
Revenge Blood

Drake the 1st Demon knight of the 12 Demon knights, First vampire (Dracula). He was betrayed by his father Lucifer Morningstar and his body was destroyed and his comrades were banished during the escape to earth. But Drakes soul was sent to earth and was accidently imprisoned in a 10 year old boy named Michael. Michael and his little sister who have been bullied by Society for being poor and not being able to cultivate for in this land only the strong have a safe in the week are left in the slums. all Michael wants is to protect his little sister from the world of cultivators and Drake with a mission of Revenge. Drake and Michael bounded by Faith team together for revenge and blood. So the question is, will they save the world and defeat hell or will they destroy both with No Mercy?

DevilsDead69 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
37 Chs


Everyone was either confused or surprised by this. Including Queen Tillie and Hasley Mo. It seemed that they where not informed of this.

"As you may know. Heavenly Deity College has board members who make decisions with the Sect Master's on who can join or not. We have closely watched Michael Lee's performance and even though he should be ranked N.o 1. He has show characteristics that we can not allow in this School." Chun Xi announced

The crowed stayed in silence but dared not to make a sound or comment that would offend the Head Sect Master.

"How can you do that. You all can clearly see that Michael is the best among us. Not only that but he has set new record's which have not happened at entrance examinees in decades. So Why?" Sue Mo shouted at the Sect Masters. Looking him in the eye and proudly stating her opinion. Chun Xi stared back but his face showed no concern.

"Miss Mo you have to understand. This is a decision was among the board members that fund most of this institution. Weather or not, this decision can not be changed." Xeng Meng said.

"And just who are these board members?" Amy asked. Setting forward at Michael's defence.

"I'm sorry Young Lady but we are not at liberty to say." Lee Xeng said with an arrogant look on his face. It was as if they had won a battle hands down. No amount of influence that Michael can bring can changed the very people that control Heavenly Deity College.

Sue Mo stepped forward with a look of disgust on her face.

"You don't have to say. I Sue Mo of the Mo family already know who the bord members are. They consist of the four main family's and The Hero's Association." She announced

Next Amy stepped forward. Standing next to Sue Mo.

"I did not know that a school as protégés as Heavenly Deity College become a place where you're easy bullied by the rich and powerful. Just goes to show. You maybe Sect Master but nothing more. " Amy said. Saying this angered Lee Zeng and Zeng Meng

"Shut your mouth little... You should be lucky that we are even considering letting you in. Being related to that commoner monstrosity. That power of his reeks with Demonic Power. Any fool that cultivates knows that Demon Qi will eventually turn you into a demon…that Boy is too dangerous." Lee Meng said.

Chun Xi raised his hand to silence Lee Meng

" that enough Sect Master Meng."

"Although me and Sect Master Hasley Mo was not informed about this. But Miss Kelly Page.."

Queen Tillie said catching Kelly Page off guard. Standing up from her Seat to grab the intention of Kelly.

"Although I am sad that your Friend can not join you but in my Sect we specialize in water type mages. Considering that you have a very talented and a Special attribute which I can nurture into a great mage. I promise to take you to heights that nobody can give you. I hope you can consider this carefully Miss Paig." Queen Tillie offered, casing Kelly to take a step back in surprise and but can not muster up the courage to say a word.

"You too Sue Mo. You're part of my Mo family and I know you didn't want any special treatment but you've already part of the top ten and it would be stupid of me not to bring you into my Sect. So I select you to join my Sect." Hasley Mo said casing Sue Mo a loss of words.

'and I will not let that brute take my little Sue away from me.' Sue Though with a deviance look on her face which creeped out Queen Tillie.

"Shounen-Chen, I can't believe that I had not realized just how special. I truly must be blind. I welcome you and your sister with open arms into my Alchemy Sect. As long as you work hard I xan give you and your sister a comfortable life. If not you then your sister's sake." Lee. Xeng said with a smile of greed and didn't even attempt to hide it.

'You bastered, you can't even hid your smile, given the situation.' Shounen-Chen thought while looking back at him with disgust.

"Elizabeth Lou, I know your family of knights every well. I can promise a place in the Head Sect. This is can be one of many great achievements that is to come. This should make your family very proud." Chun Xi said with smile on his child like face.

