
Revenge Blood

Drake the 1st Demon knight of the 12 Demon knights, First vampire (Dracula). He was betrayed by his father Lucifer Morningstar and his body was destroyed and his comrades were banished during the escape to earth. But Drakes soul was sent to earth and was accidently imprisoned in a 10 year old boy named Michael. Michael and his little sister who have been bullied by Society for being poor and not being able to cultivate for in this land only the strong have a safe in the week are left in the slums. all Michael wants is to protect his little sister from the world of cultivators and Drake with a mission of Revenge. Drake and Michael bounded by Faith team together for revenge and blood. So the question is, will they save the world and defeat hell or will they destroy both with No Mercy?

DevilsDead69 · Cómic
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37 Chs


"Hey.. Wake up.."



The man opens his eyes to see Michael sitting in a chair and in between him was his friends tied up, one their knees.

"what's going on? Where is my crew? He asked

" boss their be hide you. " one of then say.

As he turns his head to see body parts and blood all over. A man sitting in a chair with his own arm ripped off and shoved in his mouth till the four-arm. Another man being hung on the roof with his own intestines. Just by looking that far he began to vomit.

"why… Why are you doing this?"

"yeah.. We never did anything to you and we don't deal with demons because of your reputation."

"please just let us go and we'll never do anything bad again. "they pleaded and cried on and on.

Michael laughed in a sinister way casing them to go silent.

" I bet all your victims said the same thing countless times and you probably laughed just like I am right now." And he continues to laugh. When he stops, he gets up. He picks up the chair to thow it out side though the broken garage door. He walks behind the three other men, then face their boss.

" believe it or not I am one of you victims too. So well play a little game." Michael said, he pulled out a gun from on the henchman.

"This game is called 'remember me?" Michael takes off his mask. His Smile could tell you that he was enjoying the suffering that he'll put them through. The boss started to get nervous as he has offered many people for years and does not recognize Michael at all.

Michael walks up to him and points the gun to his head.

"now here are the rules. I'll give you a clue and if ask for another clue…"Michael leans forward, face to face.

"it'll cost one of your boys life." The look in Michael gave shivers down his spine. It was as if fear had consumed him.

Michael steps back and moves around. He stops be hind on of the boss's men. As he puts the gun against the back of his head. He beings to cry begging for mercy

" no.. no.. please don't kill me.. I don't want to die." He begged

"awww… Don't cry. You have doing so many bad things to innocent people. All because your following your boss's order of following your own self desires." He said sarcastically

"now listen here you fist clue. (it was a raining)"

"wait… is that it? It rain a lot." The boss said but Michael pulls back the hammer of the gun giving him a serious look.

"boss please.. Help me.." he pleads

" yes boss please help him." Michael says sacrifice with a smile on his face.

The boss thinks hard. Trying to remember all the people he had offered in the rain. He had offended so many people that he could not remember any specific man.


The gun goes off. Blood and brain matter scatters all over the floor. Blood stashed across Michael's face but his smile remains. The look of deviation on the boss's face could tell you how serious this situation is.

"omg his dead… Please boss…save me. We've been friends since high school. We promised we'd be the best gangster cultivates there ever was." The henchman said, pleading with his boss.

"you monster.. How can you be so cold!" the boss shouts. Michael looked at him with anger.

"you dare call me a monster! You fucking hypocrite! You rape, murder and sell innocent women and children. I am just the karma you and your piece of shit friends had coming!"

Michael puts the gun against the next man.

"now here's your next clue (it was a rainy night 7 years ago) Michael said with anger in his voice

" please sir.. Whatever it is we did I'm sorry well never do anything bad again.. I swear." The man beg and starts to cry.

" come on.. Please we'll change our ways" the boss begs


Blood and brain matter splatters on the boss and he vomits again. Michael moves to the next man and points the gun against his head. The man begins to pray for a miracle.

"are you praying? Let me tell you something. God is looking the other way." Michael whispers in his ear. After hearing that the mans mind broke. He know he was going to die and there is no hope.

"the final clue (it was a rainy night 7 years ago, you and your friends decided to beat up a little boy and a girl.)

Then it hit him. He remembered that night. The look of that boys face and the girl he stabbed flash in his memory.

" I remember.. I remember..Your that kid…. That kid with no cultivation and you had that girl with you. The boss said with confidence in his voice

" correct" Michael said. After hearing the man that had a broken mind and hopelessness woke up and was happy to hear that.

