
Revenge Blood

Drake the 1st Demon knight of the 12 Demon knights, First vampire (Dracula). He was betrayed by his father Lucifer Morningstar and his body was destroyed and his comrades were banished during the escape to earth. But Drakes soul was sent to earth and was accidently imprisoned in a 10 year old boy named Michael. Michael and his little sister who have been bullied by Society for being poor and not being able to cultivate for in this land only the strong have a safe in the week are left in the slums. all Michael wants is to protect his little sister from the world of cultivators and Drake with a mission of Revenge. Drake and Michael bounded by Faith team together for revenge and blood. So the question is, will they save the world and defeat hell or will they destroy both with No Mercy?

DevilsDead69 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
37 Chs


Heavenly Deity College. It's a place in within a small world. A smaller separate world that from the original. But all worlds are exclusive to those to those who have a special method or token can enter. Heavenly Deity College is a place with it breath taking scenery, beautiful floating pieces of land and multiple waterfalls raining down from the sky. The mainland consisted of large Greek style buildings where normal teaching and lecturing take place. Surrounding it would be markets where students can spend their money or work part time. Wither it be food, clothes . On each of the floating pieces of land lies each Sect, fighting rings, ancient liberty etc.

Heavenly Deity College is the top of educational platform. As well as for those who cultivate, smart enough or mountains of money to enter. But just because it's first name is Heavenly, doesn't change the strong for making it a living hell.

(Alchemy Sect/floating island

On one of the floating pieces of land. Michael and Shounen-Chen stood at the entrance of the Alchemy Sect. Two guards, guarded the grand entrance. Michael and Shounen-Chen waited patiently.

"uhm…Michael..I..just sent to say thank you for helping me and my sister." Shounen-Chen said.

"it's nothing…"

"No it's not.." Shounen-Chen said getting close to Michael. Catching him off guard.

"There are no words to describe how grateful I am." He said very enthusiastically.

"erh.. Yeah.. Don't mention it." Michael answered.

The sound the entrance gate opened. Grabbing Michael and Shounen-Chen's attention.

As the gates open, Shounen-Chen could see his sister walking out. But she seemed to be very dirty and crying.

"Xia!!" Shounen-Chen shouted.

Xia looked up and see's Her brother. She immediately runs off to her brother and he waits for her in opens are. But as soon as Xie came close to him, she stops.

Shounen-Chen is confused by this and asks what's wrong. She explains the treatment that she had to endure for the last half an hour. She was tied to a wooden pole and was thrown with human waste.

Shounen-Chen still hugged his sister tightly.

" It's okay, I won't let them get away with is." Shounen-Chen said and she began to cry louder and held her brother back.

Michael walked on past they because he saw the Lee Xeng a merge from the gate. With his hand behind his back and a grin on his face.

"What is the meaning of this?" Michael asked angary.

"What are you talking about. The little was playing around and fell in some trash." Lee Xeng said with a smile on his face.

"You bastered! She's just a little girl!"

Shounen-Chen shouted in angary and he hugged his crying little sister.

Lee Xeng facial expression changed.

"You fucking brat! How dare you accuse me. What's wrong with trash with a little shit on her face!"


"That's enough. Now's not the time. First lets get your sister home and get her cleaned up." Michael said. Shounen-Chen picked up his sister in his arms and walked off with her. But Michael didn't move just yet. He looks at Lee Xeng's eyes as if he was about to kill him.

"You dare to look at me like that?" Lee Xeng said spiting on Michael shoe.

Michael said nothing but smiled. Which confused Lee Xeng. Michael then turned around and walked way. Along the way Michael take out his cell phone but he makes a phone call, he says.

"Sect Master Lee Xeng. Remember this moment. Because you just buried your Sect."

Michael made the call and said

"Master, you may proceed with the plan." And Michael hung up the phone.

Drake is sitting on his shadow like thrown with Miss Chu next to him. Drake dialled and contact number named Mr. Fu.

"aaaahhh, what an honour to receive a phone call from the God of Alchemy…" Mr. Fu said.

Mr. Fu is the regional manager of the Van Auction house. His in charged of managing the managers of each Auction house in every city and he is the only spoke person for the God of Alchemy.

