
Return of the Hardworking S-Rank Adventurer

This Novel is under Hiatus, for revision. ~~~NOTE~~~ The cover used is for temporary use only and is from Pinterest.

RDream · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Tolerance' Lower Limit!

"Before anything else… Allow me to introduce myself, respected Blacksmith." Arturo said whilst slightly bowing towards the muscular old man. Then, he added, saying, "I am Arturo Cruz, The Fifth Advisor of her highness, Princess Anmeerale!"

"A-A-Advisor of the P-P-Princess?!" The young man stuttered and could only stare towards the smiling Arturo with disbelief.

On the other hand, the muscular old man simply shook his head in response and said, "Forgive my grandson's rudeness, Sir Arturo!"

Then, the muscular old man bowed slightly towards Arturo and said, "I am Blacksmith Orlan Acrea! How can we help you, Sires? Perhaps… You are here for my specially crafted daggers?"

Knight Agustin could only glance towards Arturo in response—indicating that Arturo was the one who had a business with the Blacksmith's Shop. Thus, the young man and Blacksmith Orlan Acrea could only glance towards Arturo too.

Arturo simply nodded in response before saying, "Yes, you are correct! I visited your shop specifically because of your area of expertise. But before we talk about that… Can I request for you to prepare a badge of the Order of Mera for me? Sir Agustin came with me to serve as my witness and a proof of my status' legitimacy."

Blacksmith Orlan Acrea could only steal a glance towards Knight Agustin—who simply nodded in response. Then, he could only shake his head in response and said, "Then… Please follow me to my workshop."

"Please lead the way…" Arturo could only force out a smile whilst rubbing the back of his head in response.

Blacksmith Orlan Acrea noticed the troubled look on Arturo's face. Thus, Blacksmith Orlan Acrea could only sigh in response and said, "Please don't worry about the payment! I don't know if Sir Agustin informed you about this but… You can give your payment for our service at a later date—since you are a new advisor of the Princess."

Arturo could only scratch the back of his head and said, "Thank you for understanding, respected Blacksmith Orlan!"

At this moment, before anyone could say another word, everyone inside the blacksmith's shop noticed the noise—that is getting louder, coming from outside.

"It must be those b@st@rd otherworlders again!" The young man grumbled as his face wore a frown.

"Ovel! Watch your mouth! Don't you see that we have important guests?" Blacksmith Orlan scolded his grandson.

"B-But those otherworlders…" Ovel, the grandson of Blacksmith Orlan, wanted to argue in response. However, upon seeing his grandpa's glare, he could only look down and be silent.

Fortunately, for some reason, Arturo raised his hand—seemingly gesturing to Blacksmith Orlan to stop, before saying, "It's okay! It's okay! In fact, I am quite interested in what the otherworlders did to make the young man act this way."

Blacksmith Orlan could only force out a smile before saying, "Well… It's nothing unusual, Sir Arturo, to be honest. The otherworlders started charging towards everyone—seeking help. And, our blacksmith is nothing different."

Ovel simply nodded in agreement before adding, saying, "It's just that there were some shameless otherworlders—who not only dared to enter our store despite being slaves but… They even tried to steal some weapon in-display earlier!"

"Were they able to steal something?" Arturo asked with a frown on his face.

Young Man Ovel simply shook his head in response and said, "They weren't able to take anything on my watch!"

Then, Young Man Ovel placed his left hand on top of the dagger—that seemed like a short sword that was hanging by the left of his waist. He chuckled, saying, "They would lose their hands from my dagger!"

"Hoo…" Arturo's eyes landed towards the bronze dagger before smirking in response. Then, he said, "That's a nice artifact you got there, young man! Perhaps it was crafted by mister Orlan?"

Young Man Ovel simply crossed his arms and nodded proudly before saying, "Yes, respected sir! It is a newly made artifact made by my grandpa and my father! Cool, isn't it?"

Arturo simply nodded in response. Then, he chuckled before looking around the almost empty shop and saying, "But… If you're so confident with your artifact, why are there only a few weapons on display in your shop? Not to mention… They are all weapons that your grandpa is not specialized at!"

Young Man Ovel could only scratch the back of his head whilst faking a laugh.

But before he could even say a word, the door of the shop burst open as Reijiro flew inside—after being seemingly kicked by a muscular man.

"I said… Move aside!" The familiar muscular man angrily said as he and several more otherworlder men followed behind him.

Of course, Arturo, Knight Agustin, Young Man Ovel, and Blacksmith Orlan glared towards the otherworlders in response.

