
Revenge In Grins

In a dystopian world divided by class and power, where justice is a facade and truth is manipulated, Daemon Corvus. Falsely accused of a heinous crime he did not commit, Daemon and his family face public condemnation and are executed in a gruesome spectacle that scars the world's memory. But death is not the end for Daemon, as he awakens two years later with an unexpected and ominous companion of a Unknown System, offering him the power to exact vengeance on those who wronged him. -The God of Death has taken interest in your life- "Smile for me, darling, as I paint the canvas of your demise with the blood of your sins. Your screams will be my music, and your pain, my masterpiece. So, smile, for in your final moments, you'll know true artistry." Daemon's grin widened with sinister delight.

Danger_God · Ciudad
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39 Chs

Chapter-10 Fates Duel

When Daemon heard the loud boom, he peeked out the window and saw Detective Adriana shooting at a man who was trying to get up. Initially confused but when he looked around he quickly realized what was happening.

'A cartel member tried kidnapping again... seems like Detective Adriana either saw him or was already following him,' Daemon thought.

After a couple moments of watching Adriana what she was doing she then she suddenly dashed off at the same time Daemon listen to her voice as his hearing was better than normal human as like all supernatural passed by human physical.

Daemon eyes widen. "No, you can't find that hideout yet... I need it for my fear points," he muttered. While it was good for Detective Adriana to find the victims, it would ruin his plans and cost him his rewards.

Daemon jumped out the house window and decided to follow Detective Adriana to see what would happen. "Maybe I still have a chance, she might not have the exact location yet," he thought.

Keeping a safe distance behind Detective Adriana, Daemon observed her by her movements, he believed she didn't know the precise location, but he was puzzled by how she seemed to be sticking around the same area. She moved back and forth before finally stopping in front of the old two-story house where he had previously seen the cartel member enter and went inside himself.

"Please don't go inside... she's heading in," Daemon thought.

After a few minutes of silence, Daemon heard multiple gunshots from inside the house. His face twisted with rage, his glowing silver eyes reflecting the dim light of the forest. He slammed his fist into a nearby tree, bark splintering under the force of his blow and spreading like a spiderweb of cracks.

"She really just ruined my whole plan..." he muttered through clenched teeth, his voice barely audible over the rustling leaves. "I will make you regret it."

He had a plan, wait until more cartel members returned to the house when the bring more kidnapped villagers, then get stronger by instilling fear and eliminating the cartel in the most terrifying way possible. All he need was a couple more days. Now that plan was ruined.

What is it about these victims that makes them so important to Adriana? Is there a personal connection, or does she see something in them that others don't?

Daemon stood by the tree, deciding to wait for Detective Adriana to leave the house before attacking. After about five minutes of constant gunshots, he suddenly saw someone walking up behind him.

Adrian looked around, frustrated. 'Adriana is insane. Why did she have to do this... the cartel member she shot is dead. All I had to do is get her away from here... but she already found it,' he thought. Then he saw a man standing in front of him by a tree. 'Oh, who is that... let's just get rid of him for now,' he thought.

Adrian flashed his badge at Daemon. "Sir! This is now a crime scene. Let me escort you away from here," he shouted.

'Damn it, the other detective... might have to kill him as well. Let's play it off,' Daemon thought before walking toward the detective. "Sure, detective. I was just interested in what was happening near my family village," he replied.

Daemon walked past Detective Adrian, who followed closely behind. Suddenly, Adrian raised his pistol. Daemon who was in front sensing the imminent danger on the back of his head, sidestepped just as a loud gunshot echoed through the air.

Daemon spun around to face Detective Adrian, who looked surprised. "Is that what NCCVD detectives do kill innocent people?" he scolded. 'What the hell just happened? Why did he shoot at me? Did he really try to kill me?' he thought.

Adrian aimed his pistol at Daemon again, but Daemon quickly closed the distance and knocked the gun out of Adrian's hand before he could fire.

"Sir, you can't attack a detective. For this, I'm going to have to place you under arrest," Adrian said.

Daemon's lips curled into a slight, humorless smile. "Now you want to be a good cop? Or have you always been the bad cop?" he replied.

Adrian didn't answer, Instead he charged forward, throwing a powerful punch aimed at Daemon's head. Daemon managed to block it, but the force drove him back. Adrian continued with a flurry of punches and kicks, each one precise and powerful that seemed to be the style for a detective but stronger.

'What's with this unnatural strength?' Daemon thought as he parried and countered, his movements fluid and calculated, but he struggled to keep up with Adrian's speed and strength.

Adrian landed a solid punch to Daemon's ribs, causing him to grunt in pain. However, Daemon retaliated with a swift kick to Adrian's side, but Adrian barely flinched. They continued to exchange blows, the sound of fists hitting flesh echoing through the forest.

