
Return of the Hardworking S-Rank Adventurer

This Novel is under Hiatus, for revision. ~~~NOTE~~~ The cover used is for temporary use only and is from Pinterest.

RDream · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Meeting the Princess of Alvar Kingdom!

But Before Arturo could celebrate, he noticed a pair of seemingly 'curious' eyes gaze at him above the Kingdom's Wall.

Arturo couldn't help but sigh deep inside and grumble, 'Why the f@ck is that annoying b1tch up there?! Shouldn't she be in the f@cking Palace, sipping teas and holding tea parties?!'

At this moment, Dark Dragon Milid interjected him deep inside—full of excitement, saying, 'I smell beef! I smell beef! Fight! Fight! Fight!'

'Don't jinx it, Milid!' Arturo grumbled in response. 'It's still too early to expose my true identity to them! I'll just act casually and leave!'

Arturo's grip on his Katana tightened before lifting it like a Knight—consequently releasing a huge amount of brown aura. Then, he said, "Land Arts! Multiple External Reinforcements! A-Float!"

Everyone with the green uniform cried in astonishment, as they started to magically float off the ground.

"Are these all of your acquaintances, Otherworlders?!" Arturo glared towards one of his father's officemates—as if he was his prey.

"Y-Yes! Yes!" His father's officemate answered in panic with several nods.

Arturo simply ignored his father's officemate and glanced towards the direction of a Golden-Haired woman—who looked like an American Celebrity in her early 20s.

Without wasting another second, Arturo used several more Gravitation Related Magical Abilities to arrive on top of the Kingdom's Wall, with his father and his father's officemates.

However, he didn't pay any attention to them, and Arturo simply glanced to his side, knelt down to the Fully Armored Golden-Haired woman, and said, "Greeting's Your Majesty! I am Arturo Cruz, an Adventurer! Is there anything that this humble adventurer could be of service?"

At this moment, Arturo's father together with his officemates could only stare blankly towards Arturo. That said, because of the glare of the knights behind the Fully Armored Golden-Haired woman in front of them, they had no choice but to follow Arturo and bow towards the Fully Armored Golden-Haired woman.

On the other hand, the Fully Armored Golden-Haired woman simply ignored their presence.

"Please raise your head, adventurer!" The Fully Armored Golden-Haired woman coldly said in response.

Then, she gazed back to the sea of people before asking Arturo, "This number of otherworlders is quite troublesome, don't you think?"

Arturo stood before following the Fully Armored Golden-Haired woman's gaze to the sea of people. Then, he said, "It is indeed, your majesty!"

"Should we reduce them using your RARE Magical Ability?" The Fully Armored Golden-Haired woman said in a cold tone.

'Hoo… I like that girl, Human! I like her! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!' Dark Dragon Milid happily said to Arturo deep inside.

Arturo simply ignored Dark Dragon Milid and frowned. Then, he said, "Please kindly reconsider, your majesty!"

The Fully Armored Golden-Haired woman glanced towards Arturo—whilst slightly frowning in response. Then, she asked, "Why should I?"

"Won't they be good pawns for his majesty, the King?" Arturo said in response.

The Fully Armored Golden-Haired woman simply chuckled in response and said, "That's quite an interesting answer, adventurer! I am sure that my elder brother would have said the same!"

"I am honored by your praise, your majesty!" Arturo respectfully said in response.

The Fully Armored Golden-Haired woman simply gazed back to the sea of people and didn't respond.

After almost half a minute of silence, the Fully Armored Golden-Haired woman said, "You are quite intelligent and composed compared to a typical adventurer…"

Then, the Fully Armored Golden-Haired woman glared at him—full of killing intent, before asking, "Are you really just an ordinary adventurer?"

Arturo remained unfazed, despite the murderous stare from the Fully Armored Golden-Haired woman. Then, he took out his Adventurer's Guild Identification Card—handing it to the Fully Armored Golden-Haired woman with his left hand, whilst saying, "With all due respect, your majesty, Princess Anmeerale! Here is my Adventurer's Guild Identification Card—to clear your doubts."

Princess Anmeerale could not help but stare at Arturo for a second—because of him not flinching from her murderous gaze. Then, she burst into laughter before saying, "I don't need that piece of wood!"

"Instead… Why don't you serve under me, as my advisor! I happen to be in need of one since I'm also bound to handle a huge pot of land!" Princess Anmeerale said in response.

Arturo was caught off guard by the Princess' question and dazed—staring blankly in disbelief towards the Princess.

Of course, Princess Anmeerale could not help but smirk—noticing the familiar 'look of astonishment' on Arturo's face.

And, it was only at this moment that Arturo was able to get back to himself. He said, "I-It would be my greatest honor to do so, your majesty!"

