!” I called him, but like earlier, he still didn’t answer me.

I let out a deep sigh again, then gazed at him.

When we are in front of other people, Mateo acts differently. He acts like he cares about me and loves me, but when we’re alone together... he doesn’t care about me.

He just needs to show others he is a good husband.

Later, I suddenly remembered the night Ana saw Mateo and me in the same bed together. That was also the day she disappeared.


“Chloe, Ana is not at Mateo’s house. So, this is your chance to seduce my son,” Mommy Caridad told me.

Suddenly, a wide smile appeared on my lips because of what she said.

Mommy Caridad really likes me for Mateo. Unlike Ana, she hates her. From the beginning, Mateo’s parents really wanted me for him.

Mateo and I are fantastic to each other because we both come from well-known families and have a luxurious life. My family is rich and I get everything I want effortlessly.

I’m tired of being nice to Ana. She thought I was her friend, but of course, I hated her. I am angry with her because she stole Mateo from me.

Mateo’s whole family does not like her because she is an orphan. She has no family and lives alone. Not like me. I’m the princess of our family.

“What are you doing here?” Mateo asked me when he opened the door for me.

I quickly bit my lower lip, but there was still a smile there.

“I’m here to see you,” I said, holding the paper bag that contained his favorite food.

When I noticed he was still looking at me seriously, the smile on my lips vanished.

“Don’t pretend to be innocent, Chloe. I know you,” he said and was about to close the door, but I halted him.

“Just a minute!” I pushed the door slightly. “Mateo, don’t be rude to me! I came here just to visit you,” I said and raised my hand to show him what I had brought for him.

Later, I smiled at him again when he opened the door wide and let me in. I immediately walked to the kitchen. “Where’s Ana?” I asked as I served him his favorite foods.

“In work.”

I just gave him a small nod when I looked at him, but later, I was stunned when I saw him smiling while staring blankly into the air. I smiled again because of what I saw.

“Let’s eat,” I told him. But he just shook his head at me.

“I will wait for my wife.”

Suddenly, the smile on my lips disappeared because of what he said. I secretly frowned and clenched my fists. But when he looked at me, I tried to smile at him again.

Alright. It’s Always Ana! I really hate her! When will she disappear from our lives? I want her to disappear from our life, from our path.

I let out a deep breath again, then walked closer to him. “Come on, let’s eat!” I pulled him by the hand, but he gave me a serious look.

He withdrew his hand from me. “I promised my wife that I would wait for her to come home,” he said. “So, if you have nothing to do here, you can leave, Chloe.”

“B-but Mateo...”

“You know Chloe, I know you. I know what you’re doing,” said Mateo. “Can you stop pretending to be nice to my wife? I know you don’t consider her your genuine friend!”

My eyebrows crossed because of what he said. I didn’t let him know that what he said right was true. That I’m just pretending to be nice to Ana and I don’t consider her a genuine friend.


“I love my wife and I don’t want her to think bad things about us. Chloe, we’re done. It’s been a long time,” said Mateo.

No! Mateo is only mine!

I sighed as I looked at him. “Mateo, you know how much I love you,” I said. “So please, come back to me!”

I almost knelt in front of him to beg, but he ignored me. He doesn’t seem to want to hear how much I still love him. I know I was guilty of him then, but I believe he still loves me to this day. I know he only used Ana because he was hurt by our break up before.

“I’m sure you still love me, don’t you? Mateo, I’m here. I’ve changed.” I tried to hold his hand, but he just avoided me. “We can be together again, Mateo. Please!”

“Can you go now, Chloe? Don’t be desperate!” He yelled, which surprised me.

I was stunned for a moment, but later I suddenly covered my mouth with my palm when I sobbed. I stared at him intently, even though my eyes were blurry because of my tears. “P-Please, Mateo.” I beg him. “Let’s start again—”

“Just leave, Chloe! This conversation is over.” After saying that, he spun around and stormed out of the kitchen.

I was left in tears. Driven by the weakness of my knees, I slowly fell to my knees on the marble floor. I couldn’t stop crying. I also clenched my palms tightly.

He can’t avoid me now. I will do everything to end his relationship with Ana! I am the only woman who is right for him, for his love. Just me and no one else!

My jaw tightened as I stared at his back. Later, I quickly wiped my tears and before he could leave the kitchen door, I spoke again.

