
Chapter 10



“Oh, Ana!”

I turned to face the person who had called my name. “J-Jane?” My eyes widened, and I stood up. What is she doing here?

“What’s wrong with you?” asked Jane, touching my covered in sweat head. “You’ve been moaning there for a while; are you dreaming?” I couldn't respond because I was still confused by what was going on.

“It’s late, friend. We’re the only ones here. You’re not working overtime,” she said with a frown. I looked at her and took her hand. She was taken aback by what I did.

“W-what date is today?” I asked, and she frowned, as if she wondered what was wrong with me.

She laughed when she realized I was serious about my question. “Today is November 24! Let’s go home, it's late! I’ve been waking you up for a while now!” said Jane, taking her bag.

I was stunned, and when I looked at my desk to check my calendar, I noticed that today is November 24, 2011, not 2016. Is this a dream? Is this all a dream?

“Let's go!” said Jane, and I nodded.

Damn. Maybe I’m just exhausted from work, and that’s all I can think about.

“I had a dream, Jane,” I told her as we walked out of the office. She smirked as she turned to face me.

Jane was my first friend after being hired by the company.

“Is that your honeymoon?” she teased, tickling my waist. I hit her and laughed at her.

“Crazy, that’s not it. They said I died, but I didn’t… everyone believed I died, and that’s what I saw in my dream,” I said, looking at her. I noticed her wince and rubbing her arm.

“Girl, don’t be like that!” she yelled, rubbing her arm as if scared of what I said. “That’s not a funny! That won’t happen!” She chuckled nervously. I was about to say something when she changed the subject. “Oh! The taxi has arrived! Ana, I’ll go first. Let’s get together tomorrow!”

I waved to Jane and looked at the taxi she was getting into. I sighed and shook my head. She is also correct in stating that not all dreams come true.

I was stunned when my phone vibrated, so I took it out of my pocket. I was taken aback when I saw Mateo’s messages.

From: my husband

See you later, babe! Take care! I really love you!

I just sighed and put my phone back in my pocket before getting into the car Mateo had given me. Not only that, but I just smiled, thinking that maybe today is the day I’ll give him my gift.

As I drove home, I remembered my dream as if it had happened. Jane said that wouldn’t happen, so I’ll believe her.

When I arrived at our house, no one came out of the gate. I honked once more to let Mateo know I’d arrived, but I waited a few minutes longer… My husband was still not coming out. I just frowned and shook my head because Mateo might have fallen asleep at work.

I got out of my car to open the gate and get the car into the garage, but I noticed that the entire house was quiet.

Is Mateo not here? Where did he go? TSK. I just shook my head and parked before getting out. I grabbed my bag and went to our house.

“Mateo, I’m home—Eh?!” I noticed the living room was empty and quiet. “Is he not in the living room?” I wondered, finally going inside. “Babe? I’m here!” I shouted, but my brow furrowed as I noticed his papers were still scattered and his laptop was still open.

I shook my head and grabbed my waist. That man was careless. How many times has he forgotten his belongings here?

Where is that man?

I went straight to the kitchen because I was hungry, but I was confused why there was so much food on the table. And all food is my favorite to prepare because it is Mateo’s favorite.

Is he having visitors? Why didn’t he tell me? TCH. I sighed and went straight upstairs because Mateo might be sleeping.

It’s that man!

I went straight to our room to wake him up, and because I was tired, I opened the door, but my eyes widened when I saw what was happening.

When I saw what was going on inside our room, the bag I was carrying fell to the ground. Mateo, who had been surprised by my arrival, looked at me.

“You’re insane! How could you do this to me?!” I screamed, fists clenched.

Mateo is at a loss for what to do first. I looked at the woman in the bed with him and came to a halt when I recognized her.

This is Chloe! My best friend, indeed.

I stammered, “W-what are you doing?”

Mateo jumped off to bed and was about to approach me when I stopped him. “A-Ana!” He struggled to come to me after calling my name. I even saw the eyes he was trying to explain to me.

I just shook my head at him. “Don’t come near me!” I yelled, and he came to a stop. He has no right to come up to me because he is disgusting!

“How could you do this to me, Mateo?” My fists were clenched, and I could feel a tightness in my chest as I tried not to cry in front of them.

I know that my husband's parents do not accept our relationship, but I kept it going and fought for our love. But then something unexpected happened that I never expected to happen.

My husband and my best friend are naked in bed together.

I took a step back and noticed Chloe smirking as if she had won. I just stood there and pointed at her. “How could you do this to me, Chloe?! You’re my best friend! You’re disgusting!” I screamed, and all I could do was run away from the house.

I could still hear Mateo calling to me, but I kept going. I just kept running to avoid the two of them.

What have you done to me? How did this all come to be? Is there something I’m lacking that makes you to do this to me, Mateo? Isn’t my love for you enough? Why do you have to deceive me?

I came to a stop in the middle of the road, hugged myself, and knelt on the ground while thundering loudly. I want nothing but hatred for them as well.

My fists are tight. “WHY, MATEO?!” I yelled as the rain started heavily.

I’m at a loss for what to do at this point. Why do things like this have to happen? Why? I couldn’t do anything but let the strong wind and rain wash over me. Because I would rather not see Mateo’s face right now, because it will remind me of the cheating they committed against me.

I took a deep breath and stood up to return to my car because I needed to get out of here first. And I noticed Mateo standing outside the gate.

When he saw me, he yelled, “B-babe!” but I ignored him and got into the car.

Mateo slammed the door and yelled my name as I gripped the steering wheel. I quickly wiped my tears and drove the car out of the gate. I saw him chasing the car, but all I felt was full of anger.

I don’t care if it’s raining so hard that I can't see the road because I just want to get rid of the hatred and sadness I’m feeling right now. When my phone vibrated, I took it out of my pocket and then saw Mateo continuing to call.

