
Revenge Blood

Drake the 1st Demon knight of the 12 Demon knights, First vampire (Dracula). He was betrayed by his father Lucifer Morningstar and his body was destroyed and his comrades were banished during the escape to earth. But Drakes soul was sent to earth and was accidently imprisoned in a 10 year old boy named Michael. Michael and his little sister who have been bullied by Society for being poor and not being able to cultivate for in this land only the strong have a safe in the week are left in the slums. all Michael wants is to protect his little sister from the world of cultivators and Drake with a mission of Revenge. Drake and Michael bounded by Faith team together for revenge and blood. So the question is, will they save the world and defeat hell or will they destroy both with No Mercy?

DevilsDead69 · Cómic
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37 Chs

Chapter 15 "I'll Attack"

"My Master has ordered me to destroy everyone's cultivation but I'm not an evil guy. If you back down now and ask those that you have bullied for forgiveness. I'll leave you alone." Michael said, standing firm in the middle of the area facing the martial arts and Kendo Clubs. The two club have never been disrespect like this before and all this is coming from Michael.


" Who the hell do you think you are? "

" don't make me laugh. You just caught our coach off guard."

"beg for forgiveness? Please those weaklings deserve it for being weak."

"what can you do against all of us?"

"we have been bullying you for years and we can do it again."

(Clubs parents)

"hahaha.. What a foolish rat."

"does this poor boy think he can beat our kids."

"so what if you won a few one on one matches. You can't beat them all.

" no wonder his an orphan. With that attitude his parents must be dead."

Principle Lee came on stage as the parents were talking.

" interesting, very interesting." he said standing next to Michael, he put his hand on his shoulder and said.

"since everyone is so sure that they can beat Michael. Then I'll allow it. It will be Michael VS martial arts club and the Kendo Club. Anything goes but no one will interfere."

Principle Lee looks over to Miss Chu.

"Miss Chu. This is your call. The winner of the tournament will be the one that defeats Michael." he said calmly

'WTF... How can he put this on me." Miss Chu though to herself.

" yes.. I'll allow it but no killing." she said.

"hahahahahaha." the laughter of Drake is heard by everyone. He laughs and drags a chair with him. He places the chair in the middle of the students parents who just bad mouthed Michael.

"I'll sit right here and wait for me you all to beg me to stop Michael from turning your Children into cripples." Drake said arrogantly.

The parents weren't happy but said nothing.

"enough talk already. I'm waiting for you all. "Michael words cut deep into there Egos.

Both clubs surrounded Michael and they stood in their battle stances.

Michael sighed and said.

" if you're not going to move. I'll Attack"

In an instant Michael already Signal out one person. He punch him with so much force, it sent the boy flying. Crashing into a wall, breaking his Miranda.

one of the students came up from be hind Michael to attack him with a punch.

Michael takes a step back and tilts his head to throw the punch off target. As his arm goes past Michael's head, Michael throws an upper cut. The upper cut force him sent him in the air but Michael wasn't done yet. In mid air Michael grabbed his ankle and forced him to come back down. While coming down Michael punch him so hard it broke the students Miranda. The student flew across the arena taking a few more students with him, crashing through the gyms concert wall.

Three of the kendo club members worked together to get Michael but each attack Michael doged with his hands in his pockets and his eyes closed.

Michael dodged of there kendos and gave him an upper cut, Knocking him out. While, just a few feet in the air. Michael punched his cheats, breaking Miranda. The force of the punch was so strong, his body broke the ground.

Michael's speed is so fast that the other within 3 seconds he broke each of there arms, legs and Miranda. Sending each one flying out of the arena.

(club parents)

"oh my God...my son!"

"how can someone be so cruel"

"why is that kid so strong. It doesn't make sense"

"Has he been acting weak all this time?"

"he broke all there Miranda, now they can't cultivate anymore.

Miss Chu was watching in amazement

" well i should have expect this. I. Did see how he handled King level beast." she said to herself.

" how can this be. All these kids are useless." Mr. Kai said in anger.

Michael just used his knee against the face to knock out the last member of the Kendo club. Then turn turned in mid air, using the same leg to kick him straight to the ground. Forcing the student to skip along the ground till he fell out of the arena.

A few of the students in the martial arts club lied on the ground with broken arms and legs, but they were still conscious.

"aaaahhhh... My leg its broken."

Michael walked over to him and placed his foot on his chest.

"i gave you all a chance to aske for forgiveness from those yoi have wronged. Now I'll break your Miranda so that you never hurt anyone again." Michael said cold heartedly.

"please don't I'm sorry. I give up. I won't hurt anyone again....i promise. He begged

Michael chrushed his chest into the ground mercilessly. Broke the ground under him.

