
Chapter 13

The company had gained a exponential amount of popularity after Su liangxiao announced that he was Hua wumian boyfriend. It was like the whole country M was trying to curry favor from her, especially capital city.

Suddenly she became a renowned figure and everyone was fighting to be a artiste in Sunshine of the hearts, some even breached their contracts just to be in the company,but unfortunately they all had to go through the three months program before becoming an artist in Sunshine of the hearts.

"Boss people have started gathering for the press conference, do you want a change of Outfit."

Xia mingling asked, looking sharp and quick-witted as usual, wearing a women suit with gold rimmed glass.

"Hmm pick a low key outfit from my closet in the inner room, I'll be out in thirty minutes. Tell Mu ling to wait for me in the Reception."

Xia mingling nodded as she went to the inner room, and left quickly to oversee other activities, the place was heavily guarded as most fans and netizens usually go on rampage if things didn't go their way.

Hua wumian on the other hand, stretched as she looked at the files in her hands, she had spent three hours gathering enough evidence from Zi lie's laptop.

Other may not know, not even her own mother knew she was a god when it came to tech. There wasn't a computer she couldn't hack, there wasn't a system or fire wall she couldn't break.

Of course this would come in handy as she wasn’t planing on a opening a entertainment company alone. She planned on diving her hands into other businesses.

So things like this she considered child's play to her.

She took a shower, and put on a light makeup. She had a good skin and an extremely beautiful face. Of course she didn't need to do much.

She had to go to country X tomorrow, so she had to wrap things quickly. She needed a formidable group of public relations officers and she hope to find them in country X.

She wore a light blue women's suit, she placed the files in a folder as she walked out of the office, her heels making soft

Click! Click!

Sounds making it pleasing to the ears.

The wasn't a massive building, but it was enough to contain the employees and still have some room left. The interior gave off a welcoming and peaceful vibe.

Everyone wore smiles on their faces as they went about preparing for the press conference. Most of the employees were already at the reception hall. This was the largest room in the building, which could hold over two hundred people.

"Boss you said to wait for you here."

Mu ling rushed up to Hua wumian sweating! looking very anxious, if today didn't go well his reputation would go down the drain.

Mu ling blushed as he looked at the beautiful lady, who didn't look anxious but was calm, like she knew things would go her way.

Hua wumian glanced at the fidgeting young man, anyone in his position would be anxious. Yet still looked handsome and had a sense of serene.

"Be calm it will go well."

Mu ling looked at Hua wumian like she was his savior, he stop fidgeting as he took deep breaths. His eyes filled with admiration and love.

Yes he was in love with Su liangxiao's wife, how ironic.


Mu ling avoided her gaze as he tugged his collar, the air around turned suffocating. As he felt his temperature raising.

Xia mingling ushered Hua wumian, Ji Juan, Mu ling and some of the Pr officers to the reception hall, they sat at the stage.

The hall was filled to the brim, with reporters, fans, netizens, haters and the likes.

All eyes fell on Hua wumian and Mu ling who just took their sits.

"Thank you everyone for being here, the press conference will begin now. If you have any questions regarding this matter you can go ahead."

One of the reporters who was from Nobel magazines shot a question straight ahead.

"Why did Mu ling sleep with a minor, does he have fetish desires."

Mu ling choked as he shot a glare at the reporter, he looked at Hua wumian to see if she was shocked but sadly she didn't even spare him a glance.

"Guo xiaodan has already stated that it was her who framed him, if you have any questions you may ask her."

Guo xiaodan was brought to the stage wearing a mask, to avoid people coming after her, she took the microphone and answered swiftly.

"Mu ling did not sleep with a minor, and he didn't sleep with me either. We only made it look like it after editing the video."

The reporter striked again.

"Who paid you to frame Mu ling, or was it the company's way of gaining popularity."

Other reporters stated asking similar questions.

"I agree for a company that was just opened, something like this should be for publicity stunts."

"Did CEO Hua set up this entire scheme just for the purpose of gaining popularity, does it mean that she made her way by sleeping around."

The entire hall fell silent, as all eyes were on Hua wumian, who sat elegantly on her sit, sipping her tea leisurely. It was as if she didn't hear what the reporter just said.

Hua wumian waved her hands, as a microphone was sent to her, the glanced at the reporter slowly and maintained eye contact.

"Hmmm, I expected this from Nobel Magazines, they always had a nack of getting innocent female celebrities for sex scandals, or framing them for sex scandals."

"Three years ago, Qin NingHong a popular reporter was found in Rum hotels room 308, having sex with the manager, why!."

"For some cheap news, Nobel Magazines employees are always rude and their reporters only know how to dig up sex scandals."

"Do you think if I wanted popularity I would Use Mu ling....."

The reporter from Nobel magazines lowered her head wishing for a hole to crawl into, this was the questions the higher ups had asked her to say, she didn't expect that'll lose her reputation for this.

''I'm quite disappointed in Mu ling's fan, you all are here and yet you couldn't defend your idol, when he's in trouble you hid but when he become victorious you came out and claimed to be this his fan, some are even here to gloat and see for themselves if it's true. It this is what they call a fan, then Mu ling is all alone in this industry."

Hua wumian dropped the mic as she gave the files to Fan jingyu, who was the public relations officers.

"For those of you who still don't believe Mu ling is innocent, then maybe this video will prove his innocence."

Fan Jingyu began playing the video, A young man in blue sport outfit, sitting quietly signing a Teddy bear for a allegedly high school girl, in the video they also saw the high school girl giving Mu ling a drink and dragging him into the hotel nearby, they also saw the unconscious Mu ling and the High school girl sitting quietly in the side. no s*x, no nothing.

Just a unconscious man and a high school girl.

The fans who came here to mock Mu ling, felt guilty as they couldn't even look at their idol, somewhere crying and some were apologizing.


The issue had been resolved, Hua wumian got up as her work her was done, the left the rest for Ji Juan who held the mic in his hands, stating other laws and whatnot.

Mu ling fan base increased as they watched the press conference video, and how he was framed.

[aye I feel so guilty, Hua wumian is right we are the worst fans ever!!!!]

[ I agree with the comment above we couldn't even protect our idol, we are a disgrace to fans all over the world.]

[ We are sorry Ling ling, we are sorry Hua wumian, @best idol ever.]

Soon that become the trending topics, fan were apologizing to both Mu ling and Hua wumian

The company gained more popularity with this,

"Boss CEO Su is here....."

Xia Mingling said as she let the Handsome man in the room, closing the door behind her.

"Liangxiao you came is anything the problem."

Hua wumian asked, she still had to finish the work in the office before she would be able to leave for country X.

"Nothing grandpa said I should see you so I came."

Su liangxiao said coldly as he sat on the sofa, glancing at his wristwatch.

"You don't have to come if you're busy, once I'm done I'll head home and meet with Grandpa before heading to Country X tomorrow."

Hua wumian said quietly it was best if they spend less time together, the eyes of everyone they were the perfect couple but in reality they were just two people living together.

"Alright I'm leaving."

Su liangxiao said as he stood up, his face cold and stoic. He didn't even smile like he usually does to Hua wumian.