"How may I be of help Boss?" he asked politely.

"I want to cut off all connections and dealings you have with Alchemy Sect and spread the message to all auction houses and tell them the same…"

"God of Alchemy, I most certainly will but how do I convince the others? Mr. Fu asked.

" You won't need to convince them. Just tell them that I ordered it and if they go against that. Then tell them that I will burn their business down and then all their homes and will make sure that they are homeless for the rest of their lives…" Drake said with conviction in his voice. Drake the hangs up immediately after.

" are you not going to say anything Miss Chu?" Drake asked.

" There is no need to explain. For years I had to look away from what that disgusting man of a Sect Master did to his own female students and weaker student. He thinks that money can solve everything. Well, when its all gone. I hope he suffers the most." Miss Chu said without hesitation.

" hahaha.. Miss Chu, promise you'll never change." Drake said and it made Miss Chu smile.

" Yes Master Drake." She said proudly.

" Although I shouldn't be surprised that you are the God of Alchemy but still surprised none the less." She said.

" it's too bad the construction is a bit slow." Drake said

As they watch an entire Japanese empire style like court yard and buildings being built from the ground up by. It was as if it is building itself.

"Sect Master, it takes humans a very long time to do what you're doing in just one night." Miss Chu Stated.

"Well it gives the kids a chance to have fun. Since they will spend a few nights in the dorm rooms." Drake said looking on that the work.

(Heavenly Restaurant)

After the girls had taken Xia to be cleaned at the bath house. They then went out shopping to buy dresses most cutest outfit they could find for Xia.

After a few hours, They sat at a large round table. One table were many different kinds of food orderd that they can eat. Each laughed at each other and got to know one another a little more.

"So Miss Lou, You're from the Lou Clan. What's it like?" Shounen-Chen asked

"We'll my family comes from a long lineage of knights that protects the northern Territory and we are also a sub clan under the Xi family. When they need us they call and we answer." She explains but in a way that it seems to bother her.

"Well I hope we can get along in the future and become stronger together." Michael said but Elizabeth Lou looked at Michael with weary eye's.

"I'm keeping my eyes on you fuck boy." She said coldly. Michael laughed little nervously.

"So what kind of training will we receive in our New Sect?" Sue Mo asked

"first Master will re-educated you. On what you've been thought." Amy said

"Yes, Master is very intelligent. His thought me things that I could have never imagined. Making my spells stronger than ever." Kelly Paige said while sipping her milkshake cup.

"Can I now ask. Who exactly is your Master? As a member of one of the great families. I've been surrounded by very powerful people all my life. But I've never seen or heard of anyone like your Master." Sue Mo asked out of curiosity.

"We can't tell you much till after you take the oath of loyalty. But what I can say is that Master is cruel in his training but worse to his enemies. If you become his enemy. He'll take everything you hold dear away from you. He'll haunt you and push you to a breaking point and once you're broken. Then he'll decide weather you have the right to die." Michael Explained.

"Why does your Sect Master sound so scary." Xia Chen said with a worried look on her face. Amy reaches over and strokes her hair to comfort her.

"Don't worry Xia. Big sister Amy will make sure that you'll be safe from now on." Amy said while smiling gently at Xia Chen.

Through restaurant door came in a group of students. A mixture of girls and boys. They are rowdy. A host guiding them to the stairs to the next floor of the restaurant. One of the men looks over at Michael's table. He has green, short spiked hair style. Wore sunglasses and had a piercing in his ears. He seemed to be the Rowdiest one of them all.

"Hey guys. I think I found us some freshman chicks." He said in a perverted manner He walks towards the table. He then leans on the table and says.

"Hey ladies, I hope you're having a good time tonight. I'm the 3rd young master of the Koi Family, Kevin Koi. How about I give you ladies a chance to come and see the upstairs of restaurants. Only trash can eat on the first floor." He said arrogantly.

Michael noticed that he ignored Michael completely but stayed quiet to see what they ladies will do.

" I'm sorry Mr. Koi but we trash are happy where we are." Sue Mo said then looking away as if she's going to ignore him.

" hey hey hey, I know you. You're the Sue Mo of the Mo family…" he takes his sunglasses off and says.