" please... Please.. Stop him... I Beg you" one of the parents begged Drake. She went down on her knees and bowed her head. Once all the parents saw this. They did the same as well. Drake have a devilish smile.

"such proud parents. Now begging for mercy after Michael gave you a warning... And a word of advice. Mercy is meant for the innocent and i don't see any on that arena.

Michael continued. He is holding a student by the neck, feet off the ground. Michael punched his chest so hard blood came out of his mouth. Michael dropped him and turn his attention to Donzo.

After watching the entire ordeal. Donzo Dared not to enter the arena.

"hey Donzo, what are you waiting for. Last time i recall. You said you're going to make me and my sister pay." Michael said meticulously, walking to the edge.

Donzo hand in his hand a pill that his father gave him, in case of an emergency.

Suddenly a massive muscular figure appears behind Michael. It threw a puntch at Michael.


The explosive force cover the edge of the area in dust cloud and debris. No one could see Michael.

Out of the smoke Michael flies in the air but he does a mid air back flip and lands on one knee. Michael looks up with a Furious look on his face. The strange figure waves its arm and forcefully removes tbe dust cloud from the area.

The man is massive, muscular and bold. He gave off and aura that would make most people

"hey kid. I can see you're very strong but mercilessness makes me think you're becoming a villain.

(crowd chatter)

" hey i know him. His from the Hero Association."

"yeah, his name is Ten Yu. His a (c) rank hero."

"i heard that in all the (c) heroes, his the strongest."

"what do you want?" Michael asked with an angary voice.

"drop the attitude. This tournament is over." he said

"who gave you that right?" Miss Chu asked, interrupting Ten Yu.

"hey pretty lady. I'm one of the Hero Association. I can do whatever i want." he said disrespectfully.

"The Hero Association has no authority in this tournament between juniors." Miss Chu said.

"i was sent here by Mr. Bi to check out the guy that hurt his kids so badly. So I'm here to take this kid out.

" Mr. Bi is a (A) rank Hero and he will be here any moment now. So before he gets here. I'll give him the pile of scraps left over to take this kid to the Heroes Association for interrogation."

"you!" Miss Chu said but was interrupted by Michael showing his hand to her.

Michael laughed and said.

"the Hero's Association. To me you all are just a useless cultivators that think that your rank gives you the right to do what you want....well let me tell you. I'm going to destroy you." Michael said smiled with excitement

Ten Yue laughed and Michael but Michael from a other side of the area was already at Ten Yue's feet. Michael threw a punch with a large amount of force. The force is so strong that everyone behind Ten Yue were blown away, but Ten Yue did not budge and did not feel anything. He laughed and threw a punch of his own. It was fast and powerful. All Michael could do was block it with his arms. Michael was blown back but he used his feet to stand his ground. Michael's feet broke the ground's concrete.

'shit, his not just strong but also fast. His using body tempering technique.' Michael thought to himself.

"hahahah..kid... That punch wasn't too bad and you blocked mine. This is going to be fun." Ten Yue said disappearing from where he stood and approached Michael in mid air. He threw a punch but Michael blocked it with his forearm.

The ground under Michael feet made a small crater. In that same moment Michael used is other arm to throw a punch back but Ten Yue disappeared again. He appeared behind Michael and grabbed him with both arms.

(Body Tampering Technique/bear Huge)

Ten Yue held Michael and squeezed. The vain in his muscular arm grew lager.

"don't worry kid. I won't kill." Ten Yue said

"Michael, have you hand enough fun." Drake said calmly with a grin on his face.

Michael began to laugh. As if he was enjoying.

"I'm sorry Master i just wanted to see how good was his (Body Tampering technique)"

Michael said

"what the hell you talking about?" Ten Yue asked.

Suddenly red electricity emitted around Michael's body. Michael's strength increased. Ten Yue began to struggle.

Michael discharged a large amount a red and black energy that enable them to break free. Ten Yue was blow away.

" what the hell is this? Where did he get all this power?" Ten Yue stunned but gets back on his feet.


In a blink of an eye Michael disappeared and the next thing you knew, he super kicked Ten Yue against his Chin. Ten Yue's Teeth broke from the impact of the kick. Lifting him from the ground but Michael grabbed his ankle and threw him across the arena. Breaking the ground with his body along the way.

Now stunned by this, Ten Yue gets back up in anger charges his energy. Shacking the ground from where he stood.

"you piece of shit. I'm going to kill you."

