
A Ripple In The Void[part10]

"Stop! in the name of Omnibus!" bellowed the guard with bright red hair and a orange tanned face.

"Omnibus? Since when was it, that an insignificant insect like Omnibus had the authority to order this Dwarf Lord?" said Asvid without even looking at the guard.

The guard was a son of a noble from the province Elia, located on the northern side of Argos. His father was a high ranking noble in the King's court and his mother was a high class cyprian, so he inherited his father's pride and his mother's ambition for power. Joining the Omnibus was just a stepping stone for greater things which he believed was waiting for him in his future. Thus, suddenly being insulted by this little man caused him great anger, and he got hold of Asvid's collar and tried to drag him into the streets and pay him back for the humiliation he suffered; but when he tried to pull the collar, he realized he couldn't move it at all, this small man just wouldn't budge an inch.

The scene turned comedic in a flash, a towering person of over two metres high couldn't move a five feet tall man. The guard became even more embarrassed, his anger almost reached the realm of madness, he took a step back and took out his sword and unsheathed it and pointed at Asvid.

"Kneel down and apologise right now, maybe then i might spare your life." said the Guard.

Asvid after hearing what the guard say couldn't hold back his laughter as did the people who knew Asvid. Only one thing was going through their minds that this man is a fool.

"There's an old dwarven proverb, it was so old that many people forgot about it, what did it say . . . ah yes . . . 'The moment you ask a dwarf to kneel is the moment your fate is sealed'." said Asvid while shaking his head.

"Why the fuck are you babbling about Dwarves. They are all extinct along with the Elves and Onis, they are now mere carcasses of time." said the guard in mockingly.

"Just because you dont know about it, doesn't mean they they dont exist." said Orion, who for some reason couldn't keep quiet anymore as if it was a feeling that whatever this man said just now was dead wrong.

"This matter doesn't concern kids, stay out of my way." commanded the guard and pointed that sword at Asvid.

"Sir, you must be new to Hellesport, here things are different than other parts of the country. Starting from the sea on the south, Fimbul Fambi, the treasure trove of mysteries; and in the north lies the Orichalcum mines, where they still haven't found out that how deep the mines actually go; on the west lies the 'Everblack' forest, legend says it is where the Shadow-Onis used to dwell, it is said that unless you're have those old monsters from those big sects as your bodyguard, you can forget about venturing into the forest; finally the east, well . . . . east is kind of normal as it leads to your Elia province. Things here have depth that we donot know, so keeping an open mind will only help you sir." preached Hermes.

"Where the fuck did you come from, i did not come here to get a geographical lesson from a child" said the guard.

"No, you came here to be turned into a 'meat paste'; close your eyes boys, you donot want to see this." said Asvid as he lightly tapped on the giant hammer and as soon as he tapped on it, sparks of wild electricity started to gush out of it. The air in the near vicinity was becoming heavier and heavier and the gravity was fluctuating all around the place, everyone was thunderstrucked, they were witnessing something that their mind couldnot comprehend; their instinct shouted at them to run but they wanted to see one of the gods in action.

By this time the guard finally understood what was really going on, he had really stepped into a hornet's nest, no it was more like a dragon's nest, but he still did not want to give up this folly and said in a loud voice "If you kill me, then there will be no place for you to hide anymore, you will be hunted by my father and the Omnibus guild for eternity, your wife will be raped, your children will beheaded in front of you, think about what you are doing?"

"I dont know about his father but the Omnibus guild will not seek any form of retaliation, Lord Asvid" said an old woman walking towards them.

The sudden appearance of this woman made the guard very happy at first, but as soon as she uttered those words his visage blackened. His last hope was a plain and simple bluff, he bet his life on it, who would have that they would choose an outsider over someone of their own. He really wanted to cry now, his life was not in his hands anymore, his legs gave out he kneeled down in front of Asvid.

From the very beginning Asvid didnot want to kill this fool, specially in front of little children, but now he was in a strange little predicament since he had already taken it too far. Then suddenly he heard a familiar voice" Killing someone on this auspicious day will be very bad Lord Asvid, we should give him a moderate punishment." said Hermes.

"Moderate punishment huh. . . well i think i got it; from today onwards you will act as this boy's servant." said Asvid pointing towards Orion.

"You want me to be servant of this fat and filthy commoner?" said the guard in disgust.

"well, the other alternative is...." said Asvid while touching his Hammer.

The guard looked at the boy and then the dwarf and then the old lady from his guild and suddenly kneeled down and said "When can i start?, sir"