Elizabeth's face lite up because this her goal to get into Golden Sect.

"And you Miss Amy Lee. I would happily take care of you in my Sword Sect. With your sword skills. You can reach highs that you can never imagine." Xou Meng said with a disgusting, perverted look on his face. But it seems that Amy paid no attention what he had to say.

'You little Bitch' He thought.

After all they had said Michael has not look up at them once. Instead he kept looking at the ground. He then steps forward while still looking down and said.

" So then, I guess I'll just be leaving then…" Michael said you could hear the frustration in his voice but kept calm.

"Michael!... " Sue Mo shouted.

" how can you give up so easily. You may have displayed violent behaviour. But what cultivator doesn't have violent tendency, not matter what he cultivates…."

"Miss Sue Mo, I think your father would not like the way you are acting and as for Michael. You will not be leaving…" Chun Xi said after interrupting Sue.

"What do you mean?" Michael asked

"Michael for someone who does not have any cultivational talent but can display devastating power. You use Demonic cultivation technique. You use a highly dangerous unknown technique that can rival high ranked cultivators. So lets face it, one day the Demon Wi in your body will grown and eventually you not only hurt those around but innocent people too. Michael Lee you are a danger not only to yourself but the public as well… So the board decided to detain you and decide weather you are truly a threat to society not.."

Everyone is shock by this. Michael who as displayed over bearing power towards the brand new students and cased a large commotion on national Tv. Head Sect Master Chun Xi will not let this matter go and cases Sue to give an out burst.

" are you serious. Not only will you not allow him to enrol in this school but are going to imprison as well….what kind.." Sue says but stops to sight to control her emotions.

"if you're going to arrest him you need more than just bad behaviour. What charges are you really placing on him?" Sue Mo said in her demanding voice.

"That's Enough Sue Mo…" Michael said to her.

"No Michael, I can not stand for all this injustice happening right in front of me." Sue Mo says and the looks directly at her Hasley Mo and bows.

"I'm sorry Sect Master Mo, but I can not take your offer if this is what Heavenly Deity College stands for. The it is no different than what happened at the Hero's Society." Sue Mo says makes sence but disappointed way

"Sue, are you really going to throw away your future for that boy! .." Hasley Mo shout with a sad look on her face but with teary eyes.

"Yes, because When I was little I was raised yo think that I was better than anyone. Even the maids that played with me, educated me and the people that protected me can't even eat at the same table as me. But Michael he showed me that it doesn't matter where or what family you come from. You can stand up for those who can not. I Sue Mo only daughter of the Mo Family. Telling you that this is myway of a cultivation list." Sue Mo said with conviction in her eyes and pride in her heart.

The crowed felt moved by this. Including viewers at home and all cross New State City. As they looked back and cheered

'My goodness, my little Sue has grown up.' Hasley Mo though to her self and in a her own way, felt proud of her.

"Neither Shall I." Elizabeth Lou Said. Stepped forward and said.

"My family may have sacrificed alone to get me here. But how could I face them knowing I leave a comrade behind. I am no better that the Demon terrorist that plague our way of living. That would be the greatest shame I could bring upon the Lou family."

Kelly Page stepped forward too and said.

" if not for Michael and Amy's help. I could not be here and I will not abandon them. So no matter what you offer, I'll never betray them."

Shounen-Chen stepped forward and looked directly at Lee Xeng.

"Sect Master Meng, I thank you for the help that you have given me but I can truly see the kind of man you are. So I'll take back my sister and stand with Michael as his brother."

Lee Xeng, stood up. In frustration and shouted.

"You all Dare. This is Heaven Deity College. The most prestige's institute in all of the world. Not just in New State City but in all Citys. Many Would kill for the opportunities that you all are throwing away. Just for a piece of trash that has no cultivation!!"

"Calm down Sect master Xeng." Chun Xi commanded. So he reluctantly did.

"Children Listen, you all have bright futures ahead of you but if you continue down this road…." Chun Xi was interrupted by Michael laughing out loud. Laughing while still looking at the ground with his hair covering his eyes.

