
Requiem of Flames

In "Requiem of Flames," follow Umar's journey from an ambitious student to an immortal ruler of Hell, gifted with unimaginable powers by Death himself. As he battles demons and navigates the complexities of power, a fiery phoenix named Blaze becomes his unwavering guide. Amidst dark secrets and unexpected alliances, Umar must wield his newfound abilities to prevent a catastrophic clash between the realms. Will he embrace his destiny or be consumed by the flames? A thrilling tale of redemption, love, and the perils of ultimate power.

Muhammad_Umar_7341 · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Pact with Death

The rain poured relentlessly, drenching the dark alley where Umar found himself. The cold wind cut through his clothes, mirroring the chill in his heart. He had always been a diligent and driven young man, with dreams of greatness fueling his ambition. Raised in a modest household, he was the beacon of hope for his family, the one they believed would rise above their humble beginnings. But now, as he stared at the rejection letter clutched tightly in his trembling hand, his dreams seemed to crumble like sand slipping through his fingers.

Academic excellence had always been his refuge, a path he could rely on to secure a better future for himself and his family. But financial hardships had plagued them for years, and Umar's relentless pursuit of success felt futile against the weight of their debts. His parents had sacrificed so much to put him through school, and now, it seemed like he was letting them down.

He had no other strong suits besides his academic prowess, Umar always felt like he is going to be left alone in this world. Having a social interaction or being a part of friend circle was something he found he could never do. All his attempts of making friends or trying to be a part of something blew up in his face. He would always end by humiliating himself in front of others and making more enemies than friends with them.

One such example was Malik, a student from the same school Umar was. Umar once tried to start a friendship with him but somehow ended up unknowingly humiliating Malik by showing off his knowledge in front of him and his friends.

Consumed by envy and disdain for Umar's academic prowess, Malik sought to humiliate and break him. He devised a malevolent plan to ensure his own triumph over Umar. Under the guise of friendship, Malik had presented Umar with what seemed like a golden opportunity – a scholarship that would ease the financial burden on his family. Umar, ever diligent and trusting, had eagerly grasped the lifeline offered to him.

But the scholarship was a ruse, a trap carefully laid by Malik and his sinister allies. Umar had unknowingly walked into a web of deceit. He held a letter in his hand mentioning a scholarship to study in one of the prestigious schools of the country. It was unbelievable but it was hope and, in his situation, Umar could never give up on hope at all. On the letter there was also an address, for an interview.

Umar decided to give this opportunity a try and thought its no loss if goes for the interview. He prepared in advance to overcome his nervousness. On the mentioned day he arrived at the place proper dressed and all serious ready for an interview that would change his life for good finally.

As he entered the building, he met a receptionist that guided him towards an office on an upper floor. Umar entered the office with a glimmer of hope in his eyes, eager to seize the chance that destiny had seemingly offered him. Little did he know that this was all part of Malik's sinister scheme.

Inside the office, Malik sat behind a luxurious desk, his sinister grin barely concealed. Umar's heart sank as he noticed a group of his supposed friends gathered around, including some who had always been envious of his achievements. His intuition told him that something was amiss, but he suppressed his doubts, hoping this opportunity would prove to be genuine.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here," Malik sneered, his tone laced with condescension. "Umar, the prodigy from the slums, trying to break free from his pitiful existence."

Umar felt a surge of anger rising within him, but he kept his composure. "I'm here for the interview," he replied calmly.

"Oh, the interview," Malik laughed mockingly. "Did you really think you stood a chance? A lowly boy from the streets, competing with the elite? How laughable!"

His so-called friends chuckled along, encouraged by Malik's taunts. Umar's heart ached with betrayal, realizing that these people were never truly his friends.

"You know," Malik continued, leaning back in his chair, "I can't fathom how you even thought you could afford a prestigious education. Your family's debts and struggles are the talk of the town. And now you want to sit among the privileged? It's embarrassing!"

Umar's fists clenched at his sides, but he refused to let Malik's words break him. "I have a right to dream and aspire to a better life," he retorted, his voice steady.

"Right? Right?" Malik laughed, his eyes blazing with malice. "You have no right to anything. You're nothing but a pawn in our little game."

Umar's friends, enticed by Malik's confidence, began to join in the mockery, hurling insults and cruel jokes at him. The weight of humiliation bore down on Umar, but he held his head high, refusing to let them see him falter.

"You think you're special?" one of his former friends jeered. "The only thing special about you is how easy it is to fool you."

The room echoed with laughter, and Umar's heart sank even further. He felt exposed and vulnerable, realizing that he had been led into this trap like a lamb to the slaughter.

As the barrage of insults and taunts continued, Umar's anger began to transform into determination. He would not let them crush his spirit. He knew he was worth more than their petty games and cruelty. With a steely resolve, he turned on his heels, ready to leave that den of deception.

But soon as he took the first step Malik stepped in front of him blocking his path, "where do you think you are going buddy?"

