
A Ripple In The Void [part 2]

"Please Aba, quickly, i can't hold it much longer, niether my curiosity nor my widdle[piss]." said Hermes impatiently.

"It is good to be curious my son, for curiosity didn't kill the cat, confomity did." said the father.

"Whoa! Aba Is that the so called hallowed wisdom of the miner." said Hermes while being astonished.

[cough]" Anyway, what happened after that, was a first, it was the first time , Cultivators, Halo-Wielders, Immortals asked for our help. OH.. it was truly a magnificent sight to behold when those greater men, not by will but by birth and bloodline bowed their head before us, the insignificant part of this unfair realm. I know calling ourselves 'insignificant' is to insult to our fighting class of people, but we really are insignificant compared them, that is the cold hard truth. But, in our revelling stupor, we failed to notice the colourless quicksand of malice and betrayal which was right in front of us. Ah yes colourless it was for no one was able to discover this soulless fallacy. Always remember my son, pride will always be the downfall for men, whether it was in the past, present, or future, it will always remain that way, as it did back then. You have to understand that these men never really had anything in their life nor did they own anything that was worth owning. So when those Gods bowed their head before them, their pride became inundated and were easily manipulated. It was as if they were smiling and were more than happy to drown themselves for the Gods into the colourless quagmire of abyss. It was as if they didn't even notice that for every one of their death, thousands of us died. " the middle-aged man suddenly stopped speaking and gazed intently into the dewey darkness the night.

"I am truly sorry my son" said the father in a sedate voice.

"Its okay Aba, there are plenty fathers who are cheap but pretend to be generous, you are certainly not an exception." said Hermes in a sombre manner.

"What nonsense are you spouting, i apoligised because you are not supposed to know this tale of treachery and most of it will probably go over your head, but you must remember this, all of this . Give me your word as my son and as a man." spoke the Aba in a strict manner.

Hermes was a little nervous at first and then became proud as for the first time he had a sense of duty, a sense of resposibility;for it is as they say, that in youth we look for resposibilities but when we grow older we refrain away from it.

Hermes was a keen little child, he already knew how the miners swore a vow. He knew that in order for the miners to swear a vow they must exchange the most valuable object they have in their possetion and mark it with their blood. So Hermes was a little reluctant because of the loss of a valuable object, but he was mostly afraid of the loss of blood, for he heard many stories from Orion that loss of blood is a omen to all the horrible things the protagonists used to suffer, but then he looked at the rustic patterns in those pages and remembered how they were his fathers most prized objects and he didn't even hesitate to give it to him and thus, his pride as a miner's son took over him and he took the chisel from his father's toolbox and tried stabbed at his own hand while his eyes were closed. Just as he was about to make mess of himself, his father caught him and said "Are you stupid or just plain mad, there's no need for the blood vow between us."

"But i mus!t, i must!" said Hermes vehemently.

Hermes's father pondered for a moment then said " Alright then, give me your hand?"

Hermes stopped fidgeting and gave his father his small, modest hand, then his father took out a small knife and made a small cut on his palm. Hermes was a little nervous at first but then he realized that the pain was nothing compared to his imagination. His father smiled and said "Now you're a miner's son." Hermes, then took out a black pebble with a inscription pattern on it and smeared his blood all over it and said "Here you go, Aba."

His father took the stone and gave it a fleeting glance and put it in his pocket and said "Do you want to hear the rest."

Hermes nodded in a sombre way, while fidgeting with the cut on his hand.

"So, the actions of the Halo-Wielers were veiled under their piety. No one realized it until it was too late, even if they did there was nothing they could do. But then something happened, there was one infected which came into existence, that infected was not only absurdly strong but was also intelligent. That thing or rather being killed two of the venerable elders of the 'Bai Ying' [White Shadow] sect. The 'Bai Ying' sect was only a mid level sect in the Immortal society, but to us, the normal people, it did not matter what pattern of stripes a tiger has, it is still a tiger. The whole world went into turmoil, as everyone seemed to realized that no one is safe. But during this time of fear and uncertainty there were two people who became pillars during this chaos, one of them was the sect leader of the 'Beggar-Sect', a great woman, revered by all was she, but what i admired the most about her that even in the most despairing situation she never lost her humanity, ahh what a woman she was, so strong and kind and liberal that her transendental beauty, even played a second fiddle to her nature. She was called Diotima by the world, but to us she was and always will be 'Mu qin'. Fierce as a storm and gentle as snow was she. But she was always supported by a masked man, veiled in mystery was this man. Strong beyond imagination, and everyone wanted to know who this man was, but....." the father stopped speaking as he seemed to be interrupted by someone entering the courtyard.

"But what?" said Hermes as he was broken out of a trance.