
A Ripple In The Void[part 9]

Nature is the most cruel of all existences, it is naturally obstinate. First it created different species with different physical apperance and abilities and as if to mock them even more he gave them something that even the devil wouldn't give his worse enemy-'sensitive vanity'.

Violent wars have always started because of this 'sensitive vanity'. Vanity because of superiority of race, caste and creed have laid waste to civilization, laid waste to almost all the good that there once was. Beings who claim to be superior do not understand that if there ever was such a thing called superior beings, the last thing they will do is to resort to violence and cruelty in order to settle their differences.

One example of a war which was due to the 'sensitive vanity' was the War of Five Races. People who do not know about it, mistakenly think that this war was between vastly different races such as the Dwarves, the Orcs, the Onis and many other culturally different races; but they would never imagine that this War of Five Races was the war between the five different races of elves. The Light elves, the Dark elves, the Wood elves, the Rune elves and the most prideful and powerful of all the races-the High elves.

For recurring people like us it will be very difficult to understand the reason for the start of this war, in fact it will be downright absurd. The brackish reason the war started because the Princess of the Light elves refused to marry the Prince of the prideful and powerful High elves. A rejection which essentially brought the whole world to its knee. For us common people rejection is a daily occurrence but imagine for a second, what if we had the most powerful army at our call and command, and all the riches in the world, would we feel the same way about rejection as we did before? We don't know what we will do, we might say that we would be humble even after gaining power, just to be able sleep better at night; but we do know what the Prince ended up doing-genocide, all for a simple rejection, all for sensitive vanity and all for the glory of his ego.

Ten thousand years have passed by since the destruction of the elves and now it seems that nature has chosen its next victim and its the modest country called Argos. Shadows were approaching from every direction to this previously hallowed land of the Wood elves, and they were approaching fast.

Unaware of whats to come, the people of Hellesport, this humble innocent port, were enjoying the trance of the Lunar-Dust festival.

A large number of people were gathering around the town hall, for today was the day when the Omnibus Adventurer Guild were auctioning some of their weapons, different materials and some exquisite contraptions as it says in the placard hung in front of the town hall.

There were two categories of materials for the auction, one for the common folk which would take place on the street and the other was for exclusive customers only, people with name, status and more importantly a large amount of gold and silver. While people were gathering at an alarming rate in front of the town hall, three people were walking at an leisurely pace. Of the three people one was an eight year old boy with a plump physique, the another one was a stout man carrying a black and gold hammer and finally a young precocious boy of seven.

"In which of the two auction will the amulet be sold?" asked the plump boy.

"I think its in the commoners category." said the stout man fiddling with his hammer.

"What! such a precious item, in the commoners category, its absurd." said the plump boy in awe.

"I think your sense is absurd, boy, the amulet is not even considered a trinket compared to whats being sold in there" said the stout man pointing towards the town hall.

"Can we go in? it seems like there is a special requirement for going in." said the precocious child.

" Who do you think i am boy, a mere small time guild like Omnibus, even if they grovel before me and beg me to betheir Guild Lord, i wouldn't even consider it for a second." said the High Dwarf Asvid in the most condescending way.

After he said that they started walking towards the entrance of the town hall, as just as they were about to enter the hall, they were stopped by a thunderous roar "STOP RIGHT THERE!"