"Great!" Princess Anmeerale clapped her hands in celebration. Then, she said, "By the power vested in me, by his majesty, King Anmeer Weztan Alvar… I, Princess Anmeerale Soztiz Alvar, appoint you, Adventurer Arturo Cruz, as my fifth Advisor of the Order of Mera, and thus, now shall be called Knight Arturo Cruz!"

Arturo knelt in response—out of respect to Princess Anmeerale.

Princess Anmeerale simply waved her hand and said, "You may now lift your head, Knight Arturo!"

"You know why I gave you a title of a Knight, instead of a Baron, right?" Princess Anmeerale asked.

Arturo simply nodded in response and said, "Yes, your majesty!"

"Very well!" Princess Anmeerale said. "I'll leave one of my Knight, Agustin, to assist you with your first task!"

A 6-foot-tall Knight walked forward and bowed slightly in greetings to Arturo.

Arthuro—who was around 5 foot 8 inches tall, could only force out a smile and bow slightly in response.

At this moment, Princess Anmeerale nodded in satisfaction before saying, "About your task… I want you to as many 'useful' Otherworlders that you would need! Then, bring them to the City of Mera! I'll meet you there on a later note! Do you have any questions?"

"What about the otherworlders' Slave Mark?" Arturo asked.

Princess Anmeerale simply chuckled and said, "Just bring them to the Cathedral with Agustin, and the priests know what to do! Anything else?"

"None, Your Majesty!" Arturo respectfully said in response.

"Then… I shall take my leave! I have high hopes for you, Arturo!" Princess Anmeerale said as one of her Knights opened a book covered with a think green aura.

It summoned a huge white cloud—which the Princess and her Knights rode, heading back to the castle of the Alvar Kingdom.

On the other hand, Arturo and everyone else in the Kingdom's Wall bowed in respect towards the departing Princess.

Half a Minute later, the figure of the clouds that the Princess rode was too small to be seen, thus, everyone eased up and could only glance towards Arturo.

"So… What's your plan, Sir Arturo?" Knight Agustin asked in a slightly lax tone.

Arturo simply sighed heavily and said, "Let's go to the Cathedral first! I have a prior mission that needed to be done!"

"After you!" Knight Agustin simply said in response.

Arturo used his Katana "Ravi Magne" to bring his father and his father's officemates, as well as Knight Agustin, to the back of the Cathedral without the need of traveling by foot.

"I hate to admit it but… Your Magical Ability is pretty handy despite being weak." Knight Agustin said as they safely landed on the ground.

"It can't be helped… I am just a new adventurer after all!" Arturo said in response.

"That, itself, speaks for your potential! That is probably why the First Princess took interest towards you, Sir Arturo." Knight Agustin said.

"Then… I hope that I would be able to live up to you and the Princess' expectations!" Arturo said before smirking in response.

Arturo requested the presence of a Priest from the Cathedral. And thanks to the influence he got from Princess Anmeerale, Arturo was able to place a light-conditioned Slave Mark towards his father.

On the other hand, he placed a heavier restriction to his father's officemates—like not being able to share any information about Arturo, himself, and his family. And... They can't do anything that would jeopardize the safety, interest, and life of Arturo and his family—a complete safeguard against their potential betrayal in the future.

Well… Just in case!

In any case, the slave marks were just for an 'act'. Arturo explained to Knight Agustin that his mother had taken interest in his father's group, thus, Knight Agustin did not pry that much on that matter any longer.

After the Slave Marks were completed, Arturo brought them to the Adventurer's Guild Building for Identification Card Matters and to leave them under his mother's care whilst he's out doing the task that was given to him by the Princess.

"Otherworlders have quite a lot of use than I thought…" Knight Agustin said whilst he and Arturo were heading back towards the Western Wall of the Kingdom.

"I suggest that you don't get ahead of yourself, Sir Agustin!" Arturo said with a frown on his face. Then, he added, saying, "They are still humans like us! They can still be as cunning as we are!"

"That's why there's the Slave Mark, right?" Knight Agustin chuckled in response.

"Still… Be careful!" Arturo said.

"If you say so…" Knight Agustin sighed in surrender.

At this moment, deep inside, Arturo frowned and said, 'It's quite frustrating when I was amongst those who have Slave Marks, but… It was a different case when I am not! In fact… I feel 'unusually' safer now because I know that the other Otherworlders are less likely to be a threat to me and my family!'

'Anyway… At the least... I'll do what I can to help improve their living conditions.' Arturo thought as he and Knight Agustin arrive on top of the Western Wall of the Kingdom. Then, he added, saying deep inside, 'How they would use that chance to live, is up to them! After all… One's life depends on one's hands, as they say! If they hate being a slave… They would do anything just to crawl out of that bottomless pit of suffering!'