
Return Of The Strongest Assassin: Assassin's Chronicles

In the heart of Seoul, where the city's vibrant lights cast shadows deep enough to conceal even the darkest secrets, Hyeong Shin emerges from retirement with a single, unyielding purpose: to eliminate Michael, the most dangerous adversary he has ever faced. At 70 years old, Hyeong Shin is no ordinary assassin; he is a legend with 63 years of experience, honed by countless missions carried out with cold precision under the command of a shadowy organization known as "The SSS ranks."Michael was once the leader of The Circle, a brother-in-arms to Hyeong Shin. But the bond of brotherhood shattered when Michael betrayed the organization, seeking to seize power for himself. His betrayal left The Circle fractured, vulnerable, and desperate to reclaim control. Knowing that only one man could succeed in eliminating Michael, The Circle turns to Hyeong Shin, their greatest asset.However, age has taken its toll on Hyeong Shin. Though his skills are unmatched, his body no longer possesses the agility and strength it once did. Desperate to complete the mission and settle the score with the man who had betrayed everything they once stood for, Hyeong Shin undergoes a perilous ritual that restores his youth and vitality. The procedure is as ancient as it is dangerous, but the transformation is successful. Rejuvenated, Hyeong Shin is ready to take on the challenge that lies ahead.The mission is clear: track down Michael, who has established himself as an untouchable power in the underworld, and eliminate him. But this task is far from straightforward. Michael is no ordinary target; he is a mastermind with resources and connections that run deep. Every step Hyeong Shin takes is met with resistance, from assassins loyal to Michael to traps set to lure him into a deadly game of cat and mouse. As Hyeong Shin moves through the city’s dark alleys and towering skyscrapers, the narrative delves into the history between him and Michael. Flashbacks reveal a time when they fought side by side, bound by a shared loyalty to The Circle. Michael’s betrayal is a wound that cuts deep, driving Hyeong Shin not just to complete the mission, but to confront the personal betrayal that has haunted him for years.With The Circle backing him, Hyeong Shin is armed with the best intelligence and resources available. But the deeper he dives into the mission, the more he realizes that The Circle’s motives are not as straightforward as they seem. As he inches closer to Michael, he uncovers secrets that shake his faith in the organization he has served for so long. Loyalties are tested, and the line between friend and foe blurs as Hyeong Shin navigates a web of deception, all while keeping his eyes on the ultimate prize—Michael’s head. The climax of the story is a breathtaking showdown between Hyeong Shin and Michael, set in a labyrinthine fortress that Michael has turned into his stronghold. The battle is as much psychological as it is physical, with both men using every ounce of their training and experience to outmaneuver the other. The Circle watches from the shadows, their true intentions only becoming clear as the final confrontation unfolds.In the end, Hyeong Shin emerges victorious, but the victory is bittersweet. The revelations uncovered during the mission force him to question everything he has ever believed in. The Circle, once a beacon of loyalty and order in his life, is revealed to be as corrupt and power-hungry as the enemies they sought to eliminate. With Michael dead, Hyeong Shin is left to ponder his future—whether to continue as The Circle’s weapon or to forge his own path, free from the chains of his past. "The Return of the Greatest Assassin:Assassin's Chronicles" is a gripping tale of loyalty, betrayal, and the blurred lines between good and evil. It explores the complexities of power and the personal cost of a life lived in service to others.With heart-stopping action, intricate character development,and a plot full of twists and so,the pages unfold.

Hyumino_ig · Ciudad
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154 Chs

To The Past.

"Oh is that so? Let me remove all this for you so you can find it." Said another teammate, her name was Ha Neul.

"Crazy how I remember someone else's name rather than my own information broker."

"Surprising, isn't it?" Said Anastasia, The moment I looked back, She delivered a blow to my nose.

After being sent flying away, I opened my eyes after quite a bit of time, It was Jack's second ability, "Healing."

He could heal minor injuries all by himself, If upgraded to S tier...

"Now that we have defeated the Lich, what is the next step?" I looked up to the sky, He appeared once again, this time, visible to everyone of them.