Umar tried to push him away but Malik pushed him back with all his might. Umar was not ready to dodge or absorb the blow, his feet slipped and he fell with his head hitting the corner of a counter with a loud noise. Blood instantly started pouring, Malik instantly realized what happened and tried to stop the bleeding while calling for help but it was no good. Umar felt his eyes closing and the world going dark and bright all at the same time.

Just as he thought his life would flicker out like a dying flame, he found himself in an otherworldly space, suspended between life and death. The transition was disorienting, and he struggled to comprehend what was happening.

As the shadows of the otherworldly realm danced around him, Umar's senses were overwhelmed by the surreal experience. He felt weightless, as though his very existence was suspended in a void between the realms of the living and the dead. The air was thick with an otherworldly energy, a palpable sense of power that seemed to emanate from the very core of this mysterious place.

Before him stood Death, the embodiment of the eternal unknown. The cloak of darkness billowed around the figure, concealing its true form and leaving only the faintest glimpses of skeletal hands and a glimmer of cold, penetrating eyes. An ancient aura of wisdom and timelessness seemed to radiate from the being, making it seem both familiar and incomprehensible at the same time.

In this ethereal space, the concept of time itself seemed to bend and twist, leaving Umar in a state of bewildering disorientation. Seconds felt like hours, and yet, it was as though an eternity passed in mere moments. The silence that enveloped them was unlike any silence he had ever known. It was the silence of a thousand whispered secrets and untold histories.

As he gazed into the abyss of Death's hood, he felt a mix of emotions swirling within him. Fear clutched at his heart, the fear of the unknown and the uncertainty of what awaited him beyond this moment. But alongside fear, an inexplicable sense of curiosity tugged at his soul. He had always been a seeker of knowledge, and now, faced with the enigmatic presence of Death, he hungered to understand the secrets of existence.

"Umar," Death's voice reverberated, carrying the weight of the countless souls it had claimed, "I have watched you struggle, witnessed your unwavering dedication. Your potential is remarkable, and I can offer you a new destiny – one of immortality and powers beyond your wildest dreams."

Umar's heart pounded in his chest. Immortality? Powers beyond imagination? It was an offer that both terrified and intrigued him. His mind raced with questions. What would become of his family? Could he leave them behind to embark on an unknown journey?

"Such power comes with great responsibility," Death continued. "You would become a being with the combined abilities of a vampire, a witch, a werewolf, and a demon. With my mark, you shall gain control over hellfire and the power to manipulate minds and space itself. In exchange, I ask you to take control of Hell and prevent the hordes of demons and dead souls from unleashing on Earth and Heavens."

Visions of chaos flashed before Umar's eyes, scenes of demonic hordes ravaging the mortal realm, wreaking havoc upon innocent lives. The weight of the world seemed to rest upon his shoulders, and the enormity of the decision he faced was almost suffocating.

"What happens if I say no?" Umar asked quietly.

"I cannot ask this of you, but you are supposed to be dying should you say no you will have to accept the fate that being death." Death's voice echoed with understanding, as if probing the depths of Umar's soul.

Umar's resolve wavered, but a glimmer of something deeper stirred within him. He thought of his family, their struggles, and the rival who had wronged him. He had tasted the bitterness of defeat, and the desire for revenge surged through his veins. But beneath that desire was a yearning for purpose – to make a difference, to be more than just another forgotten soul.

"I... I accept," Umar finally spoke, his voice steady but laden with uncertainty.

The pact was sealed, and in an instant, Umar felt an exhilarating surge of power coursing through his veins. He had become immortal, a being chosen to wield the elements of darkness and fire, with the responsibility of ruling Hell placed upon him.

As the transformation settled, Umar was startled by a mesmerizing sight before him. From the depths of Death's cloak emerged a fiery phoenix, its feathers ablaze with vibrant hues brighter than the sun itself. It took a human form, needless to say that being was magnificent in both of its forms. Its fierce eyes locked onto Umar's, and an inexplicable connection forged between them.

"This is Blaze," Death spoke, "She shall be your guide, loyal only to you."

Umar's gaze met Blaze's, and in that moment, he felt a warmth he had not known in ages. It was as if she saw into the depths of his soul, understanding his fears, desires, and insecurities. Words were unnecessary, for the bond between them transcended language.

"I understand the gravity of your decision, Umar," Blaze's voice resonated within his mind. "But fear not, for I shall stand by your side throughout this journey. We are bound together by destiny."

With newfound purpose and power, Umar stepped into the realm of the supernatural, his heart a tumultuous mix of emotions. He could not fathom the challenges that lay ahead, but he was determined to embrace his destiny as the ruler of Hell and the guardian of balance between the realms. His journey had just begun, and with Blaze at his side, he was ready to face the trials that would shape his destiny for eternity.

The rain continued to fall, but within Umar's heart, a flicker of hope ignited – a hope that the pact with Death would not be his end, but rather the beginning of an extraordinary and enthralling journey into the unknown. And as he looked into Blaze's fiery eyes, he knew that he would never be alone in this new world of immortal powers and supernatural wonders. The fiery phoenix had chosen him, and with her guidance, he would walk a path few mortals had ever tread.