“If you can’t be with me, you can’t be with Ana either,” I said, causing him to stop walking and look at me. I stood up from my seat on the tiles. “I’m going to kill her! You know what I can do, Mateo!” and I grinned at him.

Suddenly, his eyebrows met because of what I said.

From where he was standing, he stepped back towards me and suddenly strangled me by my neck.

“Don’t you dare to do that, Chloe. I will kill you!”

But I just laughed because of what he said. I even bit my lower lip to attract him.

“Mateo! Mateo! Mateo! I’m sure you still want my body,” I said.

He quickly let go of me and pushed me away from him. “Stop it, Chloe! Just leave!”

I just laughed again. “Make love to me, Mateo. I won’t reveal all your secrets to Ana.”

His eyebrows met for a moment before he grinned at me mischievously.

“Oh, so, you threatening me now?”

Suddenly, the smile on my lips disappeared, and I stared at him seriously. “Yes, Mateo,” I said. “Because you’re mine! Ana stole you from me. That bitch—”

I stopped talking when he suddenly slapped me hard. I frowned as I stared at him while holding my cheek with one of my palms.

“M-Mateo?” I stammered.

“Do you really want me, Chloe?” asked Mateo. “I will fuck you hard if that’s what you want.” After he said that, he suddenly pulled me to the guest room and pushed me hard onto the bed. “Is this what you want, Chloe? I will fuck you hard until you can’t walk anymore.” Mateo grinned at me, then kissed me boldly, recklessly.

“M-Mateo—” I couldn’t breathe properly because of the way he kissed me. I was hurt by his aggressive kisses on me. I didn’t expect him to treat me this way because of Ana.

“I love my Ana, Chloe! I love her.”

I just closed my eyes and let the tears fall from my eyes. But later, we both stopped when we heard a noise. When I opened my eyes and looked at the door, I saw Ana. She was looking at Mateo and me in shock. She was crying. When Mateo moved on top of me, I secretly wiped the tears from my cheeks and eyes.

Oh, I love this scene!

“You’re insane! How could you do this to me?!”

Mateo was shocked and rushed to leave on top of me to approach Ana.


“What are you doing?” her voice trembled.

I raised my eyebrows while looking at her.

“Don’t come near me!” she said firmly and slightly back away from Mateo.

“How could you do this to me, Mateo?” she asked in tears. After a while, she looked at me. Her eyes were on fire.

I smiled at her foolishly.

“How could you, Chloe? You’re my best friend! You’re disgusting!” she said, full of anger, then hurriedly turned and walked out of the house.

Mateo was about to follow her, but I hastened to my place to stop him. “Do not leave me, Mateo. Don’t follow her!”

But he pulled his arm that I was holding. I also saw the tension in his jaw as he gazed at me. “Leave, Chloe!” he told me emphatically.

“But, Mateo—”

But he didn’t listen to me and just turned his back and left me in the guest room.

Later, I grinned as I looked at the door. I stroked my messy hair, then hurriedly took out my cellphone and called Mommy Caridad.

“Hello, Mom.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her.” I heard her from the other line.

I grinned again. Good! Because I really don’t want to see her anymore. Our relationship with Mateo will not be disturbed anymore.

Mateo is all mine!


He shouldn’t know what happened then. It was five years ago and what happened then can’t be undone. Because the secrets of the past are buried forever. Ana is gone, and she’s not coming back.


“What?” he asked seriously. “Can you leave me alone, Chloe?”

I just sighed and was forced to leave the room in irritation.

Today is Ana’s fifth death anniversary, that’s why he’s acting like that again. Every year, when the anniversary of Ana’s death comes around, he is always like that as he hugs the picture of that woman.

I was about to throw away Ana’s things, but he always caught me and we argue about it. Ana is gone, so he should not mourn the death of someone long dead. He should focus on me because I’m by his side. I’m his wife.

When our telephone rang, I stopped walking and answered it.



To calm myself down, I took a few deep breaths. “Mom?”

(“Did Mateo complete the business transaction with Don Martin?”)

“No, mom. Don Martin left so suddenly that there was no chance to talk about Mateo’s business proposal.”

I also heard her sigh from the other line. (“We will need him in the next election!”)

I closed my eyes. Mateo and I still have a problem. “Okay fine, Mom, I’ll tell Mateo.”

