
Chapter Eight: The Path to Dust

One month has passed since Reiko had trained Seven. In order to not cause destruction to the village, they practiced in an open realm. Seven was making lots of progress, but when she sparred with Reiko, she'd always lose. She tried hard to find out Reiko's tricks and read her movements, but Seven would always get knocked down.

Seven would be knocked to the ground as Reiko slowly circled around her, spinning a long blue naginata. Reiko's expression was serious and blunt. But on the inside, she was worried for Seven. It had been a month, but Reiko was already losing hope Seven wouldn't succeed in the training she was given.

"Again." She said with a blunt voice.

Seven stood up and got into stance. She wouldn't back down even though Seven was already injured by Reiko's RTO. Reiko inhaled before dashing towards Seven and proceeded to throw a downward slash at her. Seven would attempt to block, only to be tricked by Reiko as she stopped midway and did a side slash at a rapid speed. Seven was too slow as she took the hit.

Reiko wasn't exactly finished though, she spun her naginata as she switched sides to the less sharp point and knocked Seven a few feet away successfully.

"I- Hey… that's not fair!-" Seven coughed.

"It is. You have to be prepared to fight someone that could possibly be stronger than you Seven. Even with RTO, you have no defense for anything." Reiko replied.

Reiko would summon her naginata away. Signaling Seven to take a break. Reiko would swing her arm as the void would return the two back to the shrine. It was night since Seven had attempted to beat Reiko for the 1,238th time altogether. Reiko was already losing a lot of hope, but she didn't know how to help Seven. Even with the same RTO energy, Seven was a different person who hesitated and struggled to harm her enemies or hit harder. Reiko silently walked in the Shrine as she approached one of the cabinets in the corner of the room. Seven followed as all her injuries were already healed.

As Reiko opened the cabinet, she grabbed a scroll and turned to face Seven as she opened the scroll and began silently reading. Soon, Reiko looked up at Seven.

"You have a new mission."

"Wait- I do?"

"Yes. Instead of training, you'll be going to The Path to Dust."

"What is the Path to Dust? Is that a desert or something?"

"Close. The Path to Dust is a realm as everything there is upside down and the colors are black and white. It has a desert appearance, but the sand is clear white and the skies are black. But your mission is to get to the core of the Realm."

"And is it an object?"

"Yes. Your mission is to get to the sword that was named 'Dust'. It was the first sword created before it was sent to the realm."

"Okay… when does my mission start?"

"Tomorrow morning. So get some sleep."

Reiko would pass the scroll to Seven before leaving the room as Seven's eyes followed Reiko. Once she left the room, Seven would walk out of the shrine, carrying the scroll in her left hand. She decided to take a small walk before she went on her mission. As Seven followed the path, she was led to the rivers where the music box was playing. Listening to the music box singing its lullaby, she climbed up the rock and continued to explore further around the river.

Every step Seven took, she went slower so she wouldn't slip. The music box kept singing, but it was slightly muffled from the sound of the river. The more Seven thought about her new mission, it slowly shifted to her curiosity about Reiko.

What was Reiko's life like? She thought.

. . .

Seven opened her eyes as she found herself being shook by someone. Due to Seven's stubbornness of waking up early, she slapped their hands off as she never realized it was Reiko attempting to wake her up. Seven's eyes were still closed, not wanting to open them as Reiko continued to shake Seven awake.

"Seven, wake up!" Reiko finally shouted, causing Seven to open her eyes and jump from the unexpected voice.


Seven looks around, only to look at Reiko. She was smiling because she was able to finally wake up Seven.

"You overslept."

"I- …. OVERSLEPT?!" Seven shouted, in disbelief.


Seven would jump out of bed as she ran off to get ready for her mission. She had forgotten to rest. Reiko walked out of the room as she approached the kitchen and began cooking.

As Seven brushed her hair, she could smell the scent of ramen from the kitchen as she now wondered what was there to eat. Seven rushed towards the kitchen as she saw two bowls of ramen on the table.

"Ah, you're ready. Come and eat before you take your leave."

Seven would take a seat as Reiko did the same. As Seven picked up the chopsticks, she quickly began eating. Meanwhile Reiko was comically confused, only to pick up her chopsticks and slowly eat in an elegant manner. Seven would soon look at Reiko as she swallowed a handful of ramen and placed the chopsticks on top of the bowl.

"Hey, Reiko?"


"Why aren't you coming with me to the Path to Dust?"

"My duty isn't to guide you, and your mission is not to survive the Path to Dust. But my duty is to protect you and this village as your mission is to fight your RTO effects and control it, to continue your journey."

"I see… but did you really have to be specific about it?"

"Technically, yes and no. You are a young child after all Seven. If I weren't specific, you'd think the words that came out of my mouth were false and you wouldn't understand. I try to be as specific as possible, so you would understand the advice I have given you."

"Understood… but Reiko!"