"Your family maybe in charge of New State City but this is not New State City…" he said it as if he was better than her status.

His words angered Sue Mo but quickly Amy took her hand under the table to calm her down.

"So ladies what do you say. I mean ladies I especially mean you cutie with the glasses." He said while looking at Kelly Paige. In which this anger Amy but Sue Mo held her hand to calm her anger as well.

"oh.. I'm sorry I'm not interested hanging out tho…" Kelly Paige rejected him in sweet manner. This shocked Kevin Koi that none of them were interested.

"just who the fu.." Kevin Koi interrupted by a hand on his shoulders and a voice coming from behind him.

"That's enough Kevin.." the voice said. He looked behind him and saw a man with short black and wore glasses.

"oh, brother Kai, It's you." Kevin Koi said and then immediately calmed down.

The atmosphere around was as if he was a respected gentleman. He looks at Amy, although she is not even taking note of him. So he introduces himself.

"Hello my name is Adam kai. I'm part of the Golden Deity Sect. I'm pleased to make your aquatints."

The rest greeted back. He then walks up to Amy and says

"I watched you at the entrance tests and I'm at awe of your swordsman ship. Maybe we can exchange few pointers someday?" he asked politely.

Amy looks at him and says.

"I respect the fact that you're a mid-level-king realm at a young age but I don't see how me giving you pointers in swordsman ship will help you."

"Well, with someone of your skill. It would be a waste to see you not use it to it's full potential but maybe we can continue this another day. Have a goodnight" he said and walked away.

"He seems nice compared to the others." Kelly Paige said

"Don't be fooled by his handsome face and polite words." Amy said.

"How come?" Xia Chen asked

"I can agree with what sister Amy says. People of Royalty usually use such tactics to gain what they want and throw you away as soon as their done with you." Sue Mo said

"Wow.. So scary." Xia said with scared look on her face.

"Don't worry little Sis. You're big brother will protect you." Shounen-Chen said.

"sniff… Sniff.. Okay" Xia Chen said whipping away her tears.

"Well, let's not let them disturb our night." Michael said. So each one took you their glasses.

"Before we start. I would just like to say. Although I'm a little older. I hope you guys will bear with me because I've only recently started cultivating." Miss Jane said

"Miss Jane, I know we haven't spoke much yet but you are now our big sister. So we are going to need a lot of advice from you." Sue Mo said and everyone else agreed and smile. Giving her comfort. So she smiled too.

"Thank you all."

"To the 7th Sect, Cheers."

(later the night/dorms street)

They walked in the street where the men's and ladies dorms where divided into two building across the street From each other. Michael and Shounen-Chen walked the girls to their dorms entrance. Xia Chen had fallen asleep from eating so much. So her bother carried her in his arms.

"Although we have private dorm rooms me and Sue will take care of Xia At night." Elizabeth said, taking Xia from Shounen-Chen's arms. Shounen-Chen has a great full look on his face.

"Anyway, well call it a night and I'll see you guys in the morning for first day in classes." Michael said. So they all said good night to each other. But as Michael walked away Amy was walking with him. As soon as Michael noticed he stopped.

"uhm.. Amy.. You're suppose to go with the girls." Michael said awkwardly.

"So what?.... Why can't I sleep in your bed?" Amy said in a tone that suggested that she doesn't understand.

Kelly Page took Amy's hand and said.

"Sister Amy, I know you and Michael are very close but you have to respect Dorm rules."

Amy looked at Kelly Paige and could tell that Amy really doesn't know.

"Sister Amy, boys and girls can't sleep in the same dorm, Especially freshman." Kelly Paige answered. Suddenly Amy's face looked scared. So sister Kelly had to drag Amy by the hand into the girls dorm.

"wait..wait..wait…" Amy shouted in tears.

Michael and Shounen-Chen walked away and checked in their rooms. Michael took a shower and got ready for bed. Takes out a pair of jocks and puts them on. He then sits on one side of the Queen sized bed. He picks up his phone and typed out a message. After that he puts his phone down and get into bed. Underneath the covers Michael turns and notices that Amy is in his bed as well. Michael is not shocked nor surprised that she snuck into his room.