Ten Yue said in a rage. He charged at full speed breaking the ground under his feet but Michael charged as well. Michael hit Ten Yue with a knee to the face. Breaking Ten Yue's momentum. With his nose now bleeding, Michael jumps in the air to punch him. Ten Yue tried was expecting this but Michael disappeared in mid air. Michael suddenly appeared be hind Ten Yue. Grabbed his waste and suplex him. Burying Ten Yue's head in the ground.

Ten Yue takes his head out of the ground.

"why?... Why?... Why?" Ten Yue kept asking.

"because this is what it feels like when you under estimate the weak. Now you truly see how weak you are." Michael's words hit Ten Yue Hard.

In a rage Ten Yue throws a punch but Michael instantly blocks it and breaks his arm. Ten Yue Screams but throws another punch. Once again Michael blokes it and breaks his other arm.

Now with two broke arms and down on his knees. Ten Yue is now helpless.

" I think its time to end you." Michael said coldly. The look in Michael's eyes made Ten Yue feel fear that he has never felt before.

"please.. Wait.. I was just following orders...please not more." Ten Yue begged with tears in his eyes.

As Michael took a step closer. Someone had sword at Michael's throat.

She a very beautiful women. She has long black hair and purple eyes. She wore a black stealth latex suite.

"Boy, I'm going to have to ask you to stand down." she said but Michael showed no concern about her.

(crowd chatter)

" holy shit... It's Sue Mo.. An (A) rank Hero"

"Dude i heard that she successfully took out a 3 king level beast on her own."

"yeah. I even heard her cultivation beginner Level King Realm."

"yeah..she's the eldest daughter of one of the 4 great family's. The Mo Clan

Michael just smiled.

"what are you smiling about?" she asked

Michael looked at her and said

"because you are in no position to be telling me what to do."

Sue Mo slightly looked at her side to see Amy with her sword placed by her neck. This shocked Sue Mo as she has never had anyone get the drop on her before.

'what the hell is this..i didn't even feel her presents or her breath. If i had tried anything. I would have been killed.' she thought to her self.

"Principle Lee, we need to get the situation under control." Miss Chu said and Principal Lee agreed. Principal Lee goes on stage to break the tension with an announcement.

"now, now. Lets all calm down. As it is clear to see who the winner is... ." Principle Lee was rudely interrupt.

"wait a minute. My son has not had a match yet! " Mr. Kai shouted.

Donzo was still stunned with fear but his

father came over.

"Dad I'm..... sorry but...i can't fight him." Donzo

said with fear in his voice.

"it's okay my son. Did you see how much he fought just now. He must be weak now. If you take that pill i gave you. It can be enough power to kill him." Mr. Kai said

Drake clapped his hands, while walking towards Mr. Kai and said.

"you are some father. You would sacrifice your son just so that you don't lose your money and pride."

Mr. Kai became angary with what he had said.

"my son is not weak and i know you're disciple must be tried from fight Ten Yue." Mr. Kai said.

"i can do this." Donzo said and jumped onto the arena. Feeling confident in his father's words.

Sue Mo dropped her sword and said.

"fine but after this you will be held accountable for what you did."

Michael laughed slightly and said.

"what is it with you wane be Heroes. If you don't even know the situation and just arrest who you want. You're not better than Ten dumb ass."

Sue Mo felt angary by this insult. "You!..."

"Miss Mo, if you didn't know your companion over there inferred in a tournament being held by Heavenly Deity College. I know you're part of the great Mo family but do you really want them to lose face for some mere (C) rank hero." Miss Chu said confidently.

Sue Mo though about the situation and decided to let it go. She says nothing but picks up Ten Yue with one arm and takes him off stage.

" now, for the final match. Michael Lee vs Donzo Kai." Principle Lee announced. Everyone thay were on the stage now left the two alone.

Michael noticed something in Donzo's mouth. Donzo had put the pill in his mouth before he had got in the arena. He bit it and instantly his power grew. The power had a green aura but bursting out of his body like violent rage.

'Blood Pill, how cruel to make your own son take it. After this fight he will drop a realm and be in a coma.' Michael though to himself.

(forbidden body tampering Art/Dragon Rush)

Donzo's power increased even more.

'yes, with this forbidden Art. My son will be 10x strong and faster than a (B) ranked Hero.' Mr. Kai said proudly.

Donzo dashed forward but Michael did not move nor showed any concern for the situation he is in. Donzo threw a ferocious punch that it could be felt throughout the gym.

' this kid is dead' thought Sue Mo

'no chance at all' thought Mr. Kai

'his finished' though the crowd

"serves you right" said the clubs parents


The impact was so strong that a massive dust cloud had speared through out the arena. Making it hard to see the out come. After a few minutes the dust settles. Only to find Michael standing tall and Donzo lying behind him in a crater, unconscious.