"Hii, I'm Sagittarius,I'm shy and afraid of women-"


"Oh, okay okay calm down, Why are you in a hurry? I will send you back right away!"

A small black hole appeared right infront of me, it was time we went back to our past and stopped the association once and for all.

The blackhole only sucked the 12 of us inside it, it was a short trip to the past.

"So, Time Travel is real, and it was discovered by us?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Woah! This is so cool!" The over excited old men in young bodies soon changed, Their memories were gone, the only thing they remembered is that they are from the future and the recent stuff.

"This is not the same world you lived in, back in your early 20s, This world was merged with a parallel universe, enabling the use of magic, The same power bestowed by us warriors of the zodiac symbols to you 12." Said each of those, It was the same sentence, but the other couldn't hear a different zodiac sign's voice, but was I special? Hell yeah! I could hear every one, And by every one of them, I meant it, At some point my head started hurting real bad.

"Time Travelling To The Past, Brace yourself for the impact."

We saw the light of the passage, and soon reached it after a few seconds.

"This.. where are the others? This looks like... I'm on a plane..?" The view of the window seat, There were many times I travelled through Airways for assassinations, My memories were fuzzy because of the impact, My memories were also forcefully removed.

"I don't.. remember anything!?"

"Sir are you okay?" Asked the Air Hostess, everyone around me had 2 reactions, annoyed or surprised.

"Tell that little kid to shut the hell up, I feel sleepy."

I suddenly remembered, The person next to me, the person I was supposed to assassin.

This was a huge task for the future of South Koreans.

The man next to me, is the information broker, basically a spy of the Japanese.

"Ah, I remember now.. I was supposed to act like I'm Japanese, get along with him and kill him when the chance is right.." I thought to myself.

"Sir, Please sit down, This is the last warning..!"

I didn't realise what she was saying, as I was too busy trying to comprehend such monstrosity done to the 12 of us.

"The... The only thing I remember is that we are from the future and my abilities..!"

Some Japanese Guy, built like a monster, started spewing some useless shit I couldn't understand because of me not being fluent in Japanese.

"My identity for this mission was, A Japanese that was raised in Korea for the sole purpose of eliminating all dangers for Japan."

"Hey you bastard! Sit down!" Said the man in Japanese, But I was still clueless, but it did look like he was cursing me out.

"You.. you have nerves, don't you?" Finally the man, Started using Magic to attack me.

"Fire balls! My greatest spell! No one can escape from me!"

"Skill can be copied, Conditions fulfilled, Copying skill in 5 seconds."







Because of the low level of the skill, compared to Berserker, It was only a little nosebleed.

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

As the fireballs approached me from across the plane, I launched my own fireballs from the copied ability and countered it.

"Wha- how is that possible!"

"Talk! In! Korean!!" I closed the distance between us, No matter how tough he looks, he is nothing more than a Yakuza member, probably of low rank as well, it's always the low ranks causing trouble.

"Y-you! Do you know who I am!? I am the best friend of Sulin gang! They will chase you to the ends of earth if even a strand of hair on my head is hurt!"

The irony was that, He was bald.

"Shut up, Don't care, didn't ask." With a Cross to his left chest muscles, I hit him with a uppercut straight to his chin, "You're weak, It doesn't mean I am strong, it's just that youre too weak."

The civilians were panicking due to the sudden fights, and between them, was the spy from Japan.

He looked terrified from what he saw, it was supposed to be me being a quiet shy boy, a Japanese immigrant, No way in his wildest dreams that he dreamt I would be capable of such violence.

The deafening silence between us two was loud, I knew I failed my mission, and that I had to evacuate from here.

"Fuck, my first failed mission since the starting of my life."

"Shin Hyeong


Tasks given: 189

Completed: 189"


Dropping a stone on my emotions, I jumped, without a parachute.

"Will I be able to do that feather feet thing once again when I make contact with the ground?" Is what I wondered, but Im scared myself.

What if I don't get the feather fall magic again and die from crashing into the ground.

"Ah shit, Here we go again!!"

Leaving it upto fate.

"Heh, So?"


2 or 1 more chapter going to be released a few hours later, mind dropping some POWERSTONES for this amazing story? (definitely not bluffing)

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