"Amy, you shouldn't be here." Michael said.

"Come on, you know I can't sleep without knowing your nearby." She said with deviance intentions in her voice.

"I'm literally across the road. I'm not that far away." Michael answers.

Amy then shows Michael her black lanjare under the bed covers.

"My dear big brother. You know, you can't chase me away." She said in a seductive manner.

"I know, your my weakness but that's why I asked a friend to help." As soon and he said those words. Someone had broken through Michael's door. Amy sat up to see who it and to her surprise. It's Kelly Paige with a blanket of her own and handcuffs.

"Sister Kelly?" Amy said with a surprised look on her face. She then turns to Michael.

"I sent Kelly a text saying to come get you and to bring something to cover you up with." Michael said smiling.

"You snitch…"

"oh Sister Amy…. I thought we had an agreement?" Kelly Paige Said with fiery eyes.

"looks like I'm going to have to handcuff us together tonight." Kelly Paige said evilly.

Kelly then wraps Amy up in the blanket and takes her back.

"Good Night Michael.."

"good night ladies…"

"Good Night you traitor.."

As morning came. A beautiful sun light shined through the curtain into the room. Kelly Paige had just woken up. In a daze, she opens her eyes to see Amy snuggled in her breasts Arm. Still handcuff to each other.

'I'm glad she didn't try to break the cuffs and run off to Michael in the middle of the night.' Kelly Thought to herself.

She then takes the key from the breasts and unlocks the handcuffs. As she turns around to snuggle a little. But when she opens her eyes in shock to see. She's face to face with Michael. Kelly quickly holds her hands over her mouth. To keep quite. But Her heart began to beat loudly.

' Oh my God, Oh My God!!!' Her thoughts shouted.

Michael is in a deep sleep. But moved close to kelly little by little.

'wait a second how is Michael here?' Kelly asked herself. She quietly looked around the room with her head still and eyes wide open. She then Noticed that this is not the same room she slept in last night.

'oh my God. Did Amy want to go to Michael so bad that she took me with.' She though. But Kelly quickly realised that she is now in the same bed as Michael and couldn't help but look his body under the covers. This only made her heart beat faster. Amy movid in the bed, casing Kelly to move closer to Michael's face.

'Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh My God!' Kelly thought as her face turned red and her heart beated even louder.

As Michael began to slowly open his eyes.

"Sister… Kelly?.." Michael said but Kelly's nervs could not take it any long.

(Water style/water cannon)

Michael, while still in bed is blasted off by gallons of water. But as he was being lanched he quickly used shadow chain to grabe the pants that he had wornd the night before. But none the less Michael was sent thought the window and across the street. Michael crashed into the next build, through the another windown. Michael rolled on the ground and got back up. He first put on the pants he chought. But something still did not feel right.

As he turned to see Sue Mo in her underwear. It looked as if she was getting dressed. But th look on her face.

'Oh my God, is this how Michael looks wet in the morning. I've seen him shirtless before but this is too much.' Sue thought to herself.

Until she looked down and realised fhat she still in her underwear.

Feeling Shockingly embarrassed Sue's rage began to build.

"Hey now.. Sue… There is and explanation for this." Michael tried to say.

"YOU PERVERT!!" she shounted

"No.. Wait.."

(Lighting Style/Lighting Blast)

(Exsplostion of lighting)

Michael flew across the building once but this time crashes in a wall. Falling onto the ground. Michael got up but is in a daze from the fact that he was wet and got blasted with electricity. He stubbles and without him knowing. Michael walks onto the road. Suddenly a car hits him and carries him away.

The girls look outside the window and saw what had happen. Sue Mo looked up and see's Kelly in Michael's room.

"Sister Kelly?"

"Sister Sue?"

Further down the road. Michael finally falls off the car And the driver just drives away. Michael get up, but seems to have head ach.

As he opens his eyes he reslises many women walking quickly past him. Avoiding eye contact. Michael looks around and then, Himself and could see why they would do that.

"Well, this is awkward.." he said Sarcastically.

(Sect Master's Meeting Hall)

Chun Xi, Xou Meng and Lee Xeng are walking in the hall ways of the Sect Master's gathering building.