"I promise you. I promise to you that I will come back safe and sound!"

". . ."

The room went silent. But the expressions on Seven's face were different. Confidence can be seen. Happiness can be seen. But not fear. It seemed like fear had been erased from Seven. But that emotion of fear and surprise had spread to Reiko. Her eyes slightly widened in surprise. Wanting Seven to repeat, but she stayed quiet…

. . .

"Mother!" a young voice shouted.

As the sun was setting, the clouds were slowly moving. But the beautiful colors of the sky were impossible to look away from. But there, the dandelion fields. Some of the dandelions were flowing with the soft wind. Meanwhile the sound of footsteps on the grass were heard.

"Mother look, look!" the young voice continued.

A tall figure turned. A woman, long dark blue hair, white eyes, as noticeable as the sun and moon, but as pretty as the bright stars. Her traditional clothing was white and teal. Almost noticeable for everyone if the woman approached them. The woman was carrying an umbrella, shade from the sun. She turned to face a younger version of herself.

"Yes Reiko?" the woman replied.

The young 6 year old Reiko pulled out an iris flower behind her back. The young Reiko smiled as her mother did the same.

"I found a pretty iris!"

Reiko's mother had gently picked up the iris as she carefully smelled the scent of the iris. A few seconds later, Reiko's mother smiled at Reiko as she held onto Reiko's hand and walked inside the shrine.

"Come on, let's put this flower in a special vase!"

Reiko's mother led Reiko to a room as her mother grabbed a small empty vase. Filled it halfway with water, and placed the iris in the vase. Reiko's mother slid the vase to the spot with the most sunlight in the room.

"There we go. Now it's a part of this house, and it won't be alone anymore!"

"But mother, what about father?"

"Your father has passed away, Reiko. But do not feel grief. Mother is here to take care of you and this village. But mother promises that mother will come back safe and sound."



. . .

"Hey Seven." Reiko slightly stuttered in a calm tone.

"Huh?" Seven looked at Reiko.

"Let me tell you something." Reiko continued.

Seven would stop eating as she stared at Reiko, giving all her attention to her. Reiko would take a deep breath before exhaling. She was already debating whether to tell Seven more about herself or not. But knowing that the words Seven had promised, was just like the promise Reiko's mother had made. But sadly, Reiko's mother wasn't able to keep the promise. Reiko would shortly begin to think. Thinking of all of those friends and family she had lost during her life.

"When I was a young girl, I gave a pretty iris to my mother. She loved the iris since we barely found any other flowers from the dandelion field. The dandelion field is still here in the village, but it's now just full of flowers instead of plain dandelions. My mother placed the iris in a pretty vase and into the sun where it was still able to live. But just right after, she was killed by people who robbed our home."

"Wait, the story you're telling me is true?"


"I.. I see."

"All I am asking you to do… is keep that promise for me, please."

Seven would look at Reiko with worry, she didn't realize that Reiko had lost her mother just right after a promise. The karma Reiko had gotten was like a curse. A curse to kill everyone who made a promise with her.

Seven blinked before she decided to make the choice of risking it and keeping the promise.

"I will."

. . .

Seven picked up her small black backpack Reiko had given her. Though there was less weight but Seven was never allowed to check what was inside the bag. She was only allowed to look inside if it was an emergency. Seven didn't want to complain, so she followed along with whatever Reiko had told her.

As she walked outside of the shrine, the sun was already setting at a slow paste. Yet, Seven saw a bright white portal with a black colored aura surrounding it.

"That's the realm to Dust?" Seven asked.

"Yep. Just walk right in." Reiko replied with a straight tone.

Seven's expression was full of mixed emotions. Was she joking? Was Reiko being serious?

"Both." Reiko answered.

"O-Oh… I see." Seven stuttered.

Seven would soon approach the portal. But as she approached the portal, she could hear the dark quiet screams and cries that sounded like human beings. Seven could slightly feel the dark aura attempt to reach her skin, but it couldn't because the dark aura was afraid of Seven.

Without hesitation, Seven hopped into the portal as she was sent to the Path to Dust. She had no idea what she was facing, but the only thing she was thinking about was to keep Reiko's promise and come back alive.

As Seven appeared in the Path to Dust, she saw how different the realm was. Everything in the realm was just black and white, but it wasn't able to affect Seven's colors as she remained the same colors she had. Except that her colors would be considered a prey to the creatures she was soon going to face.

Seven could still hear the quiet cries and screams around the realm. But Seven tried hard to resist falling for it. When Seven entered the Realm, she knew no human being could survive the realm within a second.

Seven took a few steps forward. Yet her footsteps were silent. But soon, Seven could hear a slight sharp ringing in her ear. As soon as she turned around, she quickly moved to the side as a large but long black and white creature zoomed past her.


The creature would turn around as it knew it missed Seven, yet attempted to catch her again. After all, Seven's colors had exposed herself as prey. Seven would begin to run, knowing that the creature won't stop until it gets her.