"Oh my God… Thank you God I'm still alive"


Michael still killed him anyway in a cold manner. And through the gun away.

"what the fuck…I was right why did kill him." The boss cried at Michael but it was hopeless

"don't worry , since you guessed right you get to live." Michael said with a smile on his face. Michael places his hand on his chest.

"what.. What are you doing?"

(curse art/necromancy)

On that mans chest a purple seal crest appears. Shadows emerged from the three men that were killed. It came together into the boss's shadow.

"what.. What the fuck is that?" he asked shivering in fear.

"that you don't need to know. What you do know is in your shadow lies your friends souls. They will being you forever. It just one thing. You have to confess the police everything bad thing you've done and don't tell them real identity because if you do…." At that moment one of his friend heards come out of his shadow. He face looked like the undead and hungry

" They will eat you. After that, if you commit any kind of sin they will eat you, if you even look at women or little girls or boys in a bad way again… Guess what? Michael asked sarcastically

" they eat…. Me." He said out of fear

" correct… You see you not that dumb after all. Michael then puts the mask back on.

Police sirens are heard close by. Their on there way. As the police car's lights shine into the place. The boss looks back to see. Out the car, a very beautiful women with short red hair and large breast. Dressed like a detective like one on a tv show. He looks back to realize Michael was gone.

"This is the New State Police. When she realizes the blood and body parts. It startled her. She has never seen a crimes like this if her entire career. Her partner came out.

" Hey Officer Jane, What did I just say to your stupid ass. I told you to wait up…" he stops speaking to realizes the situation. He the being to vomit uncontrollably.

"oh my God.. It's a massacre." She says. The sees a man on his kneeling and walks over to him. She puts her gun at his but only to see a man shivering if fear. She puts her gun away and asks "are you the boss of this gang. We got a tip that you keeping people in her. He points in the direction to the door of the basement.

As she goes down she sees dead body's of in the passage and se sees a light at the end. When she enters. She sees empty cages and on the centre she see a beautiful woman using healing magic on children. Officer Jane Was captivated by this women's presence. In the dark she shined like an angel. A goddess in human form. The women's mother overs over to the police officer.

"hello are you the police officer we called?" she asked. She was straddle but answered yes.

"who is that?" she asked

"that's my daughter. The masked man saved from near death but healed her." She said proudly.

Officer Jane looked back at the mother and asked

"do you know where he is?" she asked.

"no, he said that we should wait here and call you and didn't want us to see what's up stairs." She said looking back at her daughter happily.

"you know my daughter had no cultivation or magic but when he saved her. She has powers to heal the sick."

Officer Jane was surprised by this.

"lets get you guys out of here"

In front of the Lee residence. Amy is still waiting outside. Sitting in chair wooden bench, waiting for Michael and Master's return. Miss Chu and Principal Lee are waiting in the living as well. Principal Lee sitting in his couch reading a book while Miss Chu was standing by the window. She is watching Amy.

"it been hours and she still hasn't come inside once. Why doesn't she come inside?" Miss Chu asked.

"Amy and Michael have been together for as long as I can remember." Principal Lee says while putting his book down on the pedestal next to him. He stand up and walks over to Miss Chu

"those two have been have live in the streets of down town for years. I can't imagine what it's like to be weak and have no one to look out for you. Amy has her own room but every morning Michael would wake up with her sleeping next to him. I can't imagine what's going through her mind right now"

Miss Chu understood why Amy would be so anxious. Michael was the firsts family that Amy has ever known.

Miss Chu turns to Principle Lee and asked.

"So how did they Meet their Master?"

Principle Lee hesitated to speak. He thought deeply on what he sound say to Miss Chu.

"Alas…I'll tell you but it's a long story."

Miss Chu and Principle Lee sit down at the fire. He then pours Miss Chu a cup of tea. He sits back, closes his eye and speaks.

"it all started 7 years ago. I was busy treating my wife. She was sick with an unknown disease. I met them on a rainy night just like this night. Someone knocked on my door at 3am. When I open, to find and stall stranger holding two children covered in blood under his arms…. "


" Who are you and what do you want?" Principle Lee asked anxiously.

"My name is Child but I need you to help me take care of these brats." Drake said but Principle Lee wanted no part in this.

"I'm sorry but I have things to do." He said. As he was about to close the door Drake stopped it with his foot. Principle Lee began to get angary and materialized a sword in the air.