I wiped my tears and threw the phone in front of the car, breaking it. My ears are still closed to listen to him.

I was about to brake while driving down the road when I realized the car I was riding in had no brakes. Why doesn’t it have brakes? I just used it a moment ago.

“Damn! What happened?” I whispered to myself as I stepped on the brakes, but didn’t stop.

When I noticed the cliff, I turned the steering wheel and my eyes widened as I panicked and tried to break again, but nothing happened.

No… I can’t die just yet! I'm still waiting to hear my husband’s explanation for cheating on me!

When the car I was riding fell off the cliff, I burst into tears.

I just leaned back, stunned, until the car overturned, and my head collided with the front of the vehicle, and I felt a viscous liquid drip down my nose and forehead. Even though my chest was tight and my vision was blurry, I took a deep breath.

I’m uncertain how many hours I sat in the car waiting for help, but it doesn’t seem likely. I only came to a stop when I heard rustling sounds and smiled bitterly.

“Is she dead, Aunt?”

Even though it was difficult for me to open my eyes, I forced them open because I heard a familiar voice. And, despite my poor hearing, I am certain of the voice I heard.

I know it’s from Chloe.

“Of course! My men removed the brakes of her car. So, I’m sure she won’t be a problem with our plans. And you, Chloe, darling, are my son’s new wife-to-be.”

When I realized who Chloe was talking to, my eyes widened.

“I love it, auntie,”

“I’ve been sick of being nice to her for a long time!”

I could only hear faint footsteps, as if they had left me to die.

I took a deep breath and noticed a lot of smoke in my car, so I closed my eyes and sighed before crawling out. I coughed and had to stand up to get away from my burning car when I got out of the car at the same time it exploded.

I stripped off my blazer and threw it into my burning car.

I turned around and strolled away, trying to climb despite my body's weakness. When I appeared from the forest, I saw a car coming and waved to ask for help, but because of the dizziness and heavy rain, I slipped and hit my head on something hard.

My dream is now a reality.

“Master, there’s a woman!”


“She looks exactly like the woman in the painting!”

“Take her!”

I just felt myself lift, and when I opened my eyes, there stood the man who had saved my life.

It’s Martin.



When I opened my eyes, I realized I was inside the hospital.

I remember everything. Mateo’s affair, Chloe’s betrayal, the accident, and the voices I hear from Mrs. Caridad and Chloe.

They were indeed involved in the accident. And they have something to do with why the car I was riding in lost its brakes and damn near killed me.

As I remembered everything, my fists clenched, when I remembered how they tricked and fooled me. Martin was right in everything he told me I didn't believe before.

For believing in Mateo’s love, I was an idiot. I’m a fool for not forcing myself to remember sooner, so they wouldn’t have to worry about taking care of me. I’m wishing I can make them pay for everything they’ve done to me.

I was stunned, but I just laughed because I learned why they wanted me to stay away and why they wanted me to die. Because they could carry out their plans.

I stood up, wiped my tears, and looked out the window.

It isn’t too late. There is still time for me to exact my revenge for everything they have done to me, for all of their sins.

I’ll make them suffer as much as they made me suffer. And I’ll take whatever Villalobos has.

Mateo, Caridad, Levy, and, most especially, Chloe.

They’ll all fall right into my hands and kneel in front of me. I wiped my tears away and fists clenched. It’s time to make them pay and take revenge.

I’ll come back as Ana Mystica.


I was taken aback when I heard an unfamiliar voice, and I knew Martin was behind me because I could smell his perfume.

I just smirked and turned to face them. “Hello, Martin,” I said, “I am awake…”

Martin stopped when he noticed my blank stare and turned to face the girl next to him. “Reese…”

Reese looked at Martin and noticed he was serious. “Ah! Let me check her.” said Reese, noticing the tension between Martin and me. Martin stopped her from approaching me because he seems to have something important to tell me.

Reese raised an eyebrow. “Martin, what are you doing? Let me check on her because she just woke up.”

Martin sighed and shook his head. “Leave us alone, Reese,” said Martin, leaving Reese confused and backing away. “Let me handle her,” he added, while staring at me.

Reese was taken aback, but she nodded. “O-okay, Martin. Call me if you need anything,” said Reese. Before leaving the room, she smiled at me and patted Martin on the shoulder.

Martin locked the door after Reese had left. I heard him sigh before he turned to face me again.

“Are you okay?” asked Martin. I nodded, and he approached where I was standing. “Get some nap,” he said as he prepared my bed. “You just woke up,” he helped me sit.

“Are you not happy?” I asked. He stopped and looked at me, but I averted my gaze because of his eyes.

I was surprised when he knelt in front of me and took my hand.

“F-ck!” he whispered, but I heard him. “You don’t know how worried I am,” he said as he kissed my hand. I smirked and bit my lip as I caressed his arm, causing him to stop.

“Can you help me?” I asked. He turned to face me and stood up straight.

“What kind of help?” asked Martin, frowning. I smirked again as I looked up at him.

“For my revenge?”

He stopped and looked at me. I even noticed the corner of his lips raising. “So you remember everything?”

I nodded and smirked at him. “Martin, I remember everything,” I said. “Teach me how to be powerful; I want them to fall at my hands, to see them suffer, and to kneel before me,” I said as I stood up and approached the window again. “It’s time for me to make them pay.”

Martin sighed, but I could sense his joy because of what I said. “Welcome back!” he exclaimed, making me even happier because I knew Martin had prepared everything. “But first, I’d like to ask you a question.”

I took a deep breath and gave him a sidelong glance. “What is it?” I asked. I could still see his grin and crossed arms.

“What’s your name?”

I looked at him as I smirked. “Ana... Ana Mystica.”