
A Ripple In The Void[part 8]

"What?" said Comte.

"We have been duped my lord, the 'sil.." just as the servant was about to utter the reason for his distress, a few ragtag group of men walked into the tavern.

"Barkeeper, oi barkeeper! where the fuck are you?" shouted the stout and loud man who was clearly the alpha of the group, which just entered the tavern.

"No more drinks on the tab for you, Grima ;..... why dont you go to a tavern where you can actually afford a drink." said a tall old man who just came out of the storage room.

"Who says that I cant afford it?" said Grima as he took out a pouch and slammed it in front of the barkeeper.

"Will this do? I have more if this isn't sufficient." said Grima smugly.

The barkeeper opened up the pouch and looked inside and then he looked at Grima and said" No, this is sufficient, so what can I get you?"

"The best wine your tavern has to offer." said Grima magnanimously.

"Alright then, please take a seat Sir" said the barkeeper respectfully.

"'Sir'?, . . . this is the first time anybody called me a sir, I have to admit it makes me feel special and everything in this world is about making yourselves feel special, isn't it guys?" asked Grima to his his familiars.

"Since when do you spout sagely bulshit? Grima." spoke a sickly and grimly man who just entered the tavern.

"Well well well if it isn't the 'gremlin' of Hellesport, Amiri." said Grima with veiled mockery.

"Enough of your bulshit, you didn't even greet Lord Magalhaes who has been standing there for god knows how long." said Amiri with a stern visage.

As soon as the name 'Magalhaes' was uttered a strange light flashed in Grima's eyes, but it went away too quickly for anybody to notice, or so he thought but it was caught by the Azure cladded man, but he stood quietly and watched how things played out.

Grima was very quick to move, he came before Comte Magalhaes and bowed deeply and apoligised and said" Please forgive my ignorance, My lord, i deserve a thousand lashes for what i did just now."

Comte was not in the mood to dilly dally with a peasant, his mind was rocked by the utterance of the word 'duped' by his servant just now, so he looked at Grima said" Dont let it happen agian or else i will have you flogged in every city in this country, now leave us alone."

Grima was smart enough not to linger anymore, he quickly went to a corner booth along with his companions.

Comte on the other hand didnot move an inch and looked viciously at his servant and ordered him "If you ever speak like that without being aware of your surroundings, I will have your daughter raped by my whole army in front of your ten year old son. Now lead us to a private booth."

"Forgive me my Lord, please forgive me " said the servant while crying and begging.

"Stop this nonsense! quickly lead us to the Executive booth." orderd Comte Magalhaes.

"ahh.. yes sir, this way sirs." the servant then led them to a V.I.P. booth while wiping away his tears and snots.

"What the fuck was trhat about." said Ulrich, one of Grima's companions.

"I dont know, maybe he sucked Comte's dick the wrong way." joked Grima which was followed by resounding laughters all around the table, but they all stopped.

Seeing this Grima said" Don't tell, me Comte is standing right behind me."

"No someone far worse."said Ulrich letting out a small sigh.

"Someone worse than Comte, that means someone who likes sucking even more cocks than Comte, there's seems to be only one that comes to mind in all of Argos, my sick and grimly cousin, Ami..." just as he was about to finish his jibe he was hit on the head with a resounding slap.

"Stop clowning around! and where did you get the money?" said a very angry Amiri.

"I told you not to put your hand on me! we aren't kids anymore." said Grima.

"Where did you get the fucking money?" asked Amiri.

"Its none of your goddamn buisness."shouted Grima.

"Enough!" the barkeeper suddenly came out of nowhere and handed Amiri the pouch, Amiri quickly examined the pouch and then looked at Grima wanting to say something but was having difficulty uttering a sound.

"Do yo guys hear anything, i think someone owes me an apology." said Grima.

". . . Sorry" said Amiri in a muffed voice.

"Huh... what? did you say something?" asked Grima in a condesending tone.

"I am sorry you FUCKING CUNT!" bellowed Amiri as got hold of Grima's collar.

This went on for a few seconds until the old barkeeper asked "So is he coming?"

As soon as these word were uttered, the lively table became completely silent. Amiri got back to his chair, fixed his collar and his hair and said "He will." As soon as these words were uttered everyone let out a sigh and a sense of security prevaded the air. "I think" but the next words uttered by Amiri immediately made everyone choke up a little bit.

"What the fuck does that mean you asshole?" this time the old man couldn't keep his sagely visage anymore and lunged at Amiri, as Grima started laughing out loudly.

"Grima-san, should we stop them?" said the only man of foreign origin.

"Let them fight, Okita, it will relieve some stress and lets get something to eat and drink, its free!" said Grima while chugging down a whole jargon of wine.

As this group of motley crew was completely immersed in their folly, the door of Tavern opened and the cool, fresh air from the sea came gushing through it, and along with the fresh air came a deity like presence, a divine woman who did not belong in the mortal realm. She came in asked all those people, who literally forgot what they were doing: "Is there anyone here, who is aquainted with anyone with the surname of 'Hel', anywhere around this city?"