
Restricted Love

Becoming a descendant of a king is a dream, and Cassiopeia is a princess who is loved by everyone. Her trip to the forest to just play with her rabbit caused an accident that almost took her life, and a handsome man who did not know where he came from saved her life, and she was Cassiopeia's choice to be her lover. What about her noble family who covet her to become queen of another kingdom? And her jealous sister saw this as a golden opportunity.

Dewa_Malfoy · Adolescente
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

A beautiful castle stands on the highest hill, where the government of the country lies, a happy life exists in that palace. The royal family and the ministers ruled fairly, and were highly educated. Not many know, this is the 20th century and the direction of civilization is starting to develop in England. King Theodore IV gave enlightenment about the progress of this nation's thinking, he allowed his daughters to start studying together with their son.

Duke Emer, the king's eldest son, is the official heir to the throne and has extraordinary intelligence. Many wedding invitations from the kingdom are given to him, but what can a 19-year-old teenager give for a wedding? Emer hadn't thought of that yet, hunting was what he was concerned with apart from discussing philosophy with his private tutor. Princess Cassiopeia is the royal flower, she is loved by all nations in her kingdom, her cheerful personality and beauty spread everywhere, until at the age of 17 years, many kings offer marriage as well. The younger sister, Princess Orla, who is her twin sister, even though she has a different face, still gets a lot of love among her family, especially her grandmother.

Tonight was dinner together as usual, and when it was over, the girls left the table to have their own discussion.

"Cissy, are you sure about all this? I don't really like the idea of ​​you arguing with teacher Sanchi. He can be very rude." Orla said anxiously.

"Relax my sister, Emer will be there, remember?" Cissy, or Cassiopeia answered lightly as she wrote on the parchment lit by the candle in the corner of the room.

"I don't want to get involved in this at all, you know? After all, Minseur was punished because She was stupid, I don't know why father allowed her to go, She's just a servant's daughter after all."

"Orla, pay attention to what you say, it is very far from being called an educated woman."

"It's up to you, weak human defenders..." Orla scoffed behind Cissy, while Cissy continued her plan to write a note in the form of a protest tone to her teacher who she thought was too rude to her best friend, Minseur.

Minseur is a girl the same age as Cissy and Orla, who had the opportunity to attend school with them, because she was born in the palace and grew up together on different sides of the castle. For Cissy, Minseur is a good girl with a high enthusiasm for learning, even though she still stumbles in reading, (she just started school 5 months ago) and because of that Teacher Sanchi gave her a punishment not to go to school and study alone for one week.

"Isn't it very strange, Emer, when people who can't and need help with reading have to learn on their own?" Cissy said to Emer as they exited the classroom and walked together down the hall.

"I was thinking the same thing, but I think Master Sanchi has his own technique, he has never failed in teaching us before."

"I remember very well, when I had trouble reading, he didn't tell me to study on my own."

"And you should be grateful for that, Cissy .."

Oh, sure. Guru Sanchi gave a harsh punishment because Minseur was a servant's daughter, it seemed that Guru Sanchi was only willing to share his knowledge with noble children and it made Cissy shudder in horror, sending flocks of affection to Minseur who did not get the advantage of it.

Class started as usual, at 9 am. Cissy had arrived early, and was sitting in her own place with great confidence. Many of her friends had come and talked about things she only listened to casually. When Guru Sanchi came, all stood up and bowed their heads in respect, and sat back down.

Teacher Sanchi squinted to read the parchment that lay on his desk, and with sharp eyes he watched Cissy try to be brave and lift her chin high.

"Princess Cassiopeia, if I'm right, this is your handwriting, isn't it?" The whole class seemed to be holding their breath, even Orla who knew about this plan didn't even dare to raise her head.

"You know best, Master."

"Do you mind the rules applied in this class?"

"I doubt it's a rule, since you've never announced such a rule before, after all Minseur is a new student, she's only been studying together for five months…"

"I don't care how long my students study, if they have brains the size of a pea. Of course, they would be like primates, bad offspring producing equally bad seeds!"

"How dare you..." Cissy stood up with a red face, throwing killing glances at Master Sanchi

The other students were like getting a free show, and they were afraid of the explosion that occurred at any moment, and suddenly the door opened, Emer came and was surprised to feel the atmosphere of the room was thick with anger, and his little sister was glaring like that.

"What's going on here?"

"The Duke, it seems I need to meet the king."

That night Cissy cried in her father's room, after getting a series of lectures from her father, she told from the beginning to her uncontrollable anger in front of all her friends this morning, she was crying because she was ashamed of not being able to control herself, and her father listened solemnly, as if his daughter was reciting the prayer verse with sincere tears.

"You have a very good sense of loyalty, comrade, I like that. However, Master Sanchi is someone you should respect."

"Should I honor someone who called my friend a pea-brained primate, father?"

"You don't have to respect that part, of course it's wrong. Humans are different from the so-called primates, you're intelligent and of course you know that. But, will you get ignited when what he says isn't true?"

Cissy looked at her father intently, thinking about what she got from her night visit in his father's room, and she wiped her tears. His father was always wise, and had every way out of what happened, crying in front of him like a little baby made her so embarrassed, but the father never judged things like this, therefore Cissy felt so close to her father.

"Is Teacher Sanchi still going to teach?"

"For a while, yes… But father thinks we need younger teachers with up-to-date sources of knowledge, don't you think?"

"That would be fun, but Emer would feel sad, he idolizes Master Sanchi, eh!"

"That boy idolizes many things, Emer has a wide affection, and that is his best provision so far, did you discuss the letter with your brother?"

"No. I knew he was going to disagree right away, I just kept quiet and he found us yelling at each other in class." Cissy narrated with a laugh.

It had been a long day, until Cassiopeia chose to have dinner in her room, because the chatter at the dinner table would be very offensive to her quarrel with her teacher or her grandmother's lecture that made pumpkin soup tasteless.