"Head Sect Master, how much trouble could we be in?" Xou Meng asked with nervous sweat on his forehead.

"Impossible, how could she be watching us this entire time without us detecting anything." Lee Xeng said bluntly.

"Do not underestimate The head Dean. All thoughts who have done so, are either dead or regretting this day." Chun Xi said.

At the end of the Hall way. They came across a brown set of doors. On each door has three sets of logo. Each logo represents each Sect.

Sword Sect logo- a large words with light shining from it.

Alchemy Sect logo- a jade vile bottle.

Worrior Sect logo- a fight warped in bandages.

Mage Sect logo- a witches hat.

Water Sect logo- a figure of the water goddess that Queen Tillie summoned (Chapter 33)

Golden Sect logo- a large gold oak tree

They open the doors and walk into the room. The large room is rectangular shaped and has pillers made of marble. In the center is a round table but nothing in the middle but a stand. The table is not completely round because of a small gap that leads to the stand.

At the table, already seated and waiting is Hasley Mo, Queen Tillie and Helen Dax. They quite and dared not to speek a word. Because at the head of the table is The Dean Dianna Kent. Waiting for them with an angery look on her face.

"Greeting head Dean." The tree said respectfully and took their seats quietly.

"It's been a while since I've come out of my cutivation retreat. So would as you be so kind as to update me on our institute current situation" Dianna asked. It seem that she is trying to contain her emotions as mich as she can.

Chun Xi stood pu form his seat.

"As Head Sect Master, I'll give you a full report."

"For the past five years we have encountered many attacks from Demons and other roag cutivators. Many I witch have taken the lives of our best and brightest. Whitch led to us having to ask the help of the four great families and Royale families at that. Thus creating the Board Memebers. " Chun Xi explained.

Dianna slammed her hand on the table. Giving fright to the Sect Masters.

" head Sect Master Chun Xi. Do you think I'm a fool!" She shouted. Chun Xi held his hands together and bowed his head out of respect for the her.

" I dare not head.."

"Shut up! I've already been well informed that you all spend most of funds on a singal secret mission that has already took the lives of so many students!" Dianna shouted in a flair of anger.

'How in the world did she find out. It must be Miss Chu. I remember her secretly finding but she has done nothing till now.'

"My apologies Sect Master. I don't not want to bother you during your time on breaking through on such matters." Chun Xi explained.

Dianna eventually calm her rage and gained back her composure.

"fine, before I hear the reasons behind your behaviors. Tell me about this Secret Mission you all been spending so much on and if you lie to me.." the Dianna took out a gold sword and placed it on the table.

"Your Sect will need a new Sect Master."

(A/N:Danm, now that gandsta)

The Sect Master's faces are filled dred. This is Dianna's way of showing the fact that their lives are still in her hands.

" head Dean, I know we are guilty of negotiating our role in keeping Heavenly Deity College independent. But please let is explain." Xou Meng pleaded with sincerity.

She thinks it over a bit and takes the sword off the table.

"Fine, now explain this secret Mission." Dianna said.

On the table in Chun Xi Section. He placed his hand on the sufaceand it lit up.

"viwe document 4495" Chun Xi softly said.

Suddenly a holographic image appeared on the wall at the far end of the table. Tge inmage showed a geographical image of forest terrain and mountains.

"Head Dean, as you know. This is the image of the of Demon Best forest." Chun Xi explained.

"Yes, I know it very well. When we were kids. In order to gain strength and experience. So what of it." Dianna said.

"Well yes, but nobody was allowed to enter the A-SSS forest as it is too dangerous and anyone who has gone has never been able to came back alive. But resently someone with a large amount of money brought all the rights of the forest." Xou Meng Explained

"So what would someone need a forest they can't even enter?" Dianna asked while desicivly thinking.

"We had sent team to investigate this Matter as all the payments led to New State City. But anyone who had come close to the answer…."

Hasley Mo explained but stopped mid way.

"what happened to the investigation team?" Dianna asked

"Well, all their Memories till the moment the left the premisses is all gone till we found them and everynight they have night terrors of a demon chasing them." Queen Tillie explained.