"your wife is sick. Isn't she? Drake said smiling in a cunning way. Principles is stunned as no one shouls know about this.

" I can save her life in exchange you help me raise these brats in secret." Drake said cunningly

Principle Lee was not smiling as he did not believe anyone could have her. He was thing aboit her condition and though about how all the doctors told that nothing could be done.

'what do I have to lose.' he thought. The sword disappeared and he widened the door. Drake walked in and lied the Children in one of the room. He first help Michael and Amy with there wounds, then left to see Principle Lee's wife. As the entered the room Drake could see a dark aura coming from his wife. Shadows of smoke resonating from the women lying on the bed. Drake steps out to speak with principal Lee.

"I need an empty room to perform alchemy." Drake said. Principle Lee provided him and room. Smoke comes out of Drake's Shadow and moves towards the centre of the room. From the shadows a black alchemist pot emerged. Drake added herbs from his shadows and began to perform alchemy. See all this principle see was astonished. A mysterious man appears with children. Who says he can save his wife. He has a strange alchemy pot and is doing Alchemy he has never seen.

'just who is this name." principle Lee wondered.

With a flash of what light. Out can two pills. Drake grabbed it and puts it in a small wooden box. Drake turn to principal Lee and says.

" your wife has been cursed." Drake said. Principal Lee was shocked but in denial.

" how can that be. My wife has never hurt anybody in her life!" principle lee shouted in complete denial

"believe me or not but she has." Drake says while handing the wooden box to him.

"I can get rid of the curse easily. The cold white pill will purify her body from toxins and the green pill with restore her damaged body. "Drake said. Principle Lee opened the box and his eyes opened with amazement written all over his face.

'are these deity level vine pills. No one in New State City can make these pills.'

They now make their way to Mrs Lee's room. Drake stood be said the bed. Above Mrs Lee the shadow seem to be accumulating. Drake smile

'how weak' he thought.

"I command you to revile yourself" he says in Demon language.

The shadows in the room start to accumulate together above Mrs. Lee. It began to take form of a vile Demon. Its body was crooked with a long neck that was twisted several times. Arms twisted with large hands of craws. Its head in a shape of an red eye.

"how dare you summon me. This is my prey. Leave or die.. Hahahahahah." It said with a demonic accent. Drake laughed in a sick manner. Stroking his hair back with evil eye looking back at him. This evil manner of laughed mad the demon silent.

"you dare laugh at me I am a great demon." The demon gave off a murderous aura but Drake still smiled.

"who do you think you are?...great Demon? Please… You just a fucking parasite"

The demon was stunned that Drake knew what his true nature was. It was anger and tried to attack Drake but as soon as it claws touch him. His claws shattered into pieces.

"aaahhh… Who are you?" it demanded. Drake the grabbed it by the throat and strangled it

'how is he able to touch me and why is he so strong?' the Demon thought while straggling for life.

"you want to know who I am? Well you don't have the rank to lick the shit under my boots." Drake said. The demon then felt his murderous Intent. The Demon then saw what looked like a legendary beats with overwhelming fury. Under Drakes sleeve a shadow come out like a monster with sharp teeth and eat the demon piece by piece. The demon screamed in agony and his screams gave Drake pressure as he laughed.

Principle Lee was silent but shocked to see these events that have occurred. Soon after the aura in the room lifted.

"Mr Lee you many treat your wife and I'll go to the Children and wait for you there." Drake said walking past, existing the room.

After while Mrs. Lee woke up and principal Lee cried for the first time in his life.

Principal Lee walked into the room of the children. To find Drake standing, looking out the window at the rain.

" thank you for saving my wife. I shall honour our agreement and adopt these two Children." Principal Lee said bowing to Drake's back. Drake Smiled, turned around to face him. He puts his hand on principle Lee's shoulder and says "no need to be so formal. We are now friends. For then future I hope we can be borthers and help me raise these brats to come the strongest Warriors this world has ever seen." Drake said kindly to him with a friendly smile


"And since then, they have trained day and hunted at night and never skipped a day." Principal said taking a sip of his tea.

"so where is you're wife? If I may ask." Miss Chu asked politely

"sadly she passed away from cancer two years ago. I life you have to know that there are lives that even gods can't save." He said

Principle's instinct sense Drake

" they're back" he said

Miss Chu get up to go outside and she did not feel anything. She then see Amy standing in the rain and the void opens.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Warning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE NEXT CHAPTER IS RATED R