On the other hand, Reijiro simply coughed several times before standing up once again.

"I told you that my boss is still inside! Can't you enter after he's finished with his stuff?" Reijiro angrily said in response—whilst still restraining himself from doing rash things at this moment.

"Your boss??? That man???" The familiar muscular man mockingly pointed his fingers towards Arturo. Then, he laughed out loud and asked, "Did you really become slaves of that man?!"

"You!" Reijiro cried as he was about to punch the arrogant muscular man. But Arturo tapped his shoulders—stopping him on time.

Reijiro couldn't help but glance at Arturo and murmur, "Sir…"

"Relax… Let me take care of this." Arturo said—consequently making Reijiro back down in response.

At this moment, the arrogant muscular man sneered and said, "What are going to do, young man? Make me kneel?!"

"The authorities at the Cathedral already gave an order not to attack us unless necessary!" The arrogant muscular man confidently said towards Arturo. Then, he added, "With all these spectators in my side… Let's see if you are brave enough to even touch me this time!"

"I already warned you once!" Arturo said in a calm demeanor.

"Huh?" The muscular man could not help but frown slightly in response as a tinge feeling of uneasiness filled his heart.

However, before anyone else could utter another word, Arturo pushed his Katana slightly off its scabbard—consequently crushing the muscular man into the ground.

The muscular man's bones were broken whilst some of his muscles burst. That said, the muscular man wasn't even able to cry out of pain because he lost his consciousness in an instant.

"But… As they say… You can't expect a man to change within a day! What much more in just hours?" Arturo said coldly as he glared—full of killing intent, towards the unconscious muscular man.

The otherworlders could only daze out of disbelief. In just a blink of an eye, the confident muscular man who led them had been crushed to the ground for some unknown reason.

But before they could even cry and run away out of fear, Arturo glared at them momentarily before sheathing back his Katana to its scabbard—consequently making the otherworlders kneel.

"Sadly… I can't just let you guys go! Stay on your knees and wait for me! That's if you still want to live!" Arturo coldly said as he turned around—facing the satisfied Young Ovel.

Then, Arturo patted Young Man Ovel's shoulder before saying, "Young man… Can you watch over these slaves while I do my business with your grandpa? You don't have to kill them immediately if they try to run. Just cut off their feet and allow me to do the dirty job!"

"You can do that at the least, right?" Arturo coldly asked—consequently making Young Man Ovel shiver in response.

Young Man Ovel could only look downwards before hesitantly nodding in response.

Arturo could only smile slightly in response and glanced towards Blacksmith Orlan before saying, "Respected Blacksmith Orlan… I apologize for making your grandson seen such an unsightly scene in your shop—on top of that!"

"N-No… It's alright respected sir!" Blacksmith Orlan said whilst forcing out a smile. "In fact… We are grateful to you for taking care of such a matter for us!"

"Then… I am glad to be of help." Arturo said. Then, he glanced towards Henry and said, "Henry… Bring that crushed body to the Cathedral. That man is still alive—just a tad bit on the critical side. Just tell the Paladins and the Priests about what he did towards us. They know what to do afterward."

"Yes, sir!" Henry said in a worried tone before slowly picking up the body of the crushed man.

Feeling that Henry has some worries deep inside, Arturo simply said, "There's no need to be worried, Henry! Because the Cathedral is under us."

Afterward, Arturo nodded towards Blacksmith Orlan before asking, "Shall we?"

"Please follow me, respected sir!" Blacksmith Orlan said whilst nodding towards his grandson as if he was telepathically telling Young Man Ovel to follow Arturo's command.

On the other hand, Knight Agustin smirked in response and thought deep inside, 'Sir Arturo sure is unusual! Sometimes he's kind, sometimes he's just as coldblooded as a wild monster. No matter what I think of… I can't identify what his motives and goals are!'

'Maybe… That's the difference between us—why I wasn't chosen by the Princess as her Fifth Advisor!' Knight Agustin sighed heavily deep inside. Then, he shook his head and said, 'Well… It does not matter! It's still for the Princess in the end after all!'

Hi guys, Author here!

I have noticed that there was a decline in the number of readers reading the story.

So, I decided to approach you guys and kindly ask, if there is a part of the story you find confusing or is lacking. If you guys have some, do comment it in the comment section.

I would greatly appreciate your help in making me improve the story to the best of my abilities.

Thanks everyone, stay safe, and see you all in the next chapter.

RDreamcreators' thoughts