
Return Of The Princess : Kim Hyo Ra

Kim Yoora is one of the most famous writers in the Capital. She has printed a lot of books with the Thriller and Horror genre. Thought that is broad and open, taking her too deep into the world which is very stressful and always makes the heart of the reader racing. One time editor Kim Yoora wanted a fantasy story with a royal setting. This is indeed a challenge for Kim Yoora. She has never written a single story about this genre. To hone Kim Yoora's skills, she said yes to her editor's words. To create a fantasy story with a royal setting. Until one day, when she was on vacation with her editor Han Soo Lee, and looking for references for her new story. Kim Yoora even felt that her body was pulled by a whirlpool and made herself into another world. A world where everyone still uses a stretcher and horse as a means of transportation. She becomes the main character in the story she made by herself. How is the story of Kim Yoora, can she return to modern times, or even live to death in the kingdom? NB: Support my story' with comments, add to the library, and give me a power stone. Thank you.

AgathaQuiin20 · Fantasía
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162 Chs


Kim Yoora sat pensively in the palace garden. Her eyes continued to see the ladies passing by, lowering their heads, when they saw Kim Yoora relaxing. Don't forget the whispers of those who are still amazed, how could Kim Hyo Ra be forced to drink poison, and take her life. Instead of dying, there is Kim Hyo Ra coming back to life.

A heavy sigh escaped Kim Yoora's tiny lips, she was suddenly confused and dizzy to write how the story will be after this. She didn't even know where to start. Kim Yoora only managed to write five pages, about the beginning from where she got here.

Getting up from his seat, Kim Yoora headed to a palace bridge. She also looked at the many fish swimming freely and beautifully. This fish pond under the bridge made Kim Yoora think she should write about this.

"Iseul, the Princess is married to a Prince or a Crown Prince? Or maybe a commoner who is born with a noble?" Said Kim Yoora looking at Iseul.

"The Princess will marry the Crown Prince, or the Prince for the second Princess." Iseul explained

"There isn't chance for the princess to marry into the little people."

Iseul shook his head, it is not natural that the Princess will marry a small person. Moreover, people who have no rank at all unless, if the people have noble blood.

"The lowest must have the rank of General."

Kim Yoora nodded, now she understands that the rank is the most important here. Heredity blue blood plays the most important role in life.

The woman chose to leave the palace bridge. The sun will rise and it could burn Kim Yoora's skin.

But when he turned around, Kim Yoora actually ran into one of the women, with such a luxurious appearance. From the hair roll, the type of jewelry and also the hanbok, shows if the woman has a high caste.

"The trouble maker is here, after all." His cursing.

Kim Yoora just said nothing without any intention to answer. Kim Yoora was too busy researching the appearance of the woman, he had to be appealed to answer what she said.

"Greetings, Princess Kim Sun Hee." Said Iseul.

Knowing the name Iseul called, Kim Yoora smiled. Princess Kim Sun Hee was the daughter of Empress Jae Hwa, Emperor Kim Won Shik's concubine. And that's a sign that this woman is Kim Hyo Ra's half sister.

"I'm not a troublemaker. Don't just talk !!" Snapped Kim Yoora.

Kim Sun Hee stared at Kim Hyo Ra in disbelief. How could she dare to say that, after rising from the dead.

"It turns out you have guts too, after your death !! Did you wake up to take revenge for your mysterious death in that?"

Here Kim Yoora is getting confused, on what basis does she speak like that. Is it possible that Kim Hyo Ra's death had something to do with Kim Sun Hee? So she thought that Kim Hyo Ra would rise up to take revenge on her?

Having that thought Kim Yoora smiled, she immediately nodded and continued to shake her head. So that made Kim Sun Hee confused.

"You should be exiled, your place is not here. Murderer !!"

Kim Yoora clenched her fists angrily. She wanted to hit the mouth of the woman, who was speaking casually. How could she accuse Kim Yoora of murder, while Kim Yoora did not do that in the slightest.

Without being polite, Kim Yoora barged away, and made Kim Sun Hee scream with anger. Even if Kim Yoora was killed, what is clear is that she wouldn't be here right now. She certainly lived in prison and slept on very cold tiles, on a very thin mattress.

"What the hell was that !! Accusing people carelessly. Meanwhile, I did not do anything, except lost on the seabed." Kim Yoora grumbled.

Unlike Iseul, who ran after Kim Yoora. Her footsteps were quite wide, which made it very difficult for her to keep straight. Even in the middle of the road Kim Yoora happily stopped her steps, making Iseul hit his hard back.

"Oh dear Princess, sorry, I didn't see him." Said Iseul scared.