His laughter made everyone stare at him with in silence. They thought that he had lost his mind. This not only angered Chun Xi but Zeng Meng and Lee Zeng as well.

"Excuse me Mr. Lee, but what is that you find so funny?"

"hahahahah…. I'm so sorry…"He said while whipping a tear of joy from his eye.

"I just found it funny that all the Sects, rich families, royals and even the Hero's Association stand against just me…." Michael said then looked at Chun Xi with murderous look in his eyes.

"if that's the case then you've must have figured out who I really am." Michael said, making everyone confused. Including Shounen-Chen and Elizabeth Lou. All of the world that is watching became curious about what his saying.

"Michael, I don't kn…" Chun Xi was interrupted again by Michael.

"Just ask and I shall answer."

Chun Xi felt intimidate and confused.

'just what is this boy playing at?' Chun Xi thought to himself.

Michael stepped forward again and said

"Come on, Head Sect Master Chun Xi. You all are so powerful yet in the eyes of the great family, the royal's, the rich and Strong. You all are basically powerless…."

This comment infuriated Chun Xi as he has not met anyone weaker than him insult him in public.

"Then I shall treat you the same way you're treating me… So you cowards…" Suddenly Michael's tone of voice changed.

" The fact that you all are so determined for me to fail should be because you figured something out about me… But your too scared to ask… " Michael said with intimidation in his voice and dead look in his eyes. It was as if the Sect Master were nothing but dogs in his eyes.

This infuriated the Sect Master. Xou Meng stood up from his seat in a rage.

" I've just about had it with you and your rude, filthy mouth. How dare you show no respect to the Sect Master you Dog. Do you really think that we would just accept trash that comes from the slums. You friends are lucky enough to be accepted. So who do…"

"SHUT UP YOU COWARD AND ASK!!" Michael shouted with murderous intent that made Xou Meng take a step back. It was as if he felt a slight threatening aura coming from him.

"Enough Meng" Hellen Dax said, standing up from her seat. With fury in her eyes and proud full look on her face.

"I, Sect Master Hellen Dax have never given anyone a reason to call me a coward. So I will ask!" She said, casing everyone to look and listen closely to what she was going to ask.

"are you… One of The Akuma Trio?" she asked out loud that caught everyone's attention.

Everyone looked at Michael to hear what he has to say. Michael then looks back down to the ground with the front of his hair covering his eyes but you could see him smile. A smile of excitement.

'There's no way he would admitted to that right?' Sue thought to herself. Looking at Michael with a nervous look on her face.

"Yes.." he said so calmly in the silence.

Shock filled the stadium and everyone who were watching. Even the news reporters were speechless. Silence fill the noise that the crowd had made. Shounen-Chen and Elizabeth both looked at him with shock in their eyes. The Sect master were not surprised but looked happily at Michael. As if Michael had put the final nail in the coffin.

Xou Meng stood up again and asked.

"if this is true, were you the one who committed murder of 10 people a abandon factory in the slumps."

Everyone was shocked to hear but they all saw the news about the massacre Michael created. Speculation were going around that it was done by the Akuma at the time. But no evidence could prove that it was. As the witnesses did not want to implicate their Saviour.

"if you're talking about those rapist, human trafficking wanne be gangsters, Then yes. I punished and killed them without hesitation." Michael said with no remorse

Lee Meng stood up again and said.

"You have committed too many horrendous crimes under then name of Akuma. You have to be punished for those crimes."

"hahahahahhahahahha" Amy laughed as she heard what he said.

"you have no idea how hard life is in the slums do you? Me and my brother grew up on the streets. Everyday we had to fight just to eat. Imagine being a 5 year old child and kicked out of an orphanage just because you're too weak. To survive you have to do things you don't want to do. Michael and I have lost friends to human trafficking and child prostitution rings. Murdered and kidnapped children. Even gangster that kill us just because they were board…."

Amy's words struck a cord with the ordnance and those who live in the slums.

" So please tell me, where were the police, Heroes or any cultivator to help us and save my friends? Where were any of you? All that power and you want to in prison then one's who did Something?...."

