
Requiem Of The Dawn

As the centuries passed, the world that was once peaceful and harmonious was now filled with anxiety and terror. If in the past people could sleep leisurely, today they have to protect themselves from blood-sucking beasts. Seeing that scene, Heaven couldn't take it anymore and ordered the angels to come down to earth to exterminate the vampires.

smilingstar_01 · Fantasía
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1 Chs


The atmosphere is spooky. Shouts of terror and cries for help echo through the bloody moonlight. Dogs howl as the blood-sucking beasts wreak havoc on the city. Inside the houses lay pale corpses with bite marks on its neck.

It's been a month since this disaster happened. At first, the vampires only drank the blood of animals, but when they got tired of it, they started attacking humans. They kill their prey to avoid attracting the attention of many when it acts alone on a street corner.

But recently they have become more and more aggressive. Human blood thirsts them even more. Unlike animal blood, it does not taste as good as human blood. It has a mellow taste, and unlike human blood, it has a light scent and a sweet scent like roses, making it an addictive taste.

Not worrying about being caught or killed by the police patrolling the capital, they boldly attack their victim in public. They leave traces everywhere for every crime they commit. Faced with this terrifying spectacle, Heaven fears that one day the world will be filled with sinful, blood-sucking monsters instead of humans. Some clenched their teeth, others clenched their hands into fists.

"I have an order from the Lord," says a middle-aged man in white. The expression in his eyes tightened. "You are coming down to earth to exterminate this monster. Kill everyone until there are none left."

After giving the command, a rain of white feathers descends, the angels disappear into the air, and the middle-aged man rises to watch the terrible happenings on earth with eyes of anxiety and concern.

The woman's face expresses fear and terror. Her eyes can't focus on one spot and she's constantly wandering around the room. She holds her daughter tight, and protects her from imminent danger that may come at any moment or tomorrow night. Her husband, meanwhile, holds the gun tight with his trembling hands and intends to shoot anyone who steps out the door and tries to harm her family.

The glass window in their room was broken. The three inside were startled by the sudden noise and suddenly turned to face the broken glass. A few seconds later, a pale, young-looking man appeared, staring at them with his scarlet eyes. Its fangs are sharp as blades and long as claws.

"Mom, I'm scared," said the girl, hugging her mother tightly and burying her face in her stomach. Her mother was trembling in fear, but she still wrapped her arms around her daughter's little body almost impenetrably. They sit at the bedside whilst closing their eyes tightly.

"Stay away from us!" cries the father. He pointed his gun at the vampire who entered the room. Sweating and trembling with fear, he hangs over her family.

The vampire approaches step by step, licking its sharp fangs with its blood-soaked tongue. His steps ooze hostility and murderous intention.

When he is only centimeters away from them, he charges at them with a sinister grin. His fangs grow as well as his claws. But instead of catching the human in front of him, he was pushed back very hard.

The wall breaks on impact. He sat for a moment, then looked up at the person who had just pushed him so hard. He sneered as he saw the man in white staring blankly at him. "What a pain," he mumbles to himself.

Before the vampire could touch the flesh in front of him, a hand slammed into his chest, and the monster flew inches away. A tall, stout body in white clothes appears in front of the family. His father tried to shoot him, but the gun failed.

The young man held a silver sword in his hand. At the center of the blade was a curse carved into it. He flew like an angel and descended like a feather to the ground. A helpless father instinctively protects his family from them while remaining vigilant.

A gentleman's steps are different from a vampire's step. It speak powerfully and softly. On his head, near his earlobes, he has white feathers attached to his hair, with gray cross-shaped earrings.

The vampire laughed at him, not afraid of being killed instantly. "Hmm. You're acting boldly and powerfully like you're the most feared creature on earth," he said. In response, he hears nothing but silence. He laughs hysterically.

He narrowed his eyes in disgust at the person in front of him. His hands are clenched into fists, his claws digging into his flesh. With a quick movement he was already in front of him, but the young man did not move an inch.

The vampires viciously attack him, but the taller of the two gets a few seconds ahead and manage to avoid the attack. The blood-sucking monster tries to hit him with the other hand, but the man in white defends himself.

He manages to defend himself, but the vampires are strong enough to set the angel back a little. However, it didn't hurt him, not even a little bit.

The angel looked at the family, trembling with fear, hugging each other. His gaze returned to the animal in front of him. The vampire noticed this and smiled condescendingly. "Are you worried about them?" he asks.

A vampire attacks them. "Mother!" cries the little girl. Her father hugs his wife and daughter tightly. The angel immediately went to save them. He drew his sword and brandished it between the vampire and the man.

Unfortunately, the vampire saw his attack and suddenly withdraw his hand before slashing him with his sword. The gentleman stood firm in front of the family and ordered them to leave. "Go away. It's dangerous here. Find a place to hide."

The three people behind him hurriedly left the room together with the lead of the head of the family. "You are very kind. Of course, you are. You're an angel after all," said the vampire sarcastically. "What am I even saying?" he laughed whilst putting his palms on his head.

He sighed. "Do you think you're fair? Do you think you're all right just because you saved people?" The smile faded from his face. "What joke."

The vampire stares out. It's already dawn. The sun will rise at any moment and bring light to this dark side of the earth. And they will all hide again to avoid the nasty sun that can kill them.

"You came here to protect these naive people and kill us, didn't you?" He turned to look at the angel. "Or did you come here to take revenge on your brother I killed ten years ago?"

The gentleman flinched. His grip on the sword became stronger. His eyes fill with anger when he talks about his brother. The vampire laughed at his reaction. "Well, I am right, " he said. "Do you want to know why your brother died? Because he is naive and weak. Pathetic, right?"

Shortly after he spoke, a sharp knife pierced his chest. He stared at the sword, then at him. He chuckled. "Remember, love will kill you, just like your brother."

After saying those words, he slowly turned to ash and vanish in the air. Now that he had gotten his long-desired revenge, he left his anger, regret, and loneliness behind at dawn. And as the sun begins to spread its light on the horizon, a new life awaits him as he steps towards a new beginning.