"No problem !! After this please say whatever you know, Iseul. And why did that girl accuse me of being a murderer. Who did I kill? Animal? Dog or what ?!" Exclaimed Kim Yoora.

"Princess, we better return to the pavilion."

"No !! Before you tell me what happened."

Iseul sighed heavily. She also looked around the many soldiers and other ladies in waiting. Iseul continues to persuade Kim Yoora to return to the pavilion, and persuades him if she will tell him what happened so far. Until Kim Sun Hee accuses him of being a murderer.

Kim Yoora relented, she went back to the pavilion together with Iseul. In the middle of the road, Kim Yoora also saw many ladies who stared at him in surprise. The news of Kim Hyo Ra's resurrection has been a long time ago, but why does everyone still whisper about her even after greeting her?

Arriving at the pavilion, Kim Yoora immediately locked Iseul into his pavilion. She locked the pavilion and looked at Iseul with a sharp gaze.

"Say it !!" She said in a firm voice.

Iseul swallowed his saliva roughly, cold sweat running down his forehead. It really cares if she breaks her promise to the Queen Mother about this, Princess Kim Hyo Ra deserves to know what happened. Glancing at this deserted pavilion, and there is no shadow at all, Iseul began to tell what happened.

Before Kim Hyo Ra was born, there came a fortune teller who predicted Queen Kwan Ji Woo, if the child in her womb was an unwanted child in this palace. If the child survives, the Kingdom will experience a drought in the east and west and it really happened when Kim Hyo Ra was born. Many epidemics and also some villages are drought. Until one day the fortune teller came back again, and asked Kim Won Shik to exile Kim Hyo Ra to a remote place.

Because she can't bear to see Kwan Ji Woo who cries seeing Kim Hyo Ra exiled, finally Kim Hyo Ra is exiled in a pavilion in this Kingdom which is far from many people. There was only one bodyguard in this pavilion, and there was only one loyal servant to care for Kim Hyo Ra until he grew up. Namely Iseul, while the other servants were all sent by Kwan Ji Woo so that his daughter wouldn't be lacking anything.

About the murder problem. At that time, Kim Hyo Ra wanted to visit Kim Won Shik's third concubine, Eun Hye, to see her half sister who had just been born. But unfortunately when he arrived at Eun Hye's pavilion, Kim Hyo Ra saw the pavilion on fire. She tried to save the baby as well as her mother. Unfortunately they both are not classified, the baby inhaled too much smoke and killed him. Meanwhile, her mother was almost saved, but when she was brought out of the pavilion, Eun Hye was helpless. Incidentally there is only Kim Hyo Ra and no one other than Kim Hyo Ra, including Iseul. So that everyone assumed that the incident was the act of Kim Hyo Ra who didn't like her step sister.

Even though all of that was a lie, Kim Hyo Ra was embroidering small shoes for her half sister to wear. There's no way if Kim Hyo Ra doesn't like it, she can't possibly stay up late until morning to make those shoes. And in fact Eun Hye knew that too.

Here Kim Yoora thinks that there are so many things going wrong here. All of that seemed absurd in Kim Yoora's mind. Kim Hyo Ra's birth was an unlucky omen, and also Eun Hye's death stabbed Kim Hyo Ra who did that.

"They didn't do any investigations when Empress Eun Hye died? And what other predictions have they believed until now?" Kim Yoora said confused. How can everyone believe in fortune-telling fortune tellers? Could that be why Kim Yoora is single until now?

Iseul shook his head, having investigated for several days. But Empress Jae Hwa asks the courts to end the investigation. Because for Empress Jae Hwa it will not produce results.

"I wonder if all this is Empress Jae Hwa's doing. Maybe she is playing manipulation to make it look as if I was wrong." Said Kim Yoora

"I thought that too, Princess, but all evidence seemed to disappear by itself."

Kim Yoora immediately looked at Iseul suspiciously, it's clear that there is a big conspiracy here and no one knows any. And somehow Kim Yoora thought, if she went back in the past to make Kim Hyo Ra's good name clean again from accusations that she didn't do. And Kim Yoora promised that she would finish the task quickly before returning to her world.

"Then why can't I get married?" Kim Yoora asked curiously.

"Because everyone thinks the Princess is unlucky. That's why everyone forbids anyone to propose to the Princess."

"Including the Prince?" Kim Yoora said quickly and made Iseul nod. "I've returned. That's a sign that I've changed my destiny. So please say whatever you hear from many people, Iseul. Because I don't believe in the slightest about what they say." Said Kim Yoora again.

-To Be Continued-