Amy then puts her hand in front of her face and spreads her fingers. Her storage ring glows red and out of Amy's storage ring is her Bunny Akuma mask appears on her face.

"That is why Michael and I put theses masks on. So that we can struck fear in to the hearts of the filth that ravages the slums of Down Town New State City. To make those bastards second guess themselves when they want to commit a crime. To shake in fear knowing that we are coming. Not just Demon race but all races that choose to cross paths with me. That is why I, Amy Lee am an Akuma."

Amy looked at her brother and he looked back with smiles on their faces and no regrets in their hearts.

Chun Xi stood up from his seat and said.

" what you say my be true and my heart truly hurts to hear what you have been through. But that does not give you the right to commit murder to the degree that you have made and you have injured our Sects people. So it all ends here for you.."

"DETAIN THEM!" Chun Xi ordered.

With great speed and Instantly Hellen Dax stood in front of Michael and Xou Meng stood in front of Amy. Hellen Dax had a serious look on her face like she was about to kill Michael and said.

"Hey kid, I commend you for surviving all your hardships and making it this far. But I have to follow orders and bring back the pride you stole from my Sect." After hearing her words Michael just smiled.

" Sect Master Dax as a worrier. You have gained my respect." Michael said truthfully.

Xou Meng stood in front Amy looking her with a perverted look in his eyes. As his looked Amy's D sized breasts.

"it's such a shame. You could have been a great student in my sect. I would have to tought you many thing behind closed doors." He said while licking his lips.

The dead look Amy gave him angered him and she said.

"you're the Second old perverted fossil that I've met in your Sect. Are all men in the sword Sect such shameless people."

Amy's words angered Xou Meng. Leaving him gritting his teeth.

"perft… Hahahah.." Hellen Dax could not contain her laugh for hearing Amy's insults.

Xou Meng looked over at Hellan Dax and felt even more infuriated at her reaction.

"Do you think that this is funny?" he asked.

"perft…hahaha..I'm Sorry Meng but she's not wrong." Hellen Dax said whipping her tears from her eyes.

"HEY THAT'S SECT MASTER TO YOU!" Xou Meng shouted at Hellen Dax.

"Well I'll call you Sect Master, once you've earned it." She said

"HOW DARE YOU!!...."

The two began to go off, insulting each other. Everyone just watch as they went at it. The Head Sect Master and other Sect Master couldn't help but feel embarrassed as they are technically their colloge.

'aaahhh….I'm the one who looks like a child but the two of them act like ones.' Chun Xi

Chun Xi stood up and said.

" We will be imprisoning you both but first we shall seal your powers now."

Chun Xi held out his arms and began chanting a spell and under his sleeves, came out gold chains.


Golden chains, spread through out the ring and began to circle around Michael and Amy like two tornadoes, separating them.

(Crow chatter)

" Oh my God, his use heavenly grade art."

"That no low tire seal too."

"I Heard heavenly art can only be used by Deity level cultivators, But for Head Sect Master used it on some kid"

"yeah I heard that it can imprison anyone with less cultivation than theirs."

"Looks like the Akuma is done for if their captured."

Michael and Amy, now standing in the middle of their own gold chain tornado. They Were in a tight predicament. But their facial expression never changed.

Chun Xi, with his hands and Arms open. Still Chanting the spell. Closes his hands and the chains imidiatly rap around there bodies. The chains then began to enter their bodies.

"don't worry Children, it won't be painful. This technique only seals away not only your cultivation but any other your power you have." Chun Xi explains.

In the ring, Xou Meng watched but then looked over at Helen Dax and said.

"to use such a technique, when cultivating. You learn techniques of different Tire.( 1-7)the highest record tire that has ever been recorded." Hasley Mo said, standing up in astonishment.

Queen Tillie stood up and turned to Chun Xi.

"Head Sect Master, I mean no offense. But, using a 4th tire Technique on Children. Isn't that going a bit too far? If they show any resistance to the sealing technique, they could be killed." She said explained.

"Sect Master they have done nothing wrong to be treated this manner." Hasley Mo pleaded.

Chun Xi took note of what they said but did not acknowledge their words.

"It can't be help. It's what the board of directors what. Besides with the power they display and their lack of discipline to following the rules. Which means that their a danger to every student here."he Explains.

