
A Ripple In The Void[part 7]

"I am not here for 'the palace', i am here to ask your assistance,. . . High Dwarf Asvid." said Hermes while giving Asvid a little bow, and Orion also followed suit and gave a little bow.

Asvid was quite satisfied with these two showing grace towards him, he then gave Orion a fleeting glance and asked "Are we in that sort of relationship where you can ask me of assistence? little Hermes."

"No Lord Asvid, but we are about to be." said Hermes in a confident manner.

Asvid smiled a little and said " And how will you achieve that, little boy?" releasing his menacing aura that almost made the two boys loose their balance.

"Lets go Hermes, he doesn't want to help us?" said Orion while taking a step back in awe and fear.

"I think you are right Orion, he seems to have no interests in the 'silver gourd'" said Hermes while turning around to leave.

As soon as the name 'silver gourd' was mentioned he suddenly stopped exuding menacing aura and put his hands on the heads of the two boys and said "Young master Hermes, do you have a way to get the 'silver gourd'. The same 'silver gourd',which is given as a gift to the king of this country on this auspicious day. Rumours says that it grows every five years, accumulating plenty of Lunar ki. There is only one that exists at this moment in the whole world and Comte Magalhaes has it lad"

"What he has is a gourd painted silver and imbubed with little Lunar ki to get past the initial inspection." Said Hermes while turning back.

"What do you mean by that, lad" asked Asvid who seemed to be greatly intrigued.

"The 'silver gourd' is harvested by the Erasmus family, they are a working class family so you can see they are not a very rich family. The 'silver gourd'they harvest is one of a kind in the whole world, if the sell it, the money it will bring to the Erasmus family, as you can imagine is, absurd, they parobably dont have to work a day in their life; but the Erasmus family has to give the 'silver gourd' to the the King of Argos, as a gift of honour. The Erasmus family is in a horrible financial situation nowadays, they wanted to sell of their land to ease of their suffering but the cruel thing is that no one would buy the land, as if the land is cursed." said Hermes with a lot of animated gestures.

"How do you know about this?, a mere seven year old child should not know about these stuffs" asked Asvid in a perplexed manner.

"I will be eight in two weeks, if that helps you." said Hermes.

"Tell me how?, boy." said Asvid as he stared down intensely at Hermes.

"How does any child know about things, they eaves drop their parents and the adults around them.

One night I heard my father saying that the youngest son of the Erasmus family got extremely drunk and told my father and two of his friends Uncle Grima and Uncle Amiri that they have decided to sell the 'silver gourd' and they even had a buyer, and all of it was taking place today an hour before midnight." said Hermes.

"Where is it? where's the meeting taking place?" said a very excited Asvid.

"Calm down! Lord Asvid, you know that i can't tell you that unless. . ." said Hermes mischievously.

"I have been wondering why you came to meet me, so out with it, what do you want?" asked Asvid.

"A thing or two from the auction, wont cost you that much, i promise." said Hermes as he put out his hand.

Asvid stared at the hand for a while and said "if you lie to me boy, then you can forget about returning home, you will work your debt as a servant to 'the palace' for the rest of your life, thats a promise too" then he reached out his hand and shaked the tiny hand in front of him. Then both of them shook each others hand with both of them laughing dryly at each other which amused Orion a lot.

In a light filled alley few men were walking towards ostentatiously decorated tavern.

"This way Lord Wei, i know its not enough for someone of your status, but please bear with it for today." said Comte Magalhaes as he led the Azure cladded man to the most luxurious tavern in all of Hellesport.

"As long as i get what i want, idont care about your brownnose attitude, your fucking tavern, I just want to find that 'wakizashi' which has eluded me for a very long time." said the man veiled in azure.

Comte Magalhaes was a prideful man, he was treated with respect everwhere he went, even the king of Argos had to give him some respect; but this man who seemed to be only forty years old treated him like a worm. Outside he was maintaing a respectful visage but inside he was burning of anger ' fucking cultivator looking down on me wait until my son becomes stronger than you, i will let you grovel at my feet then, you motherfucking shitpouch'

"Do you want to say something to me?" suddenly asked the Azure man.

"N..No my L...lord"said a flabbergasted Comte.

"You looked like you wanted to say something." said the man.

"No sir i didnt, lets enter my Lord." said Comte Magalhaes.

Led by Comte they enter the tavern called 'The Lattice', but as soon as they entered a soldier with the emblem of the Magalhaes family came rushing to them and bent downed on one knee and said