'I thought this guy was a normal villager. Why is he able to match me?' Adrian thought.

Adrian landed a series of rapid punches to Daemon's midsection, causing Daemon to stumble back, struggling to regain his balance. Just as Adrian was about to deliver the finishing blow, a gunshot rang out. Daemon felt a sharp pain in his leg and dropped to one knee, blood seeping from the wound.

'What the hell is going on? Someone shot me,' Daemon thought.

He looked up to see Adriana stepping out of the house with about ten kidnapped victims behind her cover in a blanket her gun still aimed at Daemon.

"Sir, stand down," Adriana shouted the she recognized Daemon face. 'It's the guy I questioned before. So those questions actually had a meaning to them,' she thought.

Daemon gritted his teeth against the pain and slowly rose to his feet. Despite the bullet wound, he stood tall, his cold, deathly presence emanating from his body.

'This presence is the one I felt from the three dead cartel members and also when I met him... He has been the one killing the cartel members, but why?' Adriana thought, her eyes widening. 'I won't kill him until I find out,' she decided.

In this world, some individuals possess the rare skill of Aura Reading, which allows them to sense and interpret the auras of others. This ability can reveal hidden emotions, intentions, and even potential future actions. Adriana is naturally gifted with this skill, more so than most people. That from Daemon she felt pure death.

"I'm not done yet." Daemon said.

Adriana holstered her pistol and stepped forward, her hand raised, ready to engage in hand-to-hand combat. She was known for her exceptional combat skills, her aura reading giving her an edge in anticipating her opponent's moves.

Adriana launched a series of rapid strikes, each one aimed to incapacitate. Daemon blocked and countered, but his movements were slower, hampered by his injury. Adriana's experience and skill quickly overwhelmed him. She landed a powerful kick to his chest, sending him crashing into a nearby tree.

Daemon struggled to get up, his breathing heavy, his body bruised and battered. 'I can't use any of my powers because I don't know if they know about the supernatural, and it could expose myself if they find out...does it have supernatural hunters in the world' he thought.

"Why won't you stay down?" Adriana demanded.

"Because I don't know how." Daemon smirked.

As Adriana sent a fist toward him, Daemon ducked behind the tree, her fist hitting the tree with a force that left her knuckles marks, also she didn't feel pain and was already moving to attack him again.

'I can't use any powers, just like what happened with the cartel. Just one touch of my power and they instantly died,' Adriana thought.

Daemon lunged at her, using every ounce of his remaining strength. They exchanged a series of brutal blows, the intensity of the fight escalating. Daemon realized that he was slowly adapting to her moves, despite moving on instinct. He aimed for weak points on her body with an almost artistic precision each touch for the weak point and the final touches on art.

But Adriana's skill and experience still gave her the edge. She was known for her versatile combat skills in various forms of combat, including hand-to-hand fighting, firearms proficiency, and tactical strategy.

She delivered a devastating elbow to Daemon's jaw, followed by a sweeping kick that knocked him off his feet. Daemon crashed to the ground, struggling to rise once more.

Adriana stood over him, breathing heavily but composed. 'Thanks to the god of justice's strength, I know all specialized combat methods in the world and I'm still growing. However he still managed to keep up with me for someone who looks like a new killer. He has strength,' she thought. She recognized Daemon was dangerous but also saw his unyielding spirit.

"You're coming with us to explain why you killed the cartel," Adriana said.

Daemon, his body wracked with pain, looked up at Adriana realizing that the only way to escape was through death, he spotted the knife in her leg. In a swift, desperate move he pulled it out and slit his own throat ignoring the searing pain and pain after.

As his lifeblood spilled onto the forest floor. "He killed himself." Adriana's eyes widened in shock. "Why?"

Adrian looked down at Daemon's lifeless body. 'I don't care why because that's a good thing,' he thought with a sigh of relief.

Adriana looked at Adrian. "What happened to the woman and the cartel member?" she asked trying to refocus.

"The woman is safe, but the cartel member is dead." Adrian replied.

"How?" Adriana was surprised.

"He bled out." Adrian answered.

'I didn't think he would have bled out... I thought maybe the officer would have patched him up in time,' Adrian thought. "Alright... we just lost the only person who could tell us where the rest of the victims are," she said her frustration evident.

Adriana knelt beside Daemon's body, her mind racing. 'I need to figure out who he was and why he was involved. There has to be something we missed,' she thought, 'Only by finding out about the rest of victims I will slowly regain a part of myself and get rid of my demons.' 

What's his angle in all of this? Why is he so interested in what's happening in the village? Does he know something about the cartel's operations that I don't? What's his connection to this case?