
Return of the Dragon God

The gods are mighty but are also a bored lot as they look for entertainment in everything they do. But when they commit taboo by messing with time, they will come to realize why time manipulation is a taboo thing to do. Reeds life has bin one misfortune after another his race almost completely destroyed are now aimless wanderers but with the gods sending him back to the past he takes this chance and tries for a better life.

Rezac356 · Ciencia y ficción
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25 Chs

The Meeting Begins

2 days after the return of the Wings of Havoc. The meeting of nobles started. At 6 a.m., nobles from around the world started arriving at the imperial palace. Patriarch Getlset, Fernando Getlset, Martin Getlset, and oddly enough, Reed Getlset all arrive at the imperial palace in the same vehicle the ride was uncomfortable to say the least and the entire reason Reed was allowed to attend was that the invitation included his name if it didn't he wouldn't have been brought at all. Reeds uncle is a noble, and the patriarch can be considered a pseudo noble as Fernando was to take over the clan from the patriarch in a few years, which would make the clan a noble clan and Reeds father is a General in the Wings of Havoc which gives him militaristic rights to attend but Reed has no titles or other reasons except the invitation to attend but he's there.

As they move to the entrance of the palace, a young man with a noble air exits the palace he looks around, and his eyes light up as he spotted the patriarch, and Fernando.

"Patriarch Getlset, Fernando excellent your both here. My father has been waiting for you and wants to talk to you before the meeting formally begins."

The young man is Vastero Shira, Grand Duke Shira's eldest son and Anally's younger brother, and just like his father, he hates Reed and his father. After his welcome, he escorts the patriarch and Fernando into the palace and wherever Grand Duke Shira was at that moment. Reed and his father didn't really care as they followed the other participants into the throne room. Martin took one look around and found Grand General Necrodragon close to the throne and to its right. As such, he walked over there, and Reed followed along. After greeting the General, he took a military stance beside Crystal, and Reed was about to follow suit, but Grand General Necrodragon stopped him and motioned him to the side.

"Well, now young Reed, it's good to finally meet you. Crystal hasn't stopped talking about you since coming home and I have to also thank you if not for you that moronic traitor Winchester would have succeeded in weakening the dragon empire so that creature Inona can successfully invade and for that in my book you are a hero however there are others that will use the fact that 4 full Wings were stupid enough to use that herb even though you did try to warn them to discredit you as such I want you ready for a grilling should it come."

"No problem, sir, and thank you for the warning. I'll be ready."

And with that, both of them returned to the others and waited. The meeting will start when everyone arrives. As people trickle in, Reed notices Grand Duke Shira, and the others walk in and stand below the throne and to the left. Reed, looking at everyone in the current area, feels a battle will start soon.

Several minutes later, an imperial knight walked in with a hollow metal pile and hit the ground twice with it. The ringing sound was heard throughout the room, and everyone went silent.

"All hail Emperor and Empress Dragoncrest, All hail Imperial Crown Princess Lilalu Dragoncrest."

After the announcement, everyone turned to the center aisle way of the room and gave the imperial salute and watched as 3 people entered and walked towards the throne. The emperor looks to be in his early forties and wears a robe that depicts the founding of the empire in black, gold, and red and a crown that has 3 dragon eye Jewels incased in it. The Empress looks to be a woman in her late twenties wearing a dress in the Dragoncrest colors with a coronet made of Dragonsilver with 2 dragonruby's hanging beside her eyes on the outer sides. Imperial Crown Princess Lilalu is a woman in her early twenties. In fact, she looks like she graduated from the imperial academy recently, and she wore the Wings of Havoc military uniform with a general badge at her shoulders. As they walk towards the throne, those they pass turn to watch them walk all the way to the throne. When they reached the throne, the emperor helped the Empress sit in the middle throne while he took a seat to her left, and the crown princess took a seat to her right. It should also be known that this was not a mistake. The Empress was the true ruler of the empire. The emperor just makes sure the empire stays on track.

After they take there seats the same knight that entered before them and followed them to the throne stood on the bottom step and pounded the floor twice.

"May this meeting of nobles begin."

As the announcement rings through the venue, it looks like the emperor wishes to speak, but Grand Duke Shira stepped up one step and bowed to the Empress, who gave him a nod to speak and so he does.

"Your imperial majesty not only would I like your help to get justice for a good friend of mine but I believe all of us would like an explanation about an event that happened just recently. I believe you remember the marquis clan of Varao who, in our opinion, which whole clan was slaughtered just recently by your order and we feel that you had no reason to do so as such we would like an explanation if your majesty pleases."

After Grand Duke Shira ends his little speech, the nobles in the room murmur some even outright shout that they would like an explanation or else. The Empress looks a little annoyed, but the emperor touches her arm a says.

"My dear, let me field this one as it was my order that ended that clan."

The Empress looks at him as she looks even more annoyed.

"Very well I, too, would like you to explain why you ordered this execution without my permission as this is an event that I should have known about before it was executed."