
Resident Evil: They Want More Than Flesh

Umbrella had a secret experiment, one that never came to public, leaded by Joseph Irons, research leader and son of RPD Chief of Police, Brian Irons. After Brian's death, the RPD and the STARS members had a lead on the experiment, but once they got there, they would soon find out on why the whole thing should stay as a secret.

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Irons Report #001 - Project Pleasure

March. 25, 1998

1998. Umbrella was the biggest company in the world, huge influence in politics, governments, everything. I was one of the higher ups from the company thanks to my dad, Brian Irons, and my facility in Europe was up and running finally after a long time, probably because of how low priority it was, my father's pet project.

While dad was scheming and raising his power in Raccoon alongside with Umbrella being the chief of the police, he contacted me through intermediaries, wanting to know if I had everything that I wanted, resources, money, equipment, anything that I asked, he made sure I got it from the right contacts.

He made sure Umbrella gave me a private facility for my testing, he had big hopes for me and my big brain as he would say, since the first days of the company everyone would suck up to Birkin, Wesker and me, Joseph, his son. But dad being the influential figure he is, made sure I wasn't involved directly in the bio weapons department, no, he had much more sick and demented plans for me, even though it was silly and a waste time, I would be lying if it didn't interested me.

The facility was on France, in a mansion very similar to Spencer's mansion, after seeing the design before I left Raccoon, I wanted the same thing, even got a friend of that guy George Trevor to do it, in the underground there was my lab, the mansion and lab were much smaller and humble than any of those narcissist views from Spencer, it was in a residential area from a small town in France, not secluded or in the middle of the forest, nothing like that, dad promised me it wouldn't be a big deal, since most of the town would work for Umbrella in some capacity, almost like an private city in a way.

Everyone knew my dad was a big pervert, he loved having his way with secretaries, female officers and even powerful people like politics daughters and such, time passed by and he got worse, killing his victims after having his fun, the whole taxidermy hobby kinda got outta of control, but I never said anything, I was too busy here, working on this project. Speaking about the project, it had everything to do with dad's creepiness.

April. 1 - April 10, 1998

I tested the T-Virus with sexual enhancing drugs, my father wanted something that could make him last an entire day while giving him superhuman strength, something along the lines of what Umbrella was really testing with the T-Virus, a bioweapon. He wanted to be a weapon of sex, his actual words.

During my testing, I needed guinea pigs, that's when my dad came to play, making sure some guinea pigs were sended to France rather than other facilities, men and women were needed, each had a role to play. The men would take the enhanced T-Virus pill while the women took Rohypnol, to both genders it was explained that it was a experimental drug that could take away any chronic pain you had in your life, of course that caught the eye of a lot of people, desperate to do anything for a better health, Umbrella did the same thing around the world for several tests like these, always with a new drug that would be life changing.

After they took the pill, both of them would pass out, they were instructed beforehand it was a normal side effect and everyone would be taken care of, it was on the terms of contract when they signed, an obvious lie which they realized once they woke up. The male and female would be locked together in a big armored glass cell in the main lab, being watched by several Umbrella researchers, workers and me. When they woke up it was the same old thing as always, screaming, asking for help, asking what was going on and giving death threats to all of us once they got out of there.

It didn't take long for the drug to start to act up in the male, making him choke and contort his whole body, not being able to breathe while the female acted scared, some of them cried, some of them asked for help while banging on the glass, trying to break it even, but always to no success. Then the male would pass out, his eyes wide open and his mouth dripping blood right after he fell to the ground, a very unfortunate side effect, surely dad would not want something this extreme, but still, it would work.

The male would rise up after a while, his eyes completely white, moaning and groaning while one hundred percent of the times, he would immediately turn his attention to the female alongside with him in the cell, one of the best parts indeed, the sheer desperation and fear on all those women always made me hard, a true Irons, that's what my dad said to me when I was doing all that testing, he would ask me to send detailed reports as well, feeding my own dad with his fetish and also mine, to be quite honest.

Once the male grabbed the female on that cell, the results were always the same, the male had an uncontrollable urge to fuck the subject, he even had the consciousness to take off his pants before doing so, revealing an erect and white-ish cock, again another side effect, the person which had taken the pill would lost his skin coloration in a matter of seconds, looking like indeed a dead body, except for the purple veins popping out all over the body, the dick wasn't an exception.

All that remained was to jump at the female subject and have his way with her, the girls had no chance to avoid it, the pill made the subjects stronger just like dad had asked, it wasn't any superhuman from the tests we saw, but still, an weaker man would get much stronger and a already strong one, well, it would probably take five to six people to take him off from someone's body.

Once the subject reached his climax, skin, hair, every type of cell would start to die in his body becoming more rotten, like he was mutating or changing his form to a more grotesque one, like a classical zombie from the movies, quite curious. They also liked to eat their own flesh once that happened, not wanting any from the alive human being alongside him, only male meat but not female meat? Fascinating, dad would be proud, he wouldn't have any use for dead eaten girls.

May. 30 - September 15. 1998

The problem was that the project was failing. The virus killed the subject, made him into a horny monster, the desired result was only enhanced the male to have a better performance, invigorated, stronger, no matter the age, especially considering dad was getting up there and not with the best physique.

Another fascinating discovery after months of having that lab being a huge undead orgy was that the women were getting attached to the monsters, the first time was always rough, but after a while they wanted to fuck them, almost begged for it, thing is the zombies were getting weaker and weaker, rotting more and more after cumming to a point their cocks would not be functional anymore, the girls on the other hand looked hypersexualized, was this a side effect from the infected sperm or what? Instead of turning into creatures as well? I had to do more testing.

Many months passed and the research kept me fascinated, from a horny fetish desire it became my life's work, I would spend my whole days in the lab, the workers and employees would start to worry, but I didn't give a damn, they could've all that big ass mansion from themselves for all I care at that point. Even though I was obsessed by that research, there was still answers I wanted to know, like what would happen if a human decided to have sex with those infected women? Were they actually infected? Would I turn into a creature if I fucked one? Who knows.

During all that time I had a private room on my office, with monitors that had live feed from cameras in all the cells, I started fantasizing about it, it felt like those women knew I was watching them, touching themselves while looking at the lens, banging their bodies against the glass cells and masturbating, a lot of masturbation, especially when all of the male subjects were nothing but rotten bones in a corner of the cell at that point, they fucked them to their real deaths.

Sometimes I would join them stroking my dick while watching the monitors, my special little specimens, but still I didn't have the courage to go there and do it for real, maybe I could use someone from the lab...

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