The creature was quickly catching up to Seven, but Seven had quickly ducked. Face Planting onto the sand. The creature had once missed again. Seven stood up and soon launched herself into the sky, attempting to get away from the creature. Yet the creature only caught up with Seven, opening it's mouth.

Seven landed just right on the creature's lip, but the effect on the creature broke it's entire jaw when Seven kicked the creature's mouth shut. She soon hopped off of the creature as she landed on the ground on her feet before she continued to run.

I can't lose this creature! Even if it bleeds, it'll continue to chase me! She thought.

The creature was slowly catching up to Seven, which only made Seven full of doubts that even she would make it out alive…


The creature fell as it was sliced in half. Seven would stop running, but she moved out of the way so she wouldn't be crushed by the creature. As the creature fell, a figure sheathed their blade into the case. A girl, pale skin, long red hair that her hair had to be held in a ponytail, and her golden eyes. She was about 5'9 feet tall with a slim body. Except that her colors were blocked by the realms effect. Only allowing Seven to see black and white on the girl.

"Quick, follow me!" she yelled at Seven.

Seven would look at the girl as the girl had quickly run off into the dust that was being blown away. She quickly followed the girl as Seven was led to a cave. It had seemed like the girl had completely ignored the fact Seven was just behind her. But due to Seven's confusion, the girl had no choice but to start a conversation with Seven.

"Why are you here. Do you realize you're not supposed to be here?"

"I was sent here to claim the blade of Dust."

"The blade of Dus- wait a minute… but the blade of Dust-!"


"The blade of Dust is the key to this realm. If you take it, you'll possibly kill all of us!"

"Who's us?"

"Me and the creatures."

"You and the creatures? Just what are you, a rip off of Azura?"


"Oh uhm. Nothing, nevermind that."

Seven would observe the place. The white colored fireplace was the only light in the cave. Though, there was little furniture but it'd take effort to even lay on one of them. There was truly nothing that was different. The only thing that was different was the colors. The realm was really just black and white.

The girl turned around, facing Seven as it paused their awkward walk.

"Let me answer your question for you. My name is Ember. I'm the realm's guardian, and you aren't supposed to be here." Ember said in a sarcastic tone.

"You're the guardian? You killed your own species." Seven replied.

"It was sarcasm…" Ember mumbled.

Seven would blink, as she didn't know what sarcasm meant or even was. Yet, Ember rolled her eyes, giving a silent blunt reply.

"You don't belong here. So you might as well leave." Ember continued.

Seven stared at Ember. She could see the cold personality from Ember, even if it was sarcasm. She wouldn't tolerate that, knowing that she had kept a promise to Reiko. Returning back home with the blade.

Seven's stare slowly became more cold. But soon, her stare gave off an extremely menacing stare. Causing Ember to have chills down her spine.

Who the heck does she think she is?! Ember thought.

"Make me." Seven finally replied.

Ember's anger slowly rose as Ember pulled her polearm out. Ember attempted to scare Seven away by warning her, but failed. Seven's aura appeared, back firing the attempt.

As Seven slowly approached Ember, her steps shook the entire cave. Ember stepped back in a feared way. She wasn't sure what Seven could do, but she may as well see it now.

As Seven got closer, she paused. Seven was still looking at Ember with her menacing stare. But she remained calm. The cave continued to shake, only to soon be silent. Ember was confused. But when she blinked, Seven had disappeared. In surprise, Ember looked around. She looked all over the cave in such a rush as she soon checked the openings of the cave. As soon as Ember made it, she saw Seven leaving the cave in such a calm expression.

Ember knew Seven was annoyed by Ember's personality, but Ember had no choice. She attempted to kick Seven out for her safety, but all Seven wanted to do was run towards the dangers of the realm and suck it up if she got harmed. But due to Ember's careless emotion, she didn't bother chasing after Seven.

"Stupid child. She'll get herself killed…" Ember mumbled.


. . .

Seven continued to walk in the sand. She could see the creatures flying in the sky, but they never noticed her. But as Seven continued walking, another creature attempted to eat her. Only for Seven to catch it's mouth and slightly gripping onto it, only to instantly kill the creature.

Seven threw the creature away, but she saw something glowing in the distance. Due to her curiosity, Seven quickly approached it. As she approached it, she could see a large dark empire. It was abandoned and empty, but the glowing white colored aura was inside of the empire.

Seven soon decided to walk inside. As she did, she could feel how cold and dark the empire was on the inside compared to the outside. As Seven explored, she could hear the quiet sound of a female's voice, humming. Thinking she wasn't alone, she approached the quiet hum.

Seven entered a room where white table cloth was covering the furniture. But now, Seven could hear a violin, quietly playing along with the humming. Being it's accompanist. As Seven explored the room, she saw a small child. Though, it wasn't human… It was a ghost.

"Who are you-?" Seven asked.