"Well, it seems that we are dealing with wealthy and power foe. Is this person not one of the four great families?" Dianna asked

"No, I've sent messages to our connections and they seem to be trying to find out themselves and… Well you can guess the results." Lee Xeng explained.

"None the less. What does all this have to do with spending so much money?" Dianna asked.

"We needed strength and support."

"for what?"

" within one year after the purchase of the demon forest. A heavenly tribulation appeared." Chun Xi explained.

"What! Only those with either a special qsyick or gained the heaven's Jealousy and the heaven's will try to destroy it." Dianna said as her face filled with curiosity.

" there hasn't been heavenly tribulations since Head Dean broke through to Deity realm." Hellen Dax Said reluctantly.

" So with the joined forces of the Royal family, Great families and The Heros Association. We are building a force to go on a secret exspodition. To finally conquer a SSS Ranked forest and whoever can recruit the person who triggered the heavenly Tribulation." Chun Xi explained.

As they spoke. Queen Till could not help but think of what Kelly had said to her during the selection Test.

Dianne could see this and asked.

" Queen Tille, you seem to havesomthing on your mind. Do you care to share some thoughts."

"Well, I didn't take note of it because I was obsering the strength of the boy Michael but Miss Kelly Paige who is friends with Michael and Amy."

"What did she say?" Chun Xi asked out of curiosity.

"She said that, her, Am and Michael's Master trains them in a SSS rank forest. At first I thought she was just making joke but after witnessing the power of boy without cultivation. A young girl showing exponential talent. Kelly Paige being able to use Ice Attribute and a Master with unknown origin to bring in a new Sect and take all of the best new talents."

This stunned the Sect Master and Stunned Dianna.

" I'm sorry ti say but I didn't call this meeting just to be updated on our current situations. But to bring in the new Sect master. "

Dianna said.

" what? Is he on his way?" Xou Meng said as he stood out of his chair in a frantic manner.

"no, his been here the entire time." Dianna said reluctantly.

Suddenly the room began to become cold and dark. The light in the room dimmed. A strange cold wind flowed within the room. In the centre of the table. Shadow of evil power began flow out from the ground in a spiral motion. In the centre of the spiral, it began to rise from the ground. It began to form a tall human figure. Out Came Drake and he opened his coat. Out of his coat came Miss Chu. She wore formal black clothing and stood next to Drake. They bowed towards The Head Dean.

"Greetings Head Dean. I Drake, Sect Master of the new 7th Sect has arrived." Drake said and with that the light and warmth of the room returned.

'Just what the fuck is this monster of a man. To be undetected from anyone but the Head Dean herself.' Xou Meng thought.

" I'm called you all to finalize the 7th Sect arrival as an official Sect." Dianna explained.

"Greetings to Sect Masters and Lady Head Dean." Miss Chun greeted bowing her head.

"just how long have you been here?" Chun Xi asked frantically.

"I've been here long enough to hear about this secret Exposition." Drake Answered.

"don't you think it's rude to easdrop on other?" Lee Xeng said in anger.

"Sect Master Lee Xeng. Don't think your in a position to tech me manners." Drake said

"Who do you think you…"

"Enough!" Dianna shouted, casing Lee Xeng to keep quite.

"My apologies Head Dean." Lee Xeng apologized with sincerely in his voice.

"I would like to enlighten you all on something about the secret expedition." Drake said as he walked around the table. On the lady Sect Masters. Miss Chu stood near the holograph and has a device in her hand.

"You are all wasting your time and money for nothing." Drake said as he walked around the inner of the round table. He stops in front of Queen Tillie.

"What do you mean we're wasting our time?" Chu Xi asked in anger.

Drake doesn't take note of his question but only looks at Queen Tille.

"Out of everyone here you and you alone are the only one has come close to piecing it together.." As Drake said those words Queen Tille could finally confirmed her suspension. Her eye widened and heart beat faster.

"it can't be." She says quietly.

Hasley Mo couldn't help but look at Queen Tillie's reaction. As she has never seen her look this shocked.

"Miss Chu.." Drake says and she pressed the button on the remote.

The holograph image changed to a similar image of the Demon beast forest. But it's only showing the geographical image of the SSS-ranked forest.

