
Chapter 4 We could have an affair?_1

Ever since her husband uttered the words "pregnant," Jiang Xue's heart had plunged into utter disarray, her emotions swirling chaotically without direction.

"Jiang Xue... Jiang Xue?"

Her boss's voice jolted her awake.

"Ah? Department head, do you have any instructions?"

With a concerned look, the head of the design department, Feng Haoyu, asked, "You look very pale. Are you feeling unwell?"

"Yes, I feel a bit... a bit dizzy."

"Then let me take you to the hospital."

"No need, no need, I can go by myself, thank you, department head!"

Jiang Xue stood up, bowed slightly, and quickly left the conference room.

"Be careful on the road. Call anytime if you need anything."

Feng Haoyu's voice followed her, but Jiang Xue had no intention to respond.

She was well aware of Feng Haoyu's interest in her. Normally she wouldn't owe anyone a favor under any circumstances, but today was different. The possibility that a life was being nurtured in her belly frightened her to the core, leaving her no capacity to worry about anything else.

After grabbing her wallet and keys from her workstation, Jiang Xue hurried downstairs. Just as she stepped out of the office building, she caught a glimpse of two people intimately huddled together out of the corner of her eye.

She took a second look out of instinct, and her whole world came to a standstill.

Incredibly, the two people were her boss and her husband!

Her husband was still in his usual messy and slovenly appearance, while the boss stood on the ground just in stockings, high heels in hand, her hair disheveled, and her eyes red and swollen, an image of extreme vulnerability that was a far cry from her usual strong woman persona.

It was as if they were acting out a melodramatic soap opera romance.

This... how is this possible?

Am I seeing things?

Jiang Xue rubbed her eyes forcefully, but the scene before her remained unchanged.

At that moment, Xiao Ming noticed his wife, his scalp tingling with panic, and hurriedly pushed Yang Hanqing away.

Yang Hanqing staggered, almost falling, but when she regained her senses, grief welled up from within, and she could not care less about appearances. She clung to Xiao Ming again, grabbing at his clothes.

"Tell me! Tell me everything you know!"

Maohe Architecture was not a large company and had not gone public. Its ownership structure was very simple. Her father had given her a 45% stake, and two uncles held 9% and 8.5% respectively.

The remaining 37.5% belonged to her husband, Zhang Anli.

Why was Xiao Ming trying to acquire this share, no matter how much it cost?

There was only one answer—Zhang Anli would soon lose the right to own it.

Her father had been murdered by her husband!

Xiao Ming felt as if his head was full of black lines, thinking, "Sister, please turn around, will you? My wife is right here!"

Having no other choice, knowing Yang Hanqing was beyond reason at the moment, he pretended not to see Jiang Xue and forcibly pried Yang Hanqing's hands away.

"You have no proof. I suggest you go home immediately, find the neighbor on the same floor across the street, and ask their child for the camera storage card."

"Storage card?" Yang Hanqing was no fool, managing a company efficiently; she instantly understood Xiao Ming's implication.

"Are you saying the child across the street might have captured the process of my father's murder?"

"Not might have, absolutely did."

"The child captured such a horrific event and his family did nothing about it?"

"That child has autism, is shy, and doesn't like to talk. Remember to communicate well with his parents when you go."

After finishing, before Yang Hanqing could ask anything else, Xiao Ming's eyes lit up, and as if he had just noticed Jiang Xue, he walked over to her.

"Xue'er, have you finished work? Are you hungry? Let's go eat your favorite pizza!"

Yang Hanqing's heart was thrown into turmoil.

Not only did Xiao Ming know the true cause of her father's death, but he also knew she had been harboring doubts. And now he even knew the child across the street had autism.

Who on earth was this guy?

Turning to ask, she saw Jiang Xue was standing not far away. She had to suppress her shock, slip on her shoes, gather her hair, and walk over to hand Xiao Ming a business card.

"I hope what you said is true, or else I will never let you off!"

After speaking, she gave Jiang Xue a light nod and quickly turned to leave.

Jiang Xue's brow furrowed deeply as she asked Xiao Ming, "What does Mr. Yang mean? What nonsense did you tell her?"

Xiao Ming replied with an apologetic smile, "She asked for my help, and I showed her a clear path, yet she still has doubts. It's beyond me how such people can run a company, they're bound to go bankrupt sooner or later!"

Looking at her husband's smug and despicable demeanor, Jiang Xue felt a wave of irritation and disgust wash over her.

"Xiao Ming, do you get uncomfortable if you don't boast for a minute? Mr. Yang earned dual master's degrees in architectural design and business administration at a young age, owns millions in assets—what could she possibly have to ask someone like you for?"

Xiao Ming sighed inwardly, but his expression was all smiles and jests: "Anyway, whatever it is, there's no way we could have an affair."

"Wishful thinking!"

Disdainfully rolling her eyes at him, Jiang Xue turned and walked away.

Although her mind was still full of doubt, she absolutely refused to believe that there was any untoward relationship between them.

"Wife, where are you going?" Xiao Ming called after her.

"It's none of your business!"

Without looking back, Jiang Xue mounted her electric scooter and sped off.

Xiao Ming smacked his lips, pulled out his phone, and sent a message according to the number on Yang Hanqing's business card: "Don't forget our deal.

Otherwise, just as I know how your father died, I'll also know what becomes of you!"