
Return Of The Strongest Assassin: Assassin's Chronicles

In "The Return Of The Greatest Assassin: Assassin's Chronicles", prepare to be taken on an electrifying journey as Hyeong Shin, a 70-year-old assassin with 63 years of experience, regains his youth and seeks revenge on the organization he once served. With his unparalleled skills and determination, he sets out to eliminate those who once controlled his life, stopping at nothing to achieve his goal. Filled with heart-stopping action, unexpected twists, and a race against time, this gripping fiction novel will leave readers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. As Hyeong Shin confronts his past and battles his former allies, the story delves into the complexities of loyalty, betrayal, and the unbreakable bonds of power. With every chapter, the tension escalates, and the stakes grow higher, building up to an explosive, adrenaline-pumping climax that will leave readers breathless. "The Return Of The Greatest Assassin" is an adrenaline-fueled adventure that will captivate fans of the thriller and action genres. With its fast-paced narrative and compelling character development, this book is sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who dares to follow Hyeong Shin on his quest for vengeance. A must-read for those who crave a high-octane, blockbuster-style storytelling experience. "If no one knows how I look like! I AM THE GREATEST HERE!" WEBNOVEL SPIRITY AWARDS CONTESTANT

Hyumino_ig · Ciudad
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61 Chs


I swing around plenty of times aiming directly towards the body, All of them weaken the shield, allowing my final and the strongest hit to pierce through it and explode the entire body.

"That was my last hit and last but of power, I don't even know what I would do if that didn't work and they just followed after me."

With nothing to do in mind, and no memories of the future, I was just a wandering soul roaming in the forest.

Till one day...

"Am I finally going to get out of this hell hole!?"

5 days later after I murdered all of the Yakuza gang members and the man I was supposed to kill by disguising, I found myself isolated from human kind in the deep cave like forest.

The canopy later of the forest did not let sunlight fall on the forest floor, disabling all properties of light during the day.

"It has been 5 days, Am I going to die here after Sagittarius wanted me to be the warrior of the zodiac trainee?" While I didn't have anything to eat or even drink, My body didn't change at all, I wasn't hungry or thirsty.

"My level is going down...

The edge of level 20, now I'm close to being demoted to level 19."

As mentioned before, Killing people grants gold and experience points, as my level raises, I can assign statistics points to various tabs, such as Agility, Strength, Intelligence, Endurance and Battle IQ which is way different than Intelligence.

Though it has a downside, Malnutrition can subtract experience points from your current level, while the process is really slow, it is still a bad thing if someone like a level 1 loses all his experience points.

"Has there ever been a case where a level one player died from no experience points?"

Even the System left no hope for me.

The only things I could see is darkness and a forest with chances of an unknown entity hunting me down.

Except being at the 10% of level 20, I couldn't feel any decrease in strength or any other category, Only the level up or level down can have any changes in our body.

"Wait, I have an idea!"

I rushed over to the jungle's part where I killed off the saber tooth tiger.

"Oh yeah, It already exploded into blue pixels which later become the source of my experience points..."

"Do you want to bring the dead body back to its original place?

Yes. Or. No."

It was the first time in a while that the System had sent me a message.

It was obvious which one I would choose, YES!!

The dead body formed out of thin air, It was completely real, the blood, the body flesh, It was like time had stopped for the dead body.

Using my stolen red fire, I can now cook this dead body, and heal the part I removed from the original body to form unlimited food!

Though it is unknown if it will work or not, Why not give it a try?

Cutting off one piece from the body, I regenerated it, and as I thought, regeneration brings out and forms meat that is identical to the original one.

"Now I won't have to worry about food or anything, Since I can just drink it's blood if I feel thirsty."

This was weird... Drinking blood? What am I, A vampire? It was as if some unknown personality had took over me for a second.

"No... This shouldn't be possible...!"

Over the span of 7 days, A helicopter arrived to fetch the dead bodies upon the passanger's family requests to give their family members that were present in the plane crash a proper farewell.

Help arrived soon after, With me rushing out of the forest with a piece of raw meat in my hand, The rescue teams were disgusted.

Why would they not be? Because I came out of the dirty dark shelter, I could see what I was consuming.

The leg, blood was dripping all over my body even after it being cooked.

My clothes had went through tremendous amount of cuts and slashes over the course of a week so I had to abandon the previous clothing and wear leaves tied up with ropes I found from the crashed airplane.

"Can you speak Korean?" Said a man that was together with the rescue team, It seemed like he was in his 30s or mid 30s.

"Yes, Yes sir! I'm korean! Please take me back!" My desperate will to see my team members once again, grew my will to head back.

"No, That won't be possible... Because you're going to have to die here! Do you expect me to bring such a barbaric bastard such as yourself to my nation!?" The man pointed his rapier at me.

It seemed like another treasure like the daggar I recieved.

The system window occurred once again, "Artifacts such as the one you have and the one you see are not actually artifacts, they are lost weapons from the parallel universes or the weapons dropped to earth by accident by the heavenly entities from the great heavens.

Low class Artifacts, From Rank F to Rank B, Can be found by digging in the earth, Most archeological excavators have found one till now, 1000s of years have passed since the existence of magic and tools in this world, The Leviathan Daggar you obtained is a new relic that I dropped only for you by stealing it from the the original Leviathan, The other members must have recieved their own SS ranked special weapons."

"What? Are you distracted when a noble man like me is pointing my distinguished blade at you?" Said the proud man, His clothes changed from a rescue team members to a Noble swordsman from the past.

"Activate, Glamourous Swordsman Set!"

His clothes changed, But his face didn't.

"Are you retarded by any chance..?" I asked.


My relative had died, Disabling me from further uploads, Today I will upload 2 more chapters as compensation for the time I missed.

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