
Return Of The Strongest Assassin: Assassin's Chronicles

In "The Return Of The Greatest Assassin: Assassin's Chronicles", prepare to be taken on an electrifying journey as Hyeong Shin, a 70-year-old assassin with 63 years of experience, regains his youth and seeks revenge on the organization he once served. With his unparalleled skills and determination, he sets out to eliminate those who once controlled his life, stopping at nothing to achieve his goal. Filled with heart-stopping action, unexpected twists, and a race against time, this gripping fiction novel will leave readers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. As Hyeong Shin confronts his past and battles his former allies, the story delves into the complexities of loyalty, betrayal, and the unbreakable bonds of power. With every chapter, the tension escalates, and the stakes grow higher, building up to an explosive, adrenaline-pumping climax that will leave readers breathless. "The Return Of The Greatest Assassin" is an adrenaline-fueled adventure that will captivate fans of the thriller and action genres. With its fast-paced narrative and compelling character development, this book is sure to leave a lasting impression on anyone who dares to follow Hyeong Shin on his quest for vengeance. A must-read for those who crave a high-octane, blockbuster-style storytelling experience. "If no one knows how I look like! I AM THE GREATEST HERE!" WEBNOVEL SPIRITY AWARDS CONTESTANT

Hyumino_ig · Ciudad
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61 Chs


All the sudden knowledge of the martial arts that I couldn't use back then, filled my brain.

I wasn't the same frail assassin student from before, I'm a full fledged assassin now.

"This is going to be easy."

The Muay Thai retard walks forward and grabs my shoulders.

With just legs, he starts barraging me with his knee kicks.

"Do you think this will be enough?" I use my trained grip strength to remove his hands by force.

"Let's use everything I got for this fight, even if he is going to lose, I have to respect him."

While he is still stunned, I pivot my leg joints and hit him with a 360 tornado kick right on his skull.

"Such tightened muscles!"

Even though the attacker was me, it felt like I was the one who was attacked.

"Nevermind it!" I take out my daggar, but a hidden power immobilises me and I fall to the ground.

"My set isn't that all powerful, it creates a invisible ring, use of weapons here is strictly prohibited and I'm invincible here for the first 2 minutes, Basically I'm god in a 1 versus 1 fight." Explained the Muay Thai bastard.

"So, How long till I can move again?"

"You can never."

"I wasn't talking to you."

The system replied, "Cancelling effect in 2 seconds."

After 2 whole seconds, I pretended as if I couldn't move to wait for the right moment to strike.

The Muay Thai bastard bullied me as liked, going as far as to crushing my skull with his leg.

"That is enough you Muay Thai retard." A voice came from behind, it was Timothy.

"I remember... The rescue team is from the 5th affiliation of The Association."

It was definitely not surprising that Timothy came as well, we were each picked from the 12 different affiliates of the hunter association.

"He is from the paramedic region, He is the best healer and with his blink abilities, he is unstoppable."

Timothy grabbed the shoulder and pushed him back, rushing over to heal me.

"He is a survivor of the plane crash that went insane after all of his family and friends died there, His name is Jin Sung!"

Jin Sung was the warrior of the 11th affiliate, not one of the 12 of us, He died around this time so it sounds believable.

"Sir Jin Sung!?" The reinforcements and Muay Thai bastard bowed to me and lifted me back to my legs.

With simple first aid, I used orange fire to heal myself.

"Fire upgraded to Green Fire, Requirements: Heal 1 million blood vessels of your body at once."

"It was this easy!" Everyone looked at me as if they were shocked.

It was inevitable that they would be shocked, since no one else other me can see my own status window.

Or so I thought, The men asked if I completed a hidden achievement.

Well I did kind of expected it, it is not as if magic doesn't exist here in this timeline.

"Am I right?" Asked the Muay Thai bastard, I did feel like he was saying or asking me something before, but I ignored it.

"Huh? What?"

"You're not Jin Sung Brother are you?"

The emotions swayed me from my poker face.

"It feels like I'm right, aren't I?"

"You're one of the 12 hidden assassins of the assassin, Codename is John as in John Wick."

I was surprised by how much this kid knows, but it wasn't that surprising, since I accidentally did reveal my identity while I was flaunting my achievements infront of these guys in the past.

"You still remember me?"

"How could I not... I joined the association in hopes of meeting you again."

"You almost beat me to death a while ago though."

"I couldn't think straight, it had been many years, I couldn't even recognise the face of my idol in my brain anymore, everything was blurry and fuzzy."

"He has Alzheimer's or he just has short term memory." Is what I thought.

"He has Alzheimer's or he just has short term memory." The retard from earlier that could check my past told him it.

"Why you fucki-"

"I'm sorry teehee!" And so he disappeared.

"So that is what you thought of me!? I'm so thankful! To even think my idol is having thoughts about me!"

"To think he is a creep, I'm a man in his 20s and he looks like he is in his 17 or 19s."

Yeah, It is as you expect, Runaway teenagers that cannot find shelter and money, this useless organisation takes them in.

In the outside world they phrase it as, "Children who have NOWHERE to go shall also live along with us." But they're treated as slaves once they enter the company.

And this is not about just the 5th affiliate, all of them are involved in shady business behind the public's back.

"Ye- yeah right! Be thankful! Do you want my autograph!?"

"Yes sir! We even have a fanclub named for you!"

"The fuck is a fan club?"

"Are you a boomer, sir? It is obviously organised to bring people who love a thing or person together."

"It is as he said, I'm also a part of it."

A hand touched my shoulder, Felt like a girl's touch.

"Woah, Anastasia!? You found Timothy and rushed over here?"

"Yeah we had to, The others already met up with each other, you were the only one missing since all of us were in their affiliates doing our jobs, and you were the only one on a assassination mission."

"Woah, You guys managed to find each other so quickly."

"Yeah, as I told you, you were the only one missing from the 12 of us, and you remember what happened right?"

"Yeah I remember well."

I could be wrong but I think she was talking about we were transported back to the past with the memories of the weird things that kept happening to us, from the rejuvenation till the Lich.


last chapter for today, I gotta study too you know?

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