As the Sect Masters looked at the image they were at a loss of words.

"You're… You're the man that bought the rights to Demon forest.." Queen Tille said.

Xou Meng stood out of his chair in anger.

"That's impossible! Only if the four families and the royal families come together can they buy such a place. There is no way that a man like you can acquire the funds for this." Xou Meng shouted his statement.

"I have to agree with Sect Master Meng on this. I, who is financially equivalent to one of great families. Even I dare not claim such money." Lee Xeng arrogantly.

"Enough both of you. Even tho I've only met with Sect Master Drake once what I do is ask the one person who would dare not lie to me." She said as she look at Miss Chu.

Drake saw this and smile.

"If you have any questions my Sect's patriarch." Drake said and Hasley Mo couldn't help but feel hurt by this. Miss Chu whispered I'm sorry to Hasley Mo but she ignore her by turning her head away.

"I'll treat you to the new exclusive sweet shop in New State City." Miss Chu whispered and Hasley Mo eyes opened with stars.

"Miss Chu, are the clams that Sect Master Drake has such funds?" Dianna asked.

"I'm not Quit sure. I've only been to the house he shares with the principal of a school in down town."

"ha!.. What did I tell you? This man is only pretending to be rich.." Xou Meng shouted but was interrupted by the rest that Miss Chu had to say.

"But I believe it's just a cover. For a wealthy man it would be hard for him to hide his identity. To be frank, if I had such money. Would you believe that I'm boarding in someone else's house. In downtown New State City. So to answer your question. Then yes, Master Drake has show no care to money nor how he spends it. Neither the expansive items he uses for daily duties. " Miss Chu says. Leaving the Sect Master with something to consider.

" Let's leave the money matter aside for now. Miss Chu, can you tell me if it's true that Michael can not cultivate? After what I witnessed in the tests that there is no way they he does not cultivate." Hasley Mo asked.

"While I was looking for candidates at their school. I've found it hard to believe myself. But I have check his body. His body alone has surpassed those of human strength but I have feel that his mirandizes are sealed. So no, there is no possible way he can." Miss Chu answers.

" what Bullshit!, are you telling me that this man is capable to help those can not cultivate." Chun Xi shouts

" yes, Head Sect Master. Sect Master Drake indeed is very capable of doing so." Miss Chu Said. Leaving Chun Xi grinding his teeth.

" this must be lies. There is no wa… "

" Shut up, I've known Miss Chu for longer than any of you and I know when she is lying or not and he isn't." Dianna said.

" Then I would like ask. If it's true that Drake bought Demon beast forest. Then who is the one that created the heavenly tribulation?" Queen Tillie asked. This question has been on the minds of everyone in the room. This made them go silent and waited for her answer.

Miss Chu looked at Drake and he looked back. It was as if just looking at him. It was as if she asked if it were okay for to answer. Drake just nodded once and Miss Chu Exhaled.

"I have not been with Sect Master Drake at the time. But knowing Michael can not cultivate and Miss Kelly Paige has only recently been training as Master Drake's new Disciple. Including Miss Jane as well. Then it can only be Lady Amy Lee…" Miss Chu said and leaving the entire room in dead silence.

'Holy Shit, you telling me that little hottie has a special body.' Xou Meng thought it himself.

" Sect Master Drake is this true?" Queen Tillie asked out of curiosity.

" oh that day, I remember now. It was a Sunday and the sky was clear. That's the day that my Disciple just broke through Deity-realm." Drake answered bluntly. It was as if he was nothing to him at all. But everyone eals in the room is speechless.

To break the tension in the room Drake said just before he left.

" I came here to today set A few records straight. Sect Master Lee Xeng. My Disciple told of the disgusting condition you presented Miss Chen. Thus certain measures were made and you will be punish till you end your own life…"

Dianna looked at Lee Xeng with anger. As if she is about to kill him at any moment.

" But please stay alive till then. My Sect will be open by the end of the Week. So today I will give our Sects name" He said as he walked his way to the door.

"and what is the name of this Sect?" Dianna asked

Drake turn his head to the side. Behind him all you could see if his Crimson eyes and Devil like smile.