" But Sect Master…"

"ENOUGH!!, That boy and girl displayed powers far beyond our imagination. If we let them go. It would be a waste." Chun Xi said coldly.

The two ladies were shock to him say those words.

'Man's Greed holds no bounds. Not even children are safe.' Queen Tillie though as she looks now at the man whom she respected the most. Smile while restraining Michael and Amy.

Shounen-Chen, Sue Mo, Elizabeth Lou Kelly Page are being blown away by the shire force and wind the tornadoes of Chains are creating.

" I can't seems to get close!" Kelly Page shouted but Sue Mo raised her hand to stop her.

"No you Can't! 4th tire technique are too strong and it can kill you if we infer!" Sue Mo responded. While holding her arms in fort of her face. Blocking the heavy winds from her face. Trying to see the condition on Michael and Amy.

"But We have to help them!" Shounen-Chen shouted. Using his sword in sheath on the ground the gain leverage to get closer.

"At our level of strength. There is nothing we can do." Elizabeth Lou said, because standing in front them are the power houses of Cultivation.

"compared to us, we are just ants that can be taken out easily."

Feeling frustration and uselessness, all they could do is watch and hope for the best.

"Sect Master Helen, I know we have our differences but answer me on thing."

Without looking back at him she answered.

"what is it?"

"even tho Head Sect Master is using a 4th tire technique…. Something feels off."

" What are you talking about?" She asked at she turns her head to look his way.

"It's.. Just… The looks on their faces. They don't look like someone who is scared of death." He said staring At Michael and Amy in the tornados. Helen Dax looks as well and can tell that they don't seem scared at all.

"So what? As long as don't resistant. They won't die." She answered.

"Then why the fuck is he smiling like he is the most excited man alive." Xou Meng said in a frustrated manner.

Although Michael's heads bent down, with his hair covering his eyes. You can still see his smile. The Smile of excitement. Then Smile of a Devil.

Amy as well. Her eyes shined through the Akuma bunny mask blood red. The pupils of her eyes gave off an omniscient from her gaze.

As the chains stopped it's cyclone formation and it's raging force that came with it. With the chains wrapped around them both. Yet Michael still had that Smile.

"Michael I hear by put you under…" Chun Xi


Lee Xeng then got out of his seat and shouted in return.

"It is pointless for you to choo…"


As soon as Michael shouted those words. Complete Silence fell on the Sect Masters. It was so quite, you could hear the breeze blow by.

"hahahaha" Chun Xi laughed alone in the silence.

"7th Sect? What 7th Sect?"

"hahahahaha…"Amy laughed in an evil manner. .

"You have no idea what's going on do you?" Amy surprised laughed. But her words confused Chun Xi.

"Little Girl, what are you talking about?" Chun Xi asked out of curiosity.

The sound of Amy's voice, a sly/cute way and Said

"His Coming." She said

"Who's coming?" Queen Tillie Asked

Amy turns to Queen Tillie and Hasley Mo.

"Since Sect Master's Tille and Mo asked."

"Our Master is here"

Chun Xi looked at Amy and then looked around.

'impossible, for children to know such strong techniques. Their master can not be weak. But If a Master like that is that walking around Heavenly Deity College. I would have been noticed. Unless his able to conceal his power. I have to find out more about this person.' Chun Xi Though to himself.

"then Tell me about your master. Where is he?" Chun Xi asked.

"hahahahaha" Amy laughed.

"Oh so Head Sect Master is curious about our Master. Lets give this Seal as an example. Now imagine you all were this seal…."

As Amy spoke the Chains came out from both their body's. The Chains broke into peace and disintegrated to ash as it touches the ground.

"There is no one here that can save you if you provoke him." Amy said in a Cold hearted manner.

An aww speared through out the audience. It was as if they had seen the impossible happen before their very own eyes. But no one is more shocked then Chun Xi.

" what… What.. happened to my seal?" Chun Xi asked

" hahaha…Every technique has it's limits so if you caste a Seal Technique….

Rule 101 of a mage sealing spell: There is only a certain amount of sealing spell that can be cased on an individual…" Michael explains while holds out five fingers out.