(“No. I mean, go to the lunch meeting to talk to Don Martin instead of Mateo.”)


(“Just this once, Chloe.”)

I sighed again. “Fine!” I have to agree with what she said.

I immediately hung up the phone after we talked.

That meeting is important, but why do I need to go there to have a meeting with that Don Martin?


The next day, Mateo was still quiet and didn’t talk to me, so our son asked what was wrong with his father.

I can’t answer my son’s question because Mateo still doesn’t want to talk. He also doesn’t want to eat and all he does is drink, so his work goes to me.

I went to the restaurant where Don Martin and my husband had a meeting to talk about Mateo’s business proposal.

When I entered the restaurant, I immediately saw Don Martin seated at a table. He seemed impatient to wait for me. I adjusted my clothes for a while before I walked towards him with a smile on my lips. While walking, I couldn’t help but stare at him. I can’t deny that he is handsome and has a substantial body. As I got closer to him, I couldn’t stop myself from swallowing my saliva.

“Hi, Don Martin!” When I got close to his table, I greeted him with a smile. “I’m Mateo’s wife.” I introduced myself to him and extended my hand. But he only gave me and my hand a serious look. Later, he nodded.

I suddenly felt shy when I noticed that there were people looking in our direction, or should I say, looking at him. Especially the women at the other table.

I cleared my throat and smiled at him again. “I came here to talk to you instead of my husband coming to meet you. He’s busy right now,” I told him. I know he is wondering now why I went to the meeting he and Mateo were supposed to have.

“Have a sit,” he said.

I immediately sat in a chair in front of him. He didn’t hesitate anymore and immediately started talking about what we needed to talk about.

I explained Mateo’s business proposal to him properly. But later, when I lifted my face to look at him, I was slightly surprised to find him staring at me seriously.

Damn! He is really attractive.

“D-Don Martin?” I stammered at him.

He raised his eyebrows and suddenly smiled at me.

“Are you Chloe, the famous model?”

I was stunned for a moment while staring at his charming smile.

Damn, stop it Chloe, you’re married! I remind myself.

“Are you interested in me?”

“W-what?” I was surprised by his question. I didn’t expect him to ask me that.

“Mrs. Villalobos, you’re drooling.”

Fuck! Why did he say that?

I secretly let out a deep breath and then looked away from him. “Don Martin, let’s focus our time on the important thing we are talking about instead of other things.” I forced my voice and expression to be serious and looked at him again. But it was wrong that I met his eyes again, especially when I saw him smile at me foolishly again.

Oh, damn! What’s wrong with you, Chloe?

“Do you want us to go somewhere else before we talk about that matter?”

What does he mean to me? Is he flirting with me?

I cleared my throat again and stared at him seriously. “I have a husband, Don Martin,” I told him.

He grinned again and nodded because of what I said. “I know. But—” he paused.

What does he think of me? That I’m cheap and easy to get just like that? He’s insane.

“Don Martin, I’m here to talk about my husband’s business proposal to you, not to go with you to another place and do the thing you’re thinking about right now.” I said to him seriously. After that, I also let out a deep breath.

“Yeah, we will talk about your husband’s business proposal, if you accept my offer to you now,” he said as he leaned back in his chair and stared at me even more intently. “I will review the proposal later.”

Suddenly I raised an eyebrow and thought because of what he said. Maybe this is the right way for me to get him to agree about Mateo’s business proposal to him.


I let out a deep sigh and clenched my fists as I waited for Martin to come out of the shower!

“Oh, Chloe! You probably did the right thing today, right? I mean, it’s for your husband’s business.” I said to myself.

Later, I started walking back and forth.

Oh, God! I shouldn’t have done it. I shouldn’t do this because I promised Mateo that I would change.

“Shall we?”

I was stunned and turned to him when he came out of the bathroom. I also stared at his body when I saw he was just covered with a towel. God, I knew he has a beautiful body. His body is more attractive than my husband’s body.

I couldn’t stop myself from swallowing my saliva while look at him.

Oh, Chloe! What is happening to you?

Later, he walked closer to me and without saying a word; he grabbed my waist and nape and without hesitation; he claimed my lips.

I closed my eyes tightly. Damn it! Why did I let him kiss me? Why do I like the way he kisses me? I couldn’t stop myself from responding to his kisses.