
Resident Evil: They Want More Than Flesh

Umbrella had a secret experiment, one that never came to public, leaded by Joseph Irons, research leader and son of RPD Chief of Police, Brian Irons. After Brian's death, the RPD and the STARS members had a lead on the experiment, but once they got there, they would soon find out on why the whole thing should stay as a secret.

theStache · Derivados de juegos
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Red Dress (Ada & Wesker)

Close to the mansion, there was now an abandoned bar, filled with glass shards in the ground, broken tables, chairs, blood and dead corpses. On the second floor there was a balcony, an open area with more tables and chairs, it wasn't so bad up there but still messy, the chairs were scattered around with upside down tables. Out of nowhere, a hook attached to the balcony, the noise of rope being pulled was heard and once it stopped, Ada Wong appeared mid air carrying her hookshot.

She landed with her high heels with extreme grace on that wooden floor, no difficulty at all for a skillful spy as she proved to be. At that point everyone believed she died at Raccoon, especially if someone asked Leon, but of course it was not the case, she was there in France, with her usual red dress and black stockings, having no shame in looking sexy while doing work.

The first thing she did was to look up the mansion in front of her, the big and flashy mansion in the distance where she had intel that an Umbrella experiment was taking place thanks to his employee, a man that many would consider mysterious and saw great potential in Ada.

Only one man knew she was still alive, someone that also everyone thought died in Raccoon, but his case was different, if Ada still had some bruises and scars from Raccoon, this man didn't, in fact, he had other things that made him have more similarities with those monsters than he would like to admit.

— I have arrived. — Ada said while touching her ear piece to communicate directly to her employee, taking a few steps to the edge of the balcony, getting distracted by how that mansion looked familiar and also listening to more briefing for the place and the mission objectives.

While she was looking at the mansion, one zombie that was sitting on the corner of the balcony got up, he limped towards her direction, his flesh was rotten, he could barely move, he was really slow and one of the reasons Ada couldn't hear or notice anything behind her, but he was still coming, with both his hands up, white eyes and peeled off flesh from the fingers.

The color of his eyes meant only one thing, this particular zombie had a lot of victims, the way Irons intended to, maybe he was one cum away from degrading completely, since his jaw was also quite loose, one punch would take it off, but his way of attacking wasn't with teeth.

When the zombie was just a couple of steps from Ada, he started to drool realizing he had another victim right in front of him, his cock got hard in a matter of seconds, his pants were already ripped to shreds, his cock was exposed through one of the holes of the pants, surprisingly it was the only body part that was reasonable intact, if you ignore the pale dick and the purple veins all over that is. Being so horny, some grunts escaped from his barely functioning mouth, that was enough to catch Ada's attention, but it was too late, he was already too close.

He grabbed Ada's hair with a handful, immobilizing her against the balcony, she even jumped a little from the sudden scare, grunting and gritting her teeth, trying to push away that monster the grip he had but to no use, even at that state, these perverted zombies still had a unbelievable amount of strength, Ada was feeling first hand. She assumed it was a normal zombie and she was about to get bitten, so she pleaded, basically to herself.

— N-no, no.... — Even though she was already expecting the worst, she was still resisting, going for her gun in the holster but unfortunately for her, the zombie was quick on pressing her against the edge of the balcony, he almost threw her off from up there, but he was quick on pulling her hair to him, which made Ada's body now press the zombie flesh, Ada lower back was crumpling the zombie cock against his body, or at least what remained of it.

At that point Ada got even more desperate trying to break hold of the zombie, but he was overwhelming her, he pushed her hair strands to a point Ada had to scream in pain, a very sharp scream while opening her whole mouth.

After that, the zombie put his mouth closer to Ada's neck, she build up courage to look at the monster with the corner of her eye, again, it looked like a normal zombie, but it was strong, no matter how much she squirmed, he didn't budge, Ada expected the neck bite, she survived Raccoon just to get bit by a random zombie in the middle of nowhere, at that point she stopped trying to resist and just closed her eyes, accepting her fate.

Instead, the zombie looked down to see her cleavage on that red dress, the boobs smashing to each other with all that movement, it made the zombie crazy, to a point he started to grunt even more, louder, his cock throbbed by that view, while Ada decided to open her eyes to look at the creature one more time, completely disgusted but more confused than anything, she even whispered.

— What...? Why didn't you...

She looked down to see what was grabbing the zombie attention, quite clearly her boobs, she was even more confused, although the big volume rubbing in her back would give her the answer, but she didn't want to believe it until the zombie decided to bring his other hand to the dress strap on Ada's shoulder, he gave a big push and the fabric ripped, enough to make Ada scream in pain and now complete terror.

— AAAAH! What is happening, what is happening!?

She kept repeating the same phrase, Ada was so scared she couldn't hold some tears from her eyes that came out unsolicited , her skin got more exposed, the black bra was fully exposed on one side, while the other side still had the dress covering it. The zombie was about to drool in right in the middle of those tits.

After what felt like hours for Ada, a gun noise happened in that balcony, a bullet entered the zombie skull to come out at his forehead, immediately, all that grunting and strength died with the monster, finally Ada was able to shove that thing off her easily, just a push to the side and the zombie collapsed to the floor, Ada took a bunch of steps backwards, looking at the monster while heavily breathing nonstop, not even what she saw at Raccoon was that traumatic.

— Remarkable, Ada.

The thick voice came from the same direction of the gunshot, Ada was so jumpy that she pulled out her gun and shot in the direction of the voice, the man with black glasses and slicked back blonde hair just turned his head a tad bit to the opposite direction of the bullet, still, the bullet scratched the side of his face making a drop of blood appear. Ada immediately knew who it was, the man who hired her.

— Shit! Wesker... I'm so sorry, I'm... — Ada was embarrassed by her obvious mistake, putting her hand on her forehead feeling completely stressed out.

Wesker chuckled with his mouth shut, completely amazed by what he had just seen while still pointing his Samurai Edge in the direction he shot.

— There's no need for it. It was already a pleasure to see the mighty Ada Wong being so... irrational. — He kept chuckling while lowering his gun.

Ada wasn't in the mood for those types of teases, so she changed her expression to an angry one, staring right at Wesker.

— These things are new, aren't they?

— Yes. This is Iron's boy work, I'm sure it makes sense for you now. We need to get to his lab, get the data.

Wesker was right, Ada connected the dots when he said it was Irons project, it had to be him, still didn't take the annoyed look on her face, she even sighed for a moment and agreed with him.

— You're right, let's just get it over with.

— Hmm, are you sure? Are you going to be fine with that new outfit of yours? — Wesker knew the pros of using black glasses at all times, eyeing stuff when people for most of the time didn't notice him doing it. That time though it was Ada's bra and her boobs, the dress now had only one strap, one side covered while the other one exposed.

— I'll manage. — Ada then took the hookshot from the holster and got out of there in a hurry into another building closer to the mansion, probably ashamed and without patience to endure much of anything, meanwhile Wesker just stood still watching her go, emotionless, as always.

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