"What do you mean?" Hellen Dax said in surprise.

"Are you fucking telling me. You two have already have a 5 Sealing Spells on your bodies that's stronger than a 4th tire Sealing technique?" Xou Meng said in shock.

"It Doesn't matter! Where is your Master!" Chun Xi shouted. Amy just looked back him and tilted her head. It was as if she is confused by his question.

"What's wrong Head Sect Master? My master has been standing behind you the entire time.

Suddenly Chun Xi looked down and has now noticed that there is a tall shadow is casted over him. He turn around to see a very tall slender man. With his long black leather trench coat hang over his shoulders. His long black hair and hat casted a shadow over his face. Making it hard to see his eyes. But his smile. It was if it was the smile from the Devil him self.

Chun Xi is surprised by this and jumps away.

'how did this man get behind me and how long has he been there. If that girl didn't tell me. Would I have never noticed him.' Chun Xi Thought. But he was not the only one thinking that. Because nobody, including the Sect Master near or nor noticed his presence. Not even the personal hidden Guards that protect each Sect master did.

Six guards of the Golden Deity Sect appeared out of thin air surrounding Drake in every direction even from above..

"Protect Head Sect Master!" They bravely shouted. As they swing the weapons. A red electrified berrier shattered their weapons and sent them crashing into concrete walls. Knocking them out.

"Are you their Master?" Chun Xi asked

Drake lifts his hand and holds out two of his fingers together.

"Yes…. And this.." he snaps his fingers and in front of each Sect Master. Appears as notice page.

Each Sect Master grabbed the page and read it. As they read each of their eyes brows began to frown.

"What is this?" Xou Meng shouted.

" This can't be happening… " Hellen Dax mumbled to herself as she read the notice.

Chun Xi looked up at Drake in shock.

" What's going on?" Chun Xi asked.

" Dear Head Sect Master, you don't seem to be grasping the situation. But I will be kind enough to explain. You see, my disciplines are not done with their training and you know they power that they possess far exceeds any of your teaching in this place. So Miss Chu, my lovely assistant and I took the liberty to getting all the paperwork work together. So you're now looking at the new 7th Sect Master." Drake said then his eyes began to glow blood red with a smile of evil.

Everyone that heard were in shock by this news. Not just anyone can have a sect in Heavenly Deity College.

" Look even if you qualify to open a new Sect. You still need permission from the Head Master of Heavenly Deity College. The Supreme Deity, Miss Diana Kent.

" hahahahahah…" Drake laughed in a evil manner.

" Head Sect Master Xi, you must still be confused. I told my disciplines to show off their powers so you and the rest of the sect master all focus your attention on them. Watching Michael and Amy make a spectacle of each of your test. Allowing me time to qualify time with Miss Diana in her Chambers for a discussion.

"IMPOSSIBLE!" Hellen Dax Shouted

"Miss Diana would never let someone like you have their own Sect." Hellen Dax Stated.

"I'd to admit it but she's right. There are only two ways to getting a Sect. Have the entire board of directors to make an agreement or if Miss Kent allows it. I just don't see why she would agreed it." Xou Meng said burning the notice page in his hand.

Drake turn his head to look at Xou Meng. He looks away and walks down the steps to the edge of the balcony.

" You're right, she didn't agree at first. But I made a bet with her and she lost. In honour of that bet Miss Diana singed the dotted line. Making me the New 7th Sect Master." Drake explained. Leaving Hellen Dax and Xou Meng speechless.

"What bet did you make?" Hasley Mo asked out of curiosity.

"hahahaha… I made the bet on the Sect Master's virtues…." Drake said leaving the Sect Master quit.

"We betted wither The Sect Master's would abuse their power, status and use underhanded methods during the test…and I think you all can guess the results."

Xou Meng, Lee Xeng, Chun Xi began to sweat from the nervousness they felt.

"You see, while you watching my disciples. We were watching you and Miss Diana is not happy with your performance." Drake told them. Each Sect Master looked down at the ground with a dark expression on their face.

"Like I said, I choose the 7th Sect…" Said Michael with a grin on the corner of his mouth